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'cdn.armafiles.com not responding'

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After patch first error DayZ Commander's users had was 'Filenames don't match expected...' error when trying to update. Devs released new version and it got fixed. But now new error showed up when trying to update, and it says 'cdn.armafiles.com not responding'. Any ideas?

p.s. sry if i missed some post with solution already.

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I'm getting that too.

Search yields no results, pretty sure this is the first thread on the issue.

Edited by zython

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Had the same issue, but then that disappeared, then I tried to update DayZ it says "error getting files". Besides this I have my own problems with getting kicked over addons not having the proper keys or whatnot (even though they're just keys from the original arma install). Haven't even stepped foot into a server yet and I've had DayZ on my computer for about 24hours.

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Getting this issue as well. It wouldn't be as annoying if DayZ Commander would actually check my local files. It still thinks I have, so I can't filter out my servers as easily.

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