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Hotfix Build Rolling Update

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I see all this negative commenting on an ALPHA stage mod and think to myself Why?

Instead of moaning can we not just report in a a bug then move on.

Are there any positives from this HOTFIX?

Not really since it didn't fix anything... :(

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Same here.. Lost everything just my ghillie is still there ^^

No Backpack or something else.

Even if i run in the Forest, at the next LogIn i'll spawn at the cost or debug area : /

I even spawned next to a freaking player, dont mind getting killed but this is just complete bullshhhhh.

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Just delete the damn military corpses already, not like it bring anything to the game, especialy since they are not rotten, it break the immersion for me and break the game for a lot of people.

Im still getting the graphical glitches BTW. Using Six launcher to update and arma 2 1.4 launcher to play.

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I'm using & 95417 beta patch,video memory is set to defaults,i do not have any artifacts. with new i can not join any server,i stuck on server loading with last beta patch and even with 417

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I´m sorry to say rocket but the artifacts are still there. They showed up when I was on my way to the NW airfield. I´m running the latest beta patch with the version. For some reason my computer won´t let me screenshot it so I can´t provide any proof. If you need any more information just contact me and I will do my best to help. I know how hard it can be to fix bugs. Other than that this patch is awesome. :)

Best Regards


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Still have the artifacts. No screenshot though, I'm unable to connect to any servers to take a screen shot. Stuck on Loading..., 40mins and still no progress :(

Iam on that same stage....cant connect to server and stuck on *final* Loading after creating character...only X.X.X.4 servers ....but i have MAJOR artifacts in Cherno and Airport(near Balota)

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I still have problems with artefacts in central Cherno and Berenzino, and Balota medical camp.

Also humanity seeems to be buggy as fuck. One minute i have +3k humanity the next im negative 4k :P

Also zed kills, murders, headshots keep resetting.

Edited by Xecas

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The "artifacts" are still present for me especially at the NW Airbase...

I feel like "Indiana Jones", only there is no fortune or glory for me after finding said "artifacts" :lol:

EDIT: Also I spawned 7000m away from my last log-off, had 600 humanity, my kills etc., and my stats were reset. Still had my gear though lol!

Edited by Ash712
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I can confirm, with latest update and latest Beta 95883 I now have no glitches when running round the NW Airfield. Graphics are set to very high.

AA and Shadows on High.

Edited by matt19norwich

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Fantastic update, my previous 50-60FPS has now dropped to 15FPS. Spawned in debug forest with no items, respawned in cherno, lost everything in my inventory.

Bravo. Bravo. Standalone game? Maybe in a few years.

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I still have the graphic glitches. NW Airfield while looking from the forest on the west side in direction of the south barracks. I didn't try out another location.

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Iam on that same stage....cant connect to server and stuck on *final* Loading after creating character...only X.X.X.4 servers ....but i have MAJOR artifacts in Cherno and Airport(near Balota)

If you can't connect to any servers you may have not updated correctly.

Apparently there are still gfx glitches with the new patch though.

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Arma Patch: Beta 95883

Replaced all the files.

Went to NW Airfield and the glitches were still present, changed video memory to 'Default' and the glitches were gone.

Ammo count works fine for me, even when changing servers.

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Sorry if this had been discussed already above, but

* [FIXED] Ammunition amounts not loaded in properly (Now records used ammunition correctly)

means that the automatic ammo replenishing upon reconnect/server restart is gone for ?

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I still get artifacts as well, they are by no means as severe as before, I can actually approach the area where they are and do what I need to do. I had a hard time figuring out what objects were causing the artifacts, however, it did not appear to be static bodies OR barbwired. Seemed to come from debris piles, but I can not confirm that.

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Not really since it didn't fix anything... :(

Quite the contrary, it appears the ammo counts are working rather well, may still be a bit off, but no more unlimited ammo as far as I've seen. That is a big dynamic when you have people such as myself who like to carry 3 primary weapons for any situation, NOW I may have to stick to just 1.

Second, at least for me anyway, the artifacts are still present (although I believe on different objects) I can deal with them, they don't cover my entire screen to the point where if a person is standing in front of me I can't see them.

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Just delete the damn military corpses already, not like it bring anything to the game, especialy since they are not rotten, it break the immersion for me and break the game for a lot of people.

Im still getting the graphical glitches BTW. Using Six launcher to update and arma 2 1.4 launcher to play.

How did you update to with Six Launcher if isnt even out on Six Launcher?

my guess it that 50% of people bitching about artifacts are actually too damn stupid to update their game.

The update is not yet out on Six Launcher. Unless you torrented the update, there is no way you updated your game.

Edited by Crisisk

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I cannot comment on cities cannot even remember the last time I went to Cherno / Elektro but the graphics glitches [i.e. huge blocks of colour blocking out the screen] use to affect me going up Green Mountain towards the huge tower, that does not seem to happen now...

hope this helps:

Sorry forgot to mention:


Beta 95883

Edited by Soliloquy

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Spawn Bugs, I experienced with

Logged out in the North.

Logged in, spawned in Debug Plains, had no gear.

Logged out and in, spawned in Otmel, with my gear.

Played some, logged out and in, spawned in Otmel again.

After second Otmel spawn, nothing special occurred for a while (i.e. spawned, where I logged out).

Today I logged in and spawned in Debug Plains, had no gear.

Logged out and in, spawned in Prigorodsky, gear still gone.

Mate logs in at the place, I logged out - tells me, there is my body on the ground next to him, with all my gear.

Seems I died, but kept my Stats.

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Can confirm no more artifacts from bodies and roadblocks in the Green Mountain area.

Running DayZ + beta 95883 and playing on a server exactly matching my version.

I'm using a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti with beta driver 304.79

Will check other artifact hotspots and ammo fixes later this day.


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with new i can not join any server,i stuck on server loading with last beta patch and even with 417

Same, can't join any servers regardless of arma beta version.

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Hey guys i did not try the latest hotfix but i got a question.

A few days ago i found a camo suit ( which is still a bit buggy ) but i could equip it. So my question, will my camo disappear because of bandit skins added again ?

Repeating my question !

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