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BattlEye is Banning People to Make them Re-buy the Game

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Usually in every other game I play, there are obstacles that prevent players from conflicting trouble upon themselves and being punished for it, but for Arma, I am just not seeing them. There aren't any rules, warnings, or alerts that tell you if you do something, you will get banned or kicked for it, and if you do get into trouble, there is no support from BattlEye to get you out of it. Now, I have been reading so many threads about players being banned for absolutely no reason whatsoever, and I believe them, because today, this happened to me as well. When you go to their ban support page you will see what I am talking about: http://battleye.com/support.html. Even if you send them an email they don't even reply to it because whatever you tell them, they won't care. We are their "customers". We bought their "game". Now, why can't they give us their "support"? Well, because it is not even "support"! BattlEye lets hackers run around free tormenting everyone, but instead they will ban the real players. They leave you only one option, and that is to BUY the game again.

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ArmA 2 is not battleyes game, they dont earn any more money from the popularity of the game. Please take your nonsense elsewhere lol.

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I don't know how BIS's partnership with BattlEye works, but don't they get a royalty from BIS for every game bought?

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I know BattlEye is a piece of shit when it comes to banning players but they aren't going to ban people who haven't hacked.

Edited by RapturJesus

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There aren't any rules, warnings, or alerts that tell you if you do something, you will get banned or kicked for it

You must be fucking stupid if you think hackers need a "warning" to know it's against the rules. And what's even more pathetic is when hackers DO get auto-banned, they think coming on the DayZ forums crying about it is going to solve anything. Piss off.

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I have a very big arma directory with a lot of edited pbo files.

I do not have problems !

I just make sure i load the correct files and have the latest battle eye installed.

I stay away from hacks cracks and other dirty trick stuff.

I don't think battle eye makes a mistake, and if they there will be real complains and it will all be fixed.


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I know BattlEye is a piece of shit when it comes to banning players but they aren't going to ban people who haven't hacked.

This is no longer true

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Usually in every other game I play, there are obstacles that prevent players from conflicting trouble upon themselves and being punished for it, but for Arma, I am just not seeing them. There aren't any rules, warnings, or alerts that tell you if you do something, you will get banned or kicked for it, and if you do get into trouble, there is no support from BattlEye to get you out of it. Now, I have been reading so many threads about players being banned for absolutely no reason whatsoever, and I believe them, because today, this happened to me as well. When you go to their ban support page you will see what I am talking about: http://battleye.com/support.html. Even if you send them an email they don't even reply to it because whatever you tell them, they won't care. We are their "customers". We bought their "game". Now, why can't they give us their "support"? Well, because it is not even "support"! BattlEye lets hackers run around free tormenting everyone, but instead they will ban the real players. They leave you only one option, and that is to BUY the game again.

There is a hack going around which tweaks a players ID to match that of another random player. This allows the hacker to hack freely with no fear of being banned because the player actually being banned is some random person who's ID was used.

Unfortunately, a fix for this isn't likely to happen anytime soon. BattleEye is being hit hard by these reports and requests for rescinding global bans.

All you can do is go to the BattleEye site and create a ticket reporting what you know. Then wait patiently and monitor the forums for more information.

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Usually in every other game I play, there are obstacles that prevent players from conflicting trouble upon themselves and being punished for it, but for Arma, I am just not seeing them. There aren't any rules, warnings, or alerts that tell you if you do something, you will get banned or kicked for it, and if you do get into trouble, there is no support from BattlEye to get you out of it. Now, I have been reading so many threads about players being banned for absolutely no reason whatsoever, and I believe them, because today, this happened to me as well. When you go to their ban support page you will see what I am talking about: http://battleye.com/support.html. Even if you send them an email they don't even reply to it because whatever you tell them, they won't care. We are their "customers". We bought their "game". Now, why can't they give us their "support"? Well, because it is not even "support"! BattlEye lets hackers run around free tormenting everyone, but instead they will ban the real players. They leave you only one option, and that is to BUY the game again.

Why are you starting viscous rumors based no facts?

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Lol i have been banned after doing nothing wrong and was looking in this thread for any advice.....but fact-less BS like that is not gunna help anyone.

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Rocket must play at a hackered server, get respawned with hacked items, get auto-banned. Then he will believe. Until that happened... I dont believe it too.

And about hackers roaming and game rebuy conspiracies... Dude, please, think about one simple fact.

Hacking tools are sold. Cheaters buy it. Go at server, hack everything till they get autobanned. They go buy another Arma key, go cheating, banned, repeat.

This is like going to cinema for them. Dozen bucks to have a half an hour fun in a movie where you are god and everyone feels your power. I know a guy who got banned and bought Arma key again at least 12 times! I told him he is crazy. He told me he has right to spend his money anyway he likes, even burn them. Imagine how many people like that in the world of DayZ. Now you can calculate the real unique players count. One million keys logged in to DayZ? Yes. Unique players? Not sure. Even I bought a second key to play with my squad, because my roleplay survivor character is wandering elsewhere and is in constant adventure and I have no time to run for hour to our rally point unprepared. I bought myself this time and my combat group character is always packed and ready in the middle of the map.

DayZ became more than popular. It's an infectoius idea, it's hysteria. No one left indifferent to this game after spawning on the beach in terror. Unique emotions. So hackers sell their cheats. People sell porn, because someone's willing to pay. Another one sells pills with sugar telling it cures everything for the same reason.

No excuse for hack developers, but they reflect our corruptive demands.

DayZ Mod was just one of the hundreds of usermade custom addons for Arma. Without any plan to attract thousands. Arma never was mainstream and never had publicly persistent MMO gameplay to that extend. This mod and Arma were unprepared for this legions. Folks, please, realize this mod is played by almost a million of players, while was planned for a hundred. It all exploded in four months! Noone could prevent hacking so quickly, especially a simple user, with his simple usermade addon... Genious user, Dean Hall, hired by BIs, but still an addonmaker.

Now he has THE ENGINE, THE TEAM, THE SOURCE CODE. He is addonmaker no more. He makes a real and serious game for us. I saw somthing I can't tell which convinced me that Rocket is so passionate about his DayZ, that he is determined to rewrite every freaking part of the engine if it is not making DayZ better.

Have faith. Be strong. You will survive this painful alpha-mod and be rewarded. :D Take care. Cheers.

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