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CPU survivors

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There should be CPU survivors that are found in lootable places, houses etc.

they don't attack you only zombies but if you attack them they will react, what loot they have depends on were they are, so if you find one in a house in a little village they will have just a basic pistol makarov, m1911 and a basic bag and other stuff, and if found at the nw airfield or something similar (helicopter crash site) they will have decent stuff like coyote backpack, m16, m4a1, DMR, etc.

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Maybe in few safe-heavens around Chernarus, but not all over the place. Shooting bandits on sight and keeping survivors for killing eachother? I'm in.

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I think this would be introduced in a single player mode when the game will be standalone.

No need to add cpu survivors online.

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There should be CPU survivors that are found in lootable places, houses etc.

they don't attack you only zombies but if you attack them they will react, what loot they have depends on were they are, so if you find one in a house in a little village they will have just a basic pistol makarov, m1911 and a basic bag and other stuff, and if found at the nw airfield or something similar (helicopter crash site) they will have decent stuff like coyote backpack, m16, m4a1, DMR, etc.

Im guessin you mean npc, not cpu. I would love it if there were cpus in the game, then i could have a computer in my computer to play dayZ while I play dayZ. Compception anyone?

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nah this would take out a lot of the tension that pvp gives us. because we would just assume every survivor we see is an npc

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No. NPCs in this game should have some clear purpose and add something new to the game. NPC survivors would simply act as lootable zombie kills. It adds no sense of extra immersion, because every player is a survivor wandering the land already. I see no sense in this, except an easy way to get half decent loot.

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its called, NPC, non playable character, newb, also use search function this has already been discussed

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It's just seems like it's easier to get high gradel loot, unless these CPU players were very good shots, i think it would be a bad idea.

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