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Hackers are cowards

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Yes, before you read, this is a rant about hackers. DEAL WITH IT. So I was playing, I see some smoke, oh look, a heli crash. But then I get shot. Obviously the hacker due to the fact I couldn't abort. I try Alt+F4, a message pops up saying, "Hah, lt+F4? You aren't gonna get off that easy, I remapped those keys to suicide". Really? Because you didn't remap the Ctrl Alt del keys. Obviously they can't handle reality and use premade scripts, so 12 year olds can read the instructions on how to use it. I'm done.

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Repeat from 30 last previous posts:

'' I understand.

Don't give up, it will get fixed eventually. ''

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It gets annoying to have it happen 10x in a row.

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I know what you are saying man. The same shit happened to me in the past few days.

Just take a little break from this game, go play something else.

You can go play Fallout New Vegas if you haven't already... with mods, the experience gets pretty close to Dayz. Except multiplayer.

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Some of the scripts out at the moment are simply malicious.

These are the real children with self esteem issues using this crap, and they think it's hilarious they have this much power.

It's the kind of cunt that makes you want to break their nose.

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Hackers versus alt-f4s, who do you root for?

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I came across some hacker on NL servers and he used the voice sound and he sounded very matured voice so don't think its kids they very dumb adults also doing this.

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Hackers hack because it's fun to make people like you rage. And you know what?

Those some hackers are on this very forum, looking for people that rage and laughing every time they find a thread just like this one.

Ignore them and wait for a fix, it's all you can do (aside from getting substantial evidence and reporting them).


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Maybe this is what happens when people abuse Alt+F4 too much.

So when you use ALT+4 its normal that people start hacking lol i think the alt+4 losers are same ones who also get those hackers scripts, and there is never any excuse for hacking or cheating EVER.

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Wait. Sooo you got shot at a heli crash? Damn guess that makes me a hacker as well since I shoot Alt-F4 commandos like you at helis all the time. You didn't just magically know it was a hacker. You had no idea until you decided to try and vanish with your uber-l33t 2 button combo -_-

Edited by Volteker

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I agree with Volteker, the only reason you found out that guy was a hacker is because your the same Alt F4 noob as the rest of them, dont come on hear crying about hacks when you abuse exploites. Bitch

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