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You know you're playing too much DayZ when...

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IRL, prepping for a typhoon... need to stock up on 2-3 days of food, and I walk down the canned goods isle, and immediately lock on the beans.... too bad they didn't have Heinz, or I would have to take a pic of me eating them in the middle of the typhoon.

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You know you are playing too much DayZ if:

You call your friend a hacker, because he found a can of mountain dew in the soda aisle.

You see a islamic person, and think: BANDIT!

You carry a gun to the hospital.

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When you rob a bank, and the police come.

Before they arrest you, you try to Alt+F4.

When you ask your mom if she is friendly.

When you walk down the stairs, and expect your legs to break.

When you find the mountain dew aisle, you yell: HACKERS!

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When i went to a farm and saw a stray goat. I locked my sights and slowly walking towards it. But then i wondered if i got matches that's when i realized i'm not in Chernarus and shouldn't kill the goat to compensate my blood loss. I swear, if i had a gun or a hatchet i would've killed that poor goat. ><

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When you post in the forums and think you'll get an intelligent reply.



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...when you wake up in the morning and think you got hacked because your room isn't where you logged out.

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When you meet someone else that plays dayz and you run away in fear that they will shot you for your beans..

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When you haven't stepped outside the house in days, and yet you're tired of running through the woods.

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