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Log out in stary, log in on the coast near solnichniy.

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I logged out last night near the military tents in stary sobor, but when i logged in today to play i found myself on the shore near solnichniy. Why is this? Did some hacker mess with me?

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My friend an I have been "teleported" as well, To the church in elektro, NW airfield, and he was even "killed" but when he respawned he had all of his gear. Which he found perfectly fair because his death wasn't caused by anything, no gunshots, no other people around.

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I had the exact same thing happen about 4pmEST today. Logged in a server and I was on the beach. I though I died but still had my gear and weapon. Weird?

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Very weird, hackers can nearly do everything.

Oh, shut up. Hackers hackers hackers this is all i hear these days if something weird like teleporting people to shore why would someone do that? The more logical guess is the dev team did it when the new update came out.

God, it's like a CD stuck on the same part this past 2 weeks and it's driving me nuts.

Edited by hassman

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This is a known issue and has been happening to a lot of survivors....Even though it sucks just deal with it bro, at least your not dead and still have all your shit on you :)

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think it has to do with the new update , I was in cherno watched it get nuked so i ran to a barn dove for cover and logged off. then signed back on to a different server found my self sunning on elektro beach.

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im NOT running the new patch (as i cant seem to find a DL link that works). but as above.

logged out way N of Cherno..

logged back in later this eve im on teh beach near Solnichy.. i think i'll not play again tonite, and give it till later tomorow afternoon to see if things get resorted/rolled back. before i do anymore exploring..

kinda suks as i got a serious hike to get back to were i should be.

ps still getting that weird bug were my gun wont reload, have to dropit and pick it back up to get it to accept ammo. (gotta admit i get this ALOT).

only thing ive found that fixs it is to drop teh gun and reequip it.. but i hate risking it to a bug, and perhaps end up not being able to pick it up again. is anyone else getting this problem ???

if so what do you do ?

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Happen to me although it was, I'm guessing, it was do to the fact I was teleported to the Debug Ocean when trying to put my Ghillie on...

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Same here. Logged off near the northeast airfield, when I logged back in I was just down the coast from Cherno.

Then some hacker turned me into a dog.

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This has happened to me a few times. I never lose my gear so its no big deal. I think,(and this is just a guess) your coords can get corrupted so it defaults to random beach spawn.

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Being teleported to the beach was, as said above, added in as a temporary fixed to combat corrupted coords (the ocean and debug spawns).

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happed to me today twice...logged out on the plain in the SE of NWAF. Logged in on the shore in Prigorsdy(sumthin like that).

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I have the same problem. Yesterday I checked out the Grishino and back after I logon Chernogorsk. OMG I want back!

Edited by wrbe

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Ain't happened to me I downloaded the patch and logged back on outside starry.

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Its not the new update. I've not updated yet and it happened to me twice yesterday. I think it happens when the hive is under heavy load, if you are taking ages to load into a server and you kill the game your location data gets corrupted and the next time you log in you get assigned a new spawn location on the coast with all your stuff. However it might not be the hive at all but an issue with a particular server. For me it seems to happen a lot on DE 276. Had it happen twice yesterday on that server and not on any others.

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Happened to me when I installed the latest beta 95883 which had me stuck on the loading screen.

I reverted back to my previous beta 95417 and spawned in Elektro ( :facepalm: ).

Also with 95883 beta no players were showing in the player list.

Also, also servers are not showing with latest beta build (admin report).

Also, also, also I think this is very likely related to different Hive versions mixed with different beta + DayZ builds....

Anyway, moving to Troubleshooting because its troublesome.


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This "update" has really messed up the game for me, every server I join takes forever and teleports me somewhere new, what a PoS alpha game, it's been out long enough for them to fix some of these issues.....the longer this junk goes on...I really don't see them making a standalone game in six months time

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Same here. Happened twice now. Fuck running half way across the map again and fuck playing official Hive servers til this new wave (tsunami) of bugs are fixed.

Time to boot up my local Hive again I guess... :rolleyes:

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Yesterday, I logged out @ the NWAF (in the woods near the barracks) and when I logged back in, I spawned on the coast (with all of my items) and then, when I logged out/in again, I spawned on a completely different part of the coast.

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