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Wyatt Johnson

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9 Neutral

About Wyatt Johnson

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Livingston, Texas
  1. The concept is good but I doubt they will ever put all of these features into the game. I like it though beans to you.
  2. Wyatt Johnson

    Land Mines?

    I like the trip wire idea. I feel like the landmines would be pretty glitchy though, like being able to put them underneath concrete on the roads.
  3. Wyatt Johnson

    Hacker attack.. CLICK HERE.

    Smaller servers tend to have less hackers in them, even private hives too, but I don't play one private hives nor do I recommend them, due to admins being able to abuse as they please.
  4. Wyatt Johnson


    How about this, I'm not a hacker a duper a cheater or anything like that, but I still use tents, I use cars for storage, but that doesn't mean I'm a hacker. I do not like the hackers nor do I like the graphical bugs, but I get the fuck over them and stop bitching about all the problems with the game. If you can't wait for them to find a solution to the problem then don't deal with it. Keep to yourself and leave the game and everything and go play another game. Stop bitching you act like they can just fix shit in two seconds. People like you have no patience if you would just wait maybe another month I'm sure it'll be fixed. But Just leave the community really, if you have this low of patience then you shouldn't really even playing a game like this. Go play a game like cod if you don't want to wait for updates and everything.
  5. well, I got contact with the server owner in the server I played in and he deleted some script detectors ( the ones for #98 I assume) and now the server works fine. So yeah...
  6. Wyatt Johnson

    DAYZ- Game is broken?

    avoid larger servers, they tend to have the most hackers. that's how I avoid them anyways.
  7. Wyatt Johnson

    Cant update to

    Yes, the dayZ commander update works perfect! Thank you dotjosh, you get all mai beans :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:
  8. Wyatt Johnson

    Bicycle can have backpacks

    Then we should have gun-racks on the ATV's
  9. Wyatt Johnson

    Cant update to

    I'm downloading now, I will post results if it works or not. Thanks for the update though, you just saved me a decent amount of time :D
  10. Wyatt Johnson

    Cant update to

    ^ indeed it's extremely slow.
  11. Wyatt Johnson

    'cdn.armafiles.com not responding'

    http://i.imgur.com/xbSIq.png saw this on another thread. I don't know if it works or not, because with me it says it's downloading but at 0%
  12. Wyatt Johnson

    Cannot update to

    I've already updated it though, threw six launcher....
  13. Wyatt Johnson

    Cannot update to

    So I tried updating my Six launcher to since the server I primarily play on was updated. as I clicked update it went threw the process but now it says i'm still on and I cannot join any servers no matter what the version is, I just get stuck on a loading screen.
  14. Wyatt Johnson

    Random events

    The airdrop part, I like that idea a-lot.
  15. Was raiding the NW Airfield last night with my bud, as we were crossing the airfield the server disconnected, so we decided to call it quits for the night, as I try logging in today, i'm in the middle of nowhere just hills as far as the eye can see. Any suggestions? (I also lost all of my stuff) *EDIT* Nevermind, I got re-spawned back at prigorski with all my stuff. Thank god, had an as50 ha ha.