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I keep spawning at the coast?

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Title says it all.

I just ran zig-zag all the way up to NW airfield from Elektro, it took me about 3 hours or so scavenging all the places on my way there, and when i finally get there the fucking soldiers on the ground start glitching (no shit, fix this already?) causing me to see absolutely nothing. I run to a bush, prone in it, restart the game to get rid of the horrible glitches and when i get back on (On the SAME server) i spawned in Kamenka, WITH all my gear. So i suppose i didn't die?

A little frustrated having to walk all the way back up there but i didn't think much about it. This time i decide to just run straight for the nw airfield and skip the other stuff on the way there to make sure it takes less than 3 hours to get there, after running there again the soldiers starts glitching (NO SHIT, FIX THIS ALREADY?), i flush without any improvements and have to restart the game again to get rid of the shits, and guess what? I spawn in Kamenka again.

So i just figured maybe the designers made it so that you can't log out around NW airfield to just server-swap when scavenging for military equipment so i decided to run to Balota airfield instead cuz it's not far from Kamenka. 10-15 minutes later i'm there and you already know what happened when i got close. (NO SHIT, JUST F.. Whatever..). Flush, restart yadda yadda, back in Kamenka.

So, i just wasted like 5 hours of my life being respawned at the coast because of some glitch, and i did swap servers so it has to be the game. If my theories are somehow correct and the designers added some neat little feature to avoid people from farming Military shit; Fix the god damned glitches so you don't have to restart your fucking game everytime you get close to an military base. Can't fix the glitches already? Then temporary remove the fucking glitch-soldiers so we can play in peace.

Did anyone else encounter this shit? I'm on skype with 2 friends and it doesn't seem to happen to them

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when i finally get there the fucking soldiers on the ground start glitching (no shit, fix this already?)

This was fixed in the patch released today.

after running there again the soldiers starts glitching (NO SHIT, FIX THIS ALREADY?),

This was fixed in the patch released today.

10-15 minutes later i'm there and you already know what happened when i got close. (NO SHIT, JUST F.. Whatever..).

This was fixed in the patch released today.

Fix the god damned glitches so you don't have to restart your fucking game everytime you get close to an military base. Can't fix the glitches already? Then temporary remove the fucking glitch-soldiers so we can play in peace.

This was fixed in the patch released today.

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Me too. I keep spawning at the cost. Very nice job. Our car is right beside the airfield in a forest. The white pickup. We ran back wanted to get our car and guess what, we are back in kamenka. these patches are a joke.

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Me too. I keep spawning at the cost. Very nice job. Our car is right beside the airfield in a forest. The white pickup. We ran back wanted to get our car and guess what, we are back in kamenka. these patches are a joke.

If your not happy taking part in the alpha testing phase of a free mod then just wait until the standalone game is released. Then when you've paid money for it you will be in a position to complain.

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Same thing just happened to me, went in UK server stuck on loading screen for ages, shut the armaoa down in task manager, went into another server and you guessed it , spawned at coast with my gear still intact.

Luckily for me came upon a tractor so made it back to NW Airfield in no time. But this has happened a few times, really hope they iron this out..

Oh and I have the latest patch on :)

Edited by nathkrul

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Been happening to me all day as well. Not every single time I've logged in, but probably 2 out of 3 times.

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Most if not all the time you spawn on the coast near a city, where you can find suppllies to keep you alive.

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Been happening to me all day as well. Not every single time I've logged in, but probably 2 out of 3 times.

I feel your pain m8 ...

Oh and to the trolls above, we know its an alpha ok and we did pay for Arma2 etc ok to play the mod, so we did contribute towards it, so were entitled to have a litlle moan.

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Same issue here. Its not a big deal as I have all my stuff. Hopefully this will be fixed soon.

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This was fixed in the patch released today.

This was fixed in the patch released today.

This was fixed in the patch released today.

This was fixed in the patch released today.

Is this a joke? Our whole clan has the glitches after the patch.

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I just got back from NWA, no glitches at all (1.7.5). What beta are you guys running? EDIT: Sorry, meant

Edited by SystemiK

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I didn't know, thanks for enlightening me! So is the respawn-at-the-coast bullshit included in the patch or is it a glitch?

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running the latest beta patch for arma2 and the latest dayz mod beta files.

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If your not happy taking part in the alpha testing phase of a free mod then just wait until the standalone game is released. Then when you've paid money for it you will be in a position to complain.

HAHAHA yeah right. The developer do more damage with their fixes than fixing anything and also they seem not to test their superdupa patches. It's not my mission to test crappy shit. :)

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HAHAHA yeah right. The developer do more damage with their fixes than fixing anything and also they seem not to test their superdupa patches. It's not my mission to test crappy shit. :)

Then leave?

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As far as i can see it has nothing to do with if you log at the airfield or not. i have tried a few different servers, and even if im just somewhere random I keep getting thrown in somewhere on the coast each time i log back in to a server. kinda annoying to make progress if this is how its gonna be now.

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Same here, was close to the airfield and respawned in Elektro coast. Then ran north a little bit, swapped servers to join my friends and respawned in Otmel. At least I have my gear.

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Same is happening to me!! And I didn't hav this problem before today! I hav a tent with an l86 up near stary and I can't get to it! I keep spawning In fucking kamenka!! every single time! I can literally walk five steps from where I spawn, log off, log back on and those five steps don't even register...same place every time...this is bullshit..I'm seriously considering giving up on this game...

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Some friends and I are having this issue as well, although we seem to respawn in random locations (as with a new character) rather than a specific spot (i.e. Kamenka every time).

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Im pretty sure thats what alpha testing is all about. If you can't deal with stuff being broken after updates, then don't play. It's that simple.

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Im pretty sure thats what alpha testing is all about. If you can't deal with stuff being broken after updates, then don't play. It's that simple.

If nobody brings up issues with the game, then how do you expect them to get fixed?

It's good to see I'm not the only one with this problem though, I hope they fix it soon.

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Every time I login I spawn on the coast in either or AND all of my equipment is gone. Since this is happening in both versions, I suspect that something got messed up in the database.

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HAHAHA yeah right. The developer do more damage with their fixes than fixing anything and also they seem not to test their superdupa patches. It's not my mission to test crappy shit. :)

They are doing their best to realise patches to make the game better, guess what....


Why don't some people understand alpha stage and beta stages?

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Keep calm, I've been playing nice and cheezy for 3 days, then one time i logged in my main wep went poof, my sidearm went poof, my backpack went poof and aslo my whole toolset slots were suddenly feeling "open"

I thought fine, never mind these 10 zombies chasing me, let's find me a weapon, so i did and survived, then suddenly i got kicked from the game, no biggie, logged in again and I respawned at the coast like you guys, but hey, i got the shitty wep i found at least, so again i survived somehow.

However all of my food and means to get food were gone and was starving, so i went into a vilage, and just as i was heading for a house with 10 zombies behind me, poof i got kicked out of the game again (aparently 200 ms ping is too high)

Yes as you all presume, I am now dead, great.

Never mind a few bugs it's an aplha right, but this is kinda too much. I'm starting to feel paranoid and think some admin is chasing me around

Edited by Sysel

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