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DayZ dreams, anyone?

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Ive been playing DayZ, watching gameplay videos and thinking about DayZ a lot lately and for couple of nights I had some pretty freaky DayZ inspired dreams. Does anyone else have that too? Its kind of cool to "live" the game in a dream, but it can also make you scream pretty loudly and freak out your gf/wife in the middle of the night :D

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I had a dream... a wonderful dream.... the hackers had perished and the bugs were gone! Mountain Dew for everyone!

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I had a dream... a wonderful dream.... the hackers had perished and the bugs were gone! Mountain Dew for everyone!

Man, your signature is best I've seen so far! :thumbsup: :beans:

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Man, your signature is best I've seen so far! :thumbsup: :beans:

very true lol... as for op, one of the first nights after playing i woke up with a nice yell (somehow i did not wake the roommates though), and have had dreams of setting up plans with friends to loot towns and whatnot -_-

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I had a dream once

> Constructed a modest base of tents in a relatively secluded area

> Lined the perimeter with wire and sandbags (for mostly aesthetic purposes, really)

> Managed to find and repair a few vehicles, brought them to the base

> Three days passed. no hackers destroyed base by spawning a carrier on top of it

> Feelsgoodman.jpg

> Suddenly a shot rings out, explodes a can of pasta on the shelf behind me

> Ohh no, there's spaghetti on the floor

> Everybody walk the dinosaur

Then I woke up

Edited by The Sad Panda
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I had a dream once

> Constructed a modest base of tents in a relatively secluded area

> Lined the perimeter with wire and sandbags (for mostly aesthetic purposes, really)

> Managed to find and repair a few vehicles, brought them to the base

> Three days passed. no hackers destroyed base by spawning a carrier on top of it

> Feelsgoodman.jpg

> Suddenly a shot rings out, explodes a can of pasta on the shelf behind me

> Ohh no, there's spaghetti on the floor

> Everybody walk the dinosaur

Then I woke up

Sure is summer in here...

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Yes, i have. Not so much now that i have been playing it a few months, but that first week inspired some pretty intense dreams. The details escape me, but i woke up in a cold sweat a couple of times.

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Well, I've dreamt of making a DayZ movie adaptation before, and it got pretty episodic after a while. I wrote the dreams down afterwards, and I got a pretty solid film if the writing is done right. I can't remember the title, something like "The Days" or "The Days Ahead". I made up the title afterwards.

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Hello there


I did dream of Dayz last night. I was on a hill side overlooking a sprawling city (i remember thinking "gosh, thats good for the RV engine". I then shot two survivors and stole their chopper put it into auto hover 30 feet off the ground and bailed out to troll them. Looted their gear (one chap was bugged and I couldnt get his A50) and snuck off into the city, where there were a bunch of AI civilians (which I gunned down) and set up a sniping spot and killed a bunch more survivors who had AI soldiers under their command using an m4 with aimpoint and being surprised how effective it was.


Then as per dreams it started going weird including martial arts, deadly game shows and 1890's stempunk Imperial British Army and US Confederates fighting with airships and aircraft, and me having difficulties finding a holster for a looted side arm.





Edited by orlok

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I've had this one dayz dream that happened a couple times. i would be sprinting from the forest to the coast and i knew something was behind me. I could feel it closing in and i knew if  didn't abort i wouldn't make it. i kept trying and trying to abort because i felt that it was about to get me. ( Both times i successfully got away).Still creeped me out though.

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I've walked by some of the buildings and in fact entire neighborhoods from Electro in my dreams...a bit unsettling.

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