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This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application

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I keep getting the same bloody message no matter which server I connect to, and quite a few people have said the exact same thing. The full message is as follows:

"This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application. You cannot play on this server. If you are the server admin please contact DayZ staff."

It worked fine before patch 1.6 was released. I've tried with normal Combined Operations and with the official beta patch and no luck. Any idea how to fix this? Please bare in mind that I'm not the only one suffering from the problem - several dozens of people on one server confirmed they're getting the same error message.

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Download the latest version of the Hive. V0.9.1 is not the latest version, even though it's still part of the download that is sent to hosts. I can only assume that the Devs haven't updated the Dayzserver.zip yet. I mentioned where to find the update in the server hosts section of this board.

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Look for file hive_120527_3.rar on the mirror you got from the admins. I don't think I'm allowed to post the whole URL. :)

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Look for file hive_120527_3.rar on the mirror you got from the admins. I don't think I'm allowed to post the whole URL. :)

I can't find it and i dont get the message. Can somebody please explain this better. I would appreciate it

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Look for file hive_120527_3.rar on the mirror you got from the admins. I don't think I'm allowed to post the whole URL. :)

Nonono, I'm not an admin, just a regular player - but I can't connect to any servers. Not one.

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Hey could one of you two PM me with the updated file or the new link to use? I run NZ1 and NZ2 but have no access to the server hosts section on the forums it seems.


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Read the update guys... If the server hasn't updated there HIVE files, you will get this error message. many of them haven't done it yet. The error message was added so you don't sit there with no connection, and are left wondering what went wrong.

Find a server with an updated hive file. Its still early.

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Me neither. I run the ZA1 server, can someone mail it to me, please?

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Guys what is this Hive you are talking about??I am just a regular player like most people here. Admins did not send me anything. Another thing you said to try a server where the hive is updated. SO how come i see games where players are playing and only I and a few others cant join? So can someone please tell us whats going on?

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Time check. Hive is server-side, players don't have to worry about it. Stand by until a server updates.

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Yeah, I'm getting this message with every single server i try(and I've tried 15 + servers). And as the poster above me said, based on the chatlog it's clear there are players ingame having no problems. How can this be possible if the server has the wrong version?

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Getting this as well with almost every server I tried joining. Only servers I could join was the NZ ones, and then got kicked for a ping to high (152).

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Getting the same thing. I try and connect to a v1.6.0 and it says I have v1.6.1, try to connect to a v1.6.1 and I get that error message. I can see people in chat that are playing fine. So why is it that a few of us can't play?

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Same here. I really want to play, and i know that there are other people playing on the servers. What did they do that I didnt do?

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Its not an issue with the addon files.

It is an issue with the server side application (HIVE).

With this update, your client will refuse to work if the server hoster is running an old version. Many server hosters (about 50% of servers) have opted not to use our automated updating and monitoring program and we probably don't have their RDP details. Therefore they are the only ones who can update the files. Contact the server owner and advise them they need to update HIVE.

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Its not an issue with the addon files.

It is an issue with the server side application (HIVE).

With this update' date=' your client will refuse to work if the server hoster is running an old version. Many server hosters (about 50% of servers) have opted not to use our automated updating and monitoring program and we probably don't have their RDP details. Therefore they are the only ones who can update the files. Contact the server owner and advise them they need to update HIVE.


Thank you for the quick update Rocket! I'll try and find a server that has updated their hive!

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