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Will DayZ be Mac Compatible?

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Different industries? That just happen to overlap in every conceivable way?

Their portables are nice, yes - but still overpriced. You have plenty of snazzy ultrabooks to choose from. What I will say for them though is that I like that the step they're taking with 2880x1800 displays. The consumer PC market has stagnated with the same old low, 16:9 resolutions for no real good reason.

Different industries, yes.

That's just how people work, like it or not.

Ultrabooks are overpriced too.

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Thats too bad

Macs are stupid products for stupid people

There is no way a Mac could run arma 2 so never in a million years would a consumer mac be able to run dayz standalone which will be on the same engine

I run DayZ on bootcamp just fine on Normal settings.....

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I made this thread to get the communities' opinion....not get criticized for a purchase.

It seemed like a suggestion to me.

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Wrong, macs are superior machines for people who can afford it.

No... im not going to say anything about the mac OSX 10 or whatever it is because honestly i don't have any experience with it but as far as the machine itself macs are not good and extremely overpriced. you can just look at the specs and the prices when you are configuring your own mac computer on their website. if you want to get a good dead and actually get performance on the mac operating system build a Hackintosh. other then that its not a waste of money but its pretty damn close to buy a Mac.

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We already have enough issues with hackers and carebears

The last thing we need right now are fucking useless hipsters

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It's not up to dayz but it's up to arma 2 ..

Isn't dayz going to make their own games?!!! I so then maybe it will support macs since a chunk of dayz users boot camp windows from macs...

I don't know why you guys are posting these ignorant comments... I have a MacBook pro boot camping and I get 200-300 fps on high settings. I have AMD 6770 with 1 gb and 2.4 ghz i7 quad core

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I Bootcamped My Mac So I Can Have Everything

Made me chuckle

Also lol'd about every word starting with a capital letter

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I am running dayz on my mac and will be able to run warz as well. I'm not a fanboy, but macs can do everything pc's can do and they don't get viruses. The fact that the windows OS is 1000% the cost of the mac OS is also a factor. There is an old saying that you get what you pay for, and in this case the more you pay the more you get.

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Consumer toy?

Everyone doing graphic design and web design use macs.

I'd bet money a lot of the arma artwork was done on a mac, along with this website.

I wouldn't bet money on an age old misconception. There is NOTHING that can be done on a Mac - graphics-wise - that can't be done on a PC. The fact that "creative" people choose Mac for video, graphics and publishing has nothing to do with capabilities and everything to do with marketing hype an misinformed users.

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Everyone Shut Up

Macs Are Better For Everything Except Gaming

Windows Is Best For Gaming And Worse At Everything Else

I Bootcamped My Mac So I Can Have Everything

Try getting a job in IT at a large company with your Mac skills. Truth is, Windows does everything including what Macs can and can't do.

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and they don't get viruses.



you get what you pay for, and in this case the more you pay the more you get.

Aaaaand that made me chuckle again

Last time I checked 12gb of DDR3 RAM clocked at 1333mhz didn't cost me 300€

Actually I can get 16gb of DDR3 RAM clocked at 1600mhz for just under 80€

"OH but it's Mac RAM, 12gb @ 1333mhz is actually better than 16gb @ 1600mhz, so it's worth the money!"

I am running dayz on my mac and will be able to run warz as well.

No resolution being mentioned

No graphic settings being mentioned

No frames/second being mentioned

Yeah I can run Crysis 5 on 600x400 with everything on low at 10fps

Edited by Hawk24

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I would argue they're protables are higher quality though, I really don't think anyone would deny that.

I can't find a laptop comparable to a MBP or MBA in quality, and certainly not for less money.

I can deny that.

Your MBPs and MBAs are made in the same factories, with the same machines, by the same workers as Asus, Dell, and HP laptops. Pegatron and Foxconn sell the same components to Apple, HP, Acer, Asus, and Dell.

Fanboyism is hilarious sometimes.

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Different industries.

You could argue that a PC can do the same things as a Mac, just as you can argue a Mac does the same things as a PC.

That's really all there is too it.

I would argue they're protables are higher quality though, I really don't think anyone would deny that.

I can't find a laptop comparable to a MBP or MBA in quality, and certainly not for less money.

People are only clinging to PC's because of legacy software needs and gaming.

Trust me, in 10 years it'll be Lixus distros and OS X, windows will be a strinking minority.

I have a bunch of friends in graphic/web design and the ones who are actually doing well in their profession actually all use PCs for their work. So no, they're not better for graphic/web design, which would be the one thing that USED TO differentiate them when they used PPC processors.

The two major categories of software that basically don't exist on OSX are games and engineering/scientific software. The only engineering software that works on OSX is CAD, and you can't buy any of the Mechanical/Electrical modules so it's worthless. In my graduate department, there are actually a lot of MACs, but none of them run OSX because of how much RAM it uses. We're pretty much all doing software development that has huge double matrices, and you use up your system RAM on a Mac before a windows system. The only reason they have Macs is because they're rich kids whose parents sent them to America for college.

There's a large number of mac owners who just flaunt there wares and browse facebook, most people however are doing graphic work and video production.

Lol. Lolololololol. Lololololololol. Someone is a little elite-ist. If most people who used Macs were using them for design work, then that would mean that there are a huge number of graphic/web design jobs available, which would then imply that liberal arts majors do not actually have trouble getting a job... So yeah... (No offense to liberal arts majors, you guys just picked a sucky job market).

So get it and shut up?

This guy asked a question, the assult wasn't warrented.

You're right that people shouldn't have given him crap. He has every right to buy a macintosh. But then you came here, and the gods of the internet demanded we give you crap about macintosh.

Edited by p4g3m4s7r

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Look. Find me a PC that runs Logic Pro and I'll give you a songwriter/producer that will use one.


Finally someone who knows what Macs are actually really good at doing. I totally forgot how much more software Macs have for sound editing and song composing than PCs.

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Does it really matter? If he wants to use a Mac, let him. By the sounds of things he already has it, and doesn't want to spend more money on a PC.

To OP: Yes DayZ will run on a newer Mac under bootcamp. A Mac port for the standalone does not look likely at this point.

Edited by OriginalVocalMix

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Finally someone who knows what Macs are actually really good at doing. I totally forgot how much more software Macs have for sound editing and song composing than PCs.

My current day job ;-) Frankly speaking, I have a strong background in IT Management (years working as an IT Project Manager for 1000+ seat companies and management consultant) and the mere thought of Macs in an enterprise environment pisses me off - they just don't belong in an office because they're almost worthless when it comes to enterprise level IT. I made it a point not to integrate a way for OSX to hook into the Enterprise network cause they were security nightmares.


Mac = Best UI on the market today by far but piss poor at games and business (unless you're talking music engineering). My parents (over 60 years old) still struggle with Windows after almost 20 years but picked up OSX in a matter of weeks. Good for non-computer literate people (and that includes people that think DDoS stands for Direct Denial of Service :-| )

Win = average UI, good for gamers, people who like to fiddle and by far number 1 for business.

There's no 'better' system - OSX and Windows are geared towards different markets. And yes - Bootcamp works just fine with this game, I use Windows 7.

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I was under the impression that macs were made for programming and stuff like that and not gaming.

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Personally i always use os x when i'm working because working on windows is really really slow and confusing on my job but i don't play games on it, just install windows via bootcamp to your mac it's working pretty good on games,.And yes,buying a mac for playing games is a stupid move.

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Mac: It does the same your PC does, for double the price!

Also, I'd easily get an alienware or thinkpad over a MBP anyday.

I love how you insult macs for being overpriced yet say you would buy an alienware, I had one, it caught on fire, waste of over a grand.

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I doubt it will go to macs. People who buy macs arent really interested in gaming (teenage girls and hipsters who hang out in starbucks coffee shops). Most games that are ported to mac usually end up selling terribly, thats why a majority of steam games arent available on mac.

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I have an 8-core (2 x 4-core) 2.66 Xeon 2006 Mac Pro with a Radeon 5770 running XP on a different partition with Boot Camp and DayZ runs smooth as could be at 1680x1050 on the highest settings.

I use the XP for DayZ and other games, and the Mac when I want to actually work.

I have no problems with either OS, and I switch between them fine.

I don't care if they make it for Mac, it makes no difference to me - I apparently have good enough specs to run ArmA 3 if I move to Windows 7, but I hope have a new Mac by then.

As for the Mac bashing, whatever, man. I do pro video and audio work on my Mac, and play games with the XP partition.My day job is in IT dealing with hundreds of Windows (95% of my problems) and Mac (5% of my problems) computers, and it's nice to come home and not have to deal with so much Windows crap at home.

Edited by Chambers

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