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Chased By Psychopath, Scariest Moment Ever Experienced

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Haha, I love that guy.

It's hardly one guy doing it. It's multiple fags downloading files/programs that someone else made which allows them to have this skin, hatchet, speed increase and god mode.

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He may be a script/hacker but you gotta admit if that happened to you, you would freak out like everyone else. Hell i was flippin shit just watchn the vids.

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I actually don't mind hackers like that who contribute to the fun, and not just insta kill you.

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He's no badass he's a lame script kiddie. He deserves nothing but to be globaliy banned!

It's hardly one guy doing it. It's multiple fags downloading files/programs that someone else made which allows them to have this skin, hatchet, speed increase and god mode.

Lame god mode script kiddy.

How about having a sense of humor for once and stop being so "try hard" all the time.

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Too bad he's a god mode hacker, otherwise Hubert would have my beans.

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How about having a sense of humor for once and stop being so "try hard" all the time.

I do have a sense of humour and found it to be rather funny. Then we realised he was using speed cheats and god mode so the lols soon died as it turned out to be yet another script kiddy with no life.

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Is there an original person who was Jason? What did he do exactly? Seems like a lot of the copy cats run around killing players, but the first simply followed people around in a Slender fashion scaring them in various ways.

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whats that song? anyway, i want to see more stuff like that :D

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Sounds like itsy bitsy Spider :P

And seriously i rather have hacker like this but the ones killing you simply and loot your stuff.

everyone i saw till now on these videos had the chance to disc so np for me.

Beans for this guy giving me a chill down my spine ^^

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This dude is all over the forums! Goes by Ghost I've heard, but when you hear this music, you'd best get to steppin or your head is on the chopping block.

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How about having a sense of humor for once and stop being so "try hard" all the time.

He should grow a pair and try that without the cheats.

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this needs to be a high health npc... and i used to be against this idea

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How about having a sense of humor for once and stop being so "try hard" all the time.

As far as cheaters are concerned no I won't have a sense of humor, there a cancer in multi-player gaming and should not be supported in any way. Nice first post btw, [sarcasm]you'll go far around here[/sarcasm]

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There's a video out there of him [or someone with the Jason Vorheese skin] Running around playing the Friday the 13th theme chasing someone down on a stream and hacking them up.

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why do you play with your webcam up? so weird

You realize pretty much every person that live-streams has a webcam correct?

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As far as cheaters are concerned no I won't have a sense of humor, there a cancer in multi-player gaming and should not be supported in any way. Nice first post btw, [sarcasm]you'll go far around here[/sarcasm]

Oh come on, things like these add up to the game experience, I wish all the hackers were this original.

Of course, insta killing people and all that isn't funny, but something like this, having an invincible axe man playing creepy music chasing you around with a mask?

It is hilarious and YOU have the option to disconnect if you feel like

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I give this guy props, if only due to the fact he's using Jason Vorheese and running around with an Axe. It's very reminicent of the old Friday the 13th movies, and it actually gives me hope that a mod could be created in the vien of Friday the 13th within ArmaII...Something I've been considering for some time in various other game systems.

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Ran into another instance earlier this evening when relogging into a server I heard music coming out of no where. Recently I've been freaked out since Jason and any music sets me off. A few times I've been trolled in Teamspeak by my friends teasing me about what happened... Anyway, back on point. I loaded into the server and instantly heard music around me before I was completely in... this is what happened.

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