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Sorry another noob question. I read you press W twice to sprint. I do that and don't run any faster than if I just hold W. Is there a trick to it or am I just that bad at this game?

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It should just be double tap W, but, I wouldn't advise doing this in the sight of any zeds, otherwise they will chase you.

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Sprinting is only there to give you a quick and short burst of speed, and should only be used when running directly to some cover from getting shot at.

After a small amount of time of sprinting, the speed at which you run while sprinting is slower than the default jogging.

To make everything simple, Don't sprint unless you need cover immediately.

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Sprinting is only there to give you a quick and short burst of speed, and should only be used when running directly to some cover from getting shot at.

After a small amount of time of sprinting, the speed at which you run while sprinting is slower than the default jogging.

To make everything simple, Don't sprint unless you need cover immediately.

This. Also if you continually roll on the ground your character will get tired.

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When you spawn and hit the w key to move your character should walk at a decent pace. If you double tap the w key you should full out sprint.

If you want to move differently double tap "shift" and now in order to run you use "w" + "shift" to sprint. This is the same for crouching and prone crawling. If you just use the w key you will walk slower and move slower in crounch and prone.

Hope this helps?

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