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Hotfix Build Rolling Update

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no more gfx issues in berezino, rest will be checked.

are the fingerless handshoes und the lumberjack shirt the undocumented changes?

i love em!

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Could be helpful, for those of you getting glitches, to report if you have done any 'clean' installs on the mod or game and whether you tried relogging, rebooting the client, or re-dowloading the game (extreme case).

Just a suggestion.

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you must be quite new to this... i just installed 95883 and i hardly found any servers (maybe 150 with version aswell the video in the main menu lagged a bit for me. so i rolled back to 95819 and everything is fine for me now. i can find all the servers, the main menu doesnt lag. there were quite a few occasions when the newes beta patch didnt work well in the last 3 monts iam playing this game.

No need to roll back anything. You choose to roll back that's fine but for less confident users out there there is an easier solution. In Dayz Commander untick "Hide Wrong Arma2 version" filter and you'll see older version servers too. Just select any and connect.

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No artifacts so far but...

  1. Tent missing when I logged in, just one out of 4 disappeared.
  2. AS50 in my backpack is gone.

Figured maybe the tent didn't load at mission start and restarted the mission. Logged back in at Balota Airstrip, about 13km from where I was before.


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I have a problem and I'm brand new to this, whenever I try to join a game that is version, I either get the error saying "Bad Server Rejected Connection" or "You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.dayz_code, dayz_weapons, dayz_equip, dayz_vehicles". Yet, I did everything correct like, I did the @DayZ folder, then put addons within it, then within that I put the v1.7.2.5 in that addon folder under ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead in the addon folder I had made within the @DayZ one. Then I go to Steam, right click on ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead and click properties. Once I've done that I put -mod=@DayZ under the "Set Launch Options" button then I click O.K. So it seems I've been doing everything right, but those two errors seem to reoccur and I just got this game today and I'm EXTREMELY eager to play it, can anybody help me out? D:

Ya I have the same problem, not sure what it is. Would be nice to be able to play the game.

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everything is working fine for me so far.

I renamed my existing @DayZ folder and installed the new stuff fresh.

I then renamed my existing Arma2oa beta folder and installed the 95819 build..

I will be sure to come back here and QQ if anything is broken though.. I wouldn't want to feel left out. ;)

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I've the glitch graphic too. I've tried deleting old files and putting all new from, restarting the game, others servers, etc. Like me two friends more, all with the 95883.

The only thing than I haven't tried is remove the folder and create it again, I will try later and tomorrow and check.

Here four pics: http://imgur.com/ZGv...bbb,dA3zA,eTWDj (a lot of ads in the link, sorry)

Thanks for all.

Edited by Jhan

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graphic bugs got worse for me

besides the glitches @ berezino, I just got massive glitches from the bridge south of berezino, zombie behaviour seems to be better now tho

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glitches gone for me

Renamed old dayz folder, instaleld new one (already had latest beta) enabled the new dayz version.

All worked hunky dory.

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So far, the zombies movement is pretty fluid and they see and hear better(not too OP). I went to Stary and had slight artifacting there near the tents or around them. Wasn't too overbearing but the graphical glitch was indeed there.

NEW INFO: Stary Sobor artifacting is actually still very bad and upon loading into a server, I was spawned at the coast.

Edited by SyndicateFaction

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Everything worked for me but my ingame stats are reset to 0. I guess its because of the new skins ?

well, thanks Rocket!

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Its 100% fixed for me, been on over 30 servers on todays arma2 beta and the beta before.

I have been at NW airfeild the most but I also went to Stary to near the tents as those are the two spots where i get the graphcis glitches the worst.

No issues now though at all for me.

I dont use Six Updater or anything like that, just update manually.

I also had to exit the server I was in and go to MAIN MENU and changed my overall graphics settings.

Now I cant even replicate the graphics glitches no matter how hard I try! I am joining every server on the list to see if I can find the graphics glitches again but none!

I updated manually (deleted all dayz mod and beta folders and re-installed using and beta 95819 because Six is doing something wrong and installing and the latest beta for me).

Still got the horrible artefacts at Balota airfield, only method that works for me is to restart game, which almost always gets rid of them for the time being. All fiddling with -flush or gfx settings only ever increases the amount of glitching for me.

Point is, there is still a problem.

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I have a problem and I'm brand new to this, whenever I try to join a game that is version, I either get the error saying "Bad Server Rejected Connection" or "You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.dayz_code, dayz_weapons, dayz_equip, dayz_vehicles". Yet, I did everything correct like, I did the @DayZ folder, then put addons within it, then within that I put the v1.7.2.5 in that addon folder under ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead in the addon folder I had made within the @DayZ one. Then I go to Steam, right click on ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead and click properties. Once I've done that I put -mod=@DayZ under the "Set Launch Options" button then I click O.K. So it seems I've been doing everything right, but those two errors seem to reoccur and I just got this game today and I'm EXTREMELY eager to play it, can anybody help me out? D:

If I'm reading what you wrote correctly the first mistake I see you made was putting the folder inside the addons folder. You will want to simply select all the files within the folder and cut and paste them in to the addons folder. DO NOT create another folder inside the addons folder.

Also, not sure if this makes a difference but I made my @DayZ folder typed exactly like that with the capital D and Z and the addons folder inside is typed in all lower case letters. This probably doesn't make any difference at all but I'm just letting you know what has worked for me.

Lastly, I don't know where you saw the instructions on the second part of your question regarding where you said right click on Arma II OA in steam and then putting the "-mod=DayZ" under the set launch options. According to the instructions on the wiki you want to edit the beta command prompt instead and then create a shortcut to your desktop from that command prompt and when you want to play the game just double click that shortcut and it will launch the game. (EDIT: I see it now...they have updated the wiki since I looked at it last month)

So now that I see what you're referring to I will give you the instructions for manual install that used to exist in the Wiki page. This will launch the game from the shortcut you will create in to windowed mode. Once the game is up and running just click video options and change the windowed to the option right above it which should be your monitors full resolution. The only difference with this method is that it won't show you as playing DayZ through Steam. I would suggest reversing the steps you took to edit whatever you edited in the Steam properties before beginning to complete my instuctions below.

First step is the same like I instructed above. Cut and paste those files in to the addons folder you created. Second step is as follows:

Go to C: Program Files - Steam - Steamapps - Common - Arma II OA

from here look down the list for the two .cmd files that appear directly before you folders. You want to right click on the one that has the word BETA in it and then click Edit. That file is _runA2CO_beta.cmd

Scroll all the way down to the very last line of text/code above the words ENDLOCAL

There you will see a line that looks like this:

call "%_ARMA2OAPATH%\Expansion\beta\ARMA2OA.exe" "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca"

INSERT ;@dayz (all lower case) after the ;ca so that the line looks like this

call "%_ARMA2OAPATH%\Expansion\beta\ARMA2OA.exe" "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca;@dayz"

Now just click file and save your edit. Exit out of that command prompt editor. Then right click on that beta.cmd file you just edited and create a desktop shortcut.

You're done. Just rename that shortcut DAYZ on your desktop and double click it just like any other application.

**EDIT** I see the old instructions I just typed out still exist on the Wiki page, but that section regarding how to launch with Steam Overlay is new to me. I simply used the instructions directly above that for Steam Beta Patch Install.

Edited by subtle

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Ok, so.. things have been running awesome so far.... No glitches as i said before (no graphics glitches). ive played about 4 hours.

But... I did just get spawned down at Dakan or what ever its called, along the beach down south. I was up at NW Airfields originally.

So thats the only glitch/issue ive had so far!

Other then that issue LOVING the update so far! Keep up the good work Rocket

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If I'm reading what you wrote correctly the first mistake I see you made was putting the folder inside the addons folder. You will want to simply select all the files within the folder and cut and paste them in to the addons folder. DO NOT create another folder inside the addons folder.

Also, not sure if this makes a difference but I made my @DayZ folder typed exactly like that with the capital D and Z and the addons folder inside is typed in all lower case letters. This probably doesn't make any difference at all but I'm just letting you know what has worked for me.

Lastly, I don't know where you saw the instructions on the second part of your question regarding where you said right click on Arma II OA in steam and then putting the "-mod=DayZ" under the set launch options. According to the instructions on the wiki you want to edit the beta command prompt instead and then create a shortcut to your desktop from that command prompt and when you want to play the game just double click that shortcut and it will launch the game. (EDIT: I see it now...they have updated the wiki since I looked at it last month)

So now that I see what you're referring to I will give you the instructions for manual install that used to exist in the Wiki page. This will launch the game from the shortcut you will create in to windowed mode. Once the game is up and running just click video options and change the windowed to the option right above it which should be your monitors full resolution. The only difference with this method is that it won't show you as playing DayZ through Steam. I would suggest reversing the steps you took to edit whatever you edited in the Steam properties before beginning to complete my instuctions below.

First step is the same like I instructed above. Cut and paste those files in to the addons folder you created. Second step is as follows:

Go to C: Program Files - Steam - Steamapps - Common - Arma II OA

from here look down the list for the two .cmd files that appear directly before you folders. You want to right click on the one that has the word BETA in it and then click Edit. That file is _runA2CO_beta.cmd

Scroll all the way down to the very last line of text/code above the words ENDLOCAL

There you will see a line that looks like this:

call "%_ARMA2OAPATH%\Expansion\beta\ARMA2OA.exe" "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca"

INSERT ;@dayz (all lower case) after the ;ca so that the line looks like this

call "%_ARMA2OAPATH%\Expansion\beta\ARMA2OA.exe" "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca;@dayz"

Now just click file and save your edit. Exit out of that command prompt editor. Then right click on that beta.cmd file you just edited and create a desktop shortcut.

You're done. Just rename that shortcut DAYZ on your desktop and double click it just like any other application.

Just to add to this, I have "-mod=@dayz -nosplash" As my launch info for steam

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First manual update for me....I unpacked rar to steam\steamapps\common\arma2OA\@DayZ\addons. In game version still shows

And I can join those games.....can't join any 2.5

Im launching through sixLauncher. Any suggestions?

Edited by playZ

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Hey, me and my group are going to play new update later on today.

We all privioisly had graphical glitches (the triangle ones from models) so I will make a new post with what I find from all their computers.

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can anyone else confirm that tents were wiped?

There's been an issue recently where when a server is freshly restarted tents may not show immediately. Just give it a bit.

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