Deadrecon 1 Posted May 27, 2012 Its all about communication. Civilization started with communication. Most people type to communicate. You cant type and protect yourself at the same time, so people tend to go for protection and thus there will be no clear communication and then accidents (people getting shot) start to happenThis game has a great feature called direct communication voice chat. It enables you to speak ingame with the use of a headset as if you where speaking in real life. Only people in your direct vicinity can hear you nobody else just like in real life. And you can pinpoint there location by the direction of there voice. By using this feature you are able to communicate and protect yourself at the same time. This way less accidents will happen and more friendships will be established.The problem is that nobody uses this feature. Probably because they do not own a microphone, are scared to talk over a microphone, do not know this feature exists or do not know how to use it.So putting efforts in education people to use Direct communications voice chat will result in way less PvP killings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CalUKGR 4 Posted May 27, 2012 Keep in mind' date=' there is a difference between "carebear" antics and how the game is now with shoot on sight 99.9% of the time.[/quote']We really have dissuade the use of the term 'carebears' in this forum. It's a patronising insult to a great many players who would simply prefer a slightly more manageable play style. There is nothing at all wrong with that - we all feel enthusiastic about this mod and we are all entitled to our opinions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
arreally 4 Posted May 27, 2012 it's sad really, how community is doing in the moddeathmatching is a problem, but only a problem down in the coasts. people don't want to waste time going to the northern wilderness to find an easy kill, when people spawning in will do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sminky 5 Posted May 27, 2012 you not counting all the people you didnt see but who saw you & didnt shoot ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Genferret 0 Posted May 27, 2012 you not counting all the people you didnt see but who saw you & didnt shoot ;)So much this!There have been many times I've had binocs and/or a scoped weapon and watched a fellow survivor walk around a town. To me it's like watching a National Geographic show. How is this guy going to deal with all those Zeds?He doesn't know I'm watching him or that he has a scope zeroed in at his distance following his every move, yet he doesn't die either because I don't pull that trigger. In fact, one survivor probably (and in this game rightfully so) thought someone was shooting at him, because unknown to him there was a Zed around that corner he was about to round so I took the 600yd shot and dropped the Zed with a headshot. All the survivor knows is there was a gunshot, and if he sees the Zed around the corner after he turns it he might just assume it was killed a while ago by whomever was shooting at him or it was another casualty of the roof monster.I don't call out on Side Channel and don't really talk there. I talk on TeamSpeak with my friends and that's about it. I play this game to avoid other survivors for the most part because their survival goes against my own. Either they get the beans or I do. So usually I don't help (outside the above situation), but at the same time I don't go actively hunting. If I come across another survivor I usually change directions, back out of town quietly or etc. However, if I think they will present a direct threat to me (ie: bandit skin) or I walked to a particular location specifically for the store that's in that town and there's another survivor crawling in I'll not hesitate to shoot. It's either I get the stuff or they do, and at the end of the day it's about my survival over theirs.If this puts me into the COD4/TDM crown because I'll shoot without saying anything, then so be it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skint (DayZ) 138 Posted May 27, 2012 I play this game with the intention of surviving for as long as possible, not to try and kill as many zombies or players as possible.I avoid Cherno & Elektro and stay in the woods visiting remote places.All bar one contact with players has been friendly (I was shot in the back by a Bandit) and when I've met others I always salute and have always had friendly response and we move on.I have helped players in trouble and have been helped when I've been in trouble.I automatically treat other players with respect as they are in the same situation as me and do not want to kill them for their kit.Zombies are not a problem to me because their behavior has become predictable due to watching them for so long.This game has definitely split into two styles of play: big town kill fests for the trigger happy and roaming lone wolf/pack wolf style play.And that is exactly how I would imagine a real life Zombie apocalypse scenario would play out so it's fine with me.So it's not just a DM/TDM game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BootsofPain 0 Posted May 27, 2012 I think the latest update meaning Bandits aren't identifiable will actually help gameplay as not only could anyone be a bandit but anyone could be a friendly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ub3rS0ldat 0 Posted May 27, 2012 10 Days on my character and i've killed 2 bandits and murdered no one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
underpaidorphan 2 Posted May 27, 2012 Still lots of good points. As far as me liking the PvP style, but upset over the deathmatch meta that is currently going on, there is a huge difference.PvP is part of the game. Period. You have to have that sense of danger. Is he friendly? Or is he foe?HOWEVER, with this deathmatch meta going on, is basically, he IS foe. And I am with those of you that agree with me.Then the problem is I'M NOT LOOKING TO KILL EVERYONE. So if I stumble upon a random player, my instinct is to go "Hey, friendly? I'm cool. Do you, boo boo.", but I have to keep in mind that so far MOST people have just shot on sight. So then I have to alter my play style to be ready to shoot the dude. And MOST of the time, I do. Or he does. That is downright stupid and in no way, shape, or form, what this game is ALWAYS supposed to be about. PvP is in addition to the survival.Instead, we get 27 minute average life span with players killing left and right. 27 minutes. Oh boy, that is a lot of surviving... I agree that Cherno/Elecktro can be deathmatch havens. However, I'm talking about WAAAAAY up north as well. I'm talking about the woods north of the huge airstrip. I'm talking about the far northwest woods and small towns. Hell, I would actually almost disagree that Cherno/Elecktro are deathmatches because honestly in my scenarios, people are just looting and sprinting from zombies. The only real threat are the camping snipers that choose to play in this CoD style.As far as not counting the people that saw me, but I didn't see them... sure. But that number is irrelevant, if even a factor. I am in alt-free look mode 80% of my traveling time. I am seriously the most paranoid person, however I'm more of the "I heard a twig break in the distance. ZOMBIE IS IN FULL SPRINT FOR ME!!!" kind of guy. Regardless, the only people that might have seen me are those who were 300-500 yards away with binoculars are snipers, and no sniper is going to hit me at that range with how I travel. Once again, I act like someone is watching me ALL the time. But I love that. I just don't love it when that someone kills me ALL the time.As far as chat channels go and "communication was the start of civilization", yea that is true. But if you read my previous post, it is a double sided sword. You can use chat and state you are friendly and looking for group or whatever. And it works mostly. People find each other, team up, give each other beans. But guess what, you get Genferret and other CoD guys that see this and go "Oh look, they are in Vylota and they are friendly. They won't put up a fight when I kill them". As far as using other chats and such, the same problem always occurs. I don't really know how someone would fix this... maybe proximity chat? Or maybe that is how it already works? I use Ventrillo with my friends and generally stay out of chat unless I really really need to.Everyone has their opinions. And you know what, as someone said, there are plenty of people that will continue to play this game in Alpha. However, I share the opinion that the gameplay is starting to plateau and nothing is being done about it other than adding more things to kill you in game. But perhaps this is the reason why this genre has never been successful.I will be back for beta or final version. And I do hope that zombies become stronger and an actual threat. And the people that stick around for DayZ are really interested in survival and not this griefing/deathmatch meta that stands currently. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kigrax 0 Posted May 27, 2012 I don't wanna play a survival sim, I wanna play an apocalypse sim. For me, 99% of that is hunting down carebares and elites alike. Bye Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
walou 3 Posted May 27, 2012 Blame bashur. Blame everyone that shared this game and made non-arma players join it to ruin everything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr.niceguy 1 Posted May 27, 2012 Completely agree with OP, this game has turned into a Shoot First, Ask Questions Later type of mode.There should be an server side option where you can disable friendly fire. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
menford 1 Posted May 27, 2012 Still lots of good points. As far as me liking the PvP style' date=' but upset over the deathmatch meta that is currently going on, there is a huge difference.PvP is part of the game. Period. You have to have that sense of danger. Is he friendly? Or is he foe?HOWEVER, with this deathmatch meta going on, is basically, he IS foe. And I am with those of you that agree with me.Then the problem is I'M NOT LOOKING TO KILL EVERYONE. So if I stumble upon a random player, my instinct is to go "Hey, friendly? I'm cool. Do you, boo boo.", but I have to keep in mind that so far MOST people have just shot on sight. So then I have to alter my play style to be ready to shoot the dude. And MOST of the time, I do. Or he does. That is downright stupid and in no way, shape, or form, what this game is ALWAYS supposed to be about. PvP is in addition to the survival.Instead, we get 27 minute average life span with players killing left and right. 27 minutes. Oh boy, that is a lot of surviving... I agree that Cherno/Elecktro can be deathmatch havens. However, I'm talking about WAAAAAY up north as well. I'm talking about the woods north of the huge airstrip. I'm talking about the far northwest woods and small towns. Hell, I would actually almost disagree that Cherno/Elecktro are deathmatches because honestly in my scenarios, people are just looting and sprinting from zombies. The only real threat are the camping snipers that choose to play in this CoD style.As far as not counting the people that saw me, but I didn't see them... sure. But that number is irrelevant, if even a factor. I am in alt-free look mode 80% of my traveling time. I am seriously the most paranoid person, however I'm more of the "I heard a twig break in the distance. ZOMBIE IS IN FULL SPRINT FOR ME!!!" kind of guy. Regardless, the only people that might have seen me are those who were 300-500 yards away with binoculars are snipers, and no sniper is going to hit me at that range with how I travel. Once again, I act like someone is watching me ALL the time. But I love that. I just don't love it when that someone kills me ALL the time.As far as chat channels go and "communication was the start of civilization", yea that is true. But if you read my previous post, it is a double sided sword. You can use chat and state you are friendly and looking for group or whatever. And it works mostly. People find each other, team up, give each other beans. But guess what, you get Genferret and other CoD guys that see this and go "Oh look, they are in Vylota and they are friendly. They won't put up a fight when I kill them". As far as using other chats and such, the same problem always occurs. I don't really know how someone would fix this... maybe proximity chat? Or maybe that is how it already works? I use Ventrillo with my friends and generally stay out of chat unless I really really need to.Everyone has their opinions. And you know what, as someone said, there are plenty of people that will continue to play this game in Alpha. However, I share the opinion that the gameplay is starting to plateau and nothing is being done about it other than adding more things to kill you in game. But perhaps this is the reason why this genre has never been successful.I will be back for beta or final version. And I do hope that zombies become stronger and an actual threat. And the people that stick around for DayZ are really interested in survival and not this griefing/deathmatch meta that stands currently.[/quote']This game is incredibly popular right now and as with any game being played by the lowest common denominator, people are going to play in a similar style to the other games they play, eschewing what the game could become or was meant to be or what some in the community wish it could be. I'm sure if COD was populated by a small community people would be playing it tactically/roleplaying etc.and with people who consider themselves good at "gaming" picking up CO just to play dayz you are going to see alot of people overlooking or even ignoring the idea of "survival horror" or whatever you would want to call this, and recognizing the "game-able" elements and immediately setting out to "win" by achieving what ever bar they've set for themselves (player hunting, loot collecting, imaginary bad assery etc)Judging by the posts rocket made in the "what happened to the server community" thread I would believe rocket intends this very thing to be a part of the experience. In some senses, complaining that there is too much player killing in something intended to be an "experience" or "anti-game" as rocket puts it is like complaining there are too many bears in the forest to go camping. Perhaps with the beta release there will be less bears and you can go camping again but it isn't likely unless a lot of people decide to do something about the bears on their own...without rockets help.I think that is the larger issue at hand, people come to dayz on one side: looking to "win" or be the "best" in whatever way that means to them. and on the other: people come here for an experience but don't accept the first group as part of it. (sure there are many shades of gray but I am more speaking to those upset with the rampant PVP)For me my mindset for this game is what I would imagine it would be IRL, Elektro and Cherno are bad neighborhoods and I avoid them, hell with no "law" I avoid everyone I don't personally know.And with that being said I personally have primarily seen the better side of humanity playing this game. I have only had 4 characters since the game started and 2 player caused deaths, I should've died MANY MANY times, but good samaritans helped me out when I was in need. trading/transfusing/assisting with zombies etc. and the two player caused deaths were after some of the most tense moments I have ever experienced in a game. I didn't rage after I died pissed that I lost a 2 week character and great loot, I reflected on the experience and was glad I had it. I'm sure I would have more easy going "fun" if the community was smaller and maybe someday it will settle down into one similar to arma 2's. But I definitely like it as is (alpha bugs aside) and only hope it gets even more unforgiving and provides even more freedom to those who play Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
john_blund 1 Posted May 27, 2012 I've played this game non-stop for over a week now.It's been 2-3 days since I've seen or heard gunshots, with the exception of a few long distance views of passing survivors and bandits.Perhaps I'm the one playing the game wrong then, I don't know.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IDex (DayZ) 4 Posted May 27, 2012 I agree that Cherno/Elecktro can be deathmatch havens. However' date=' I'm talking about WAAAAAY up north as well. I'm talking about the woods north of the huge airstrip. I'm talking about the far northwest woods and small towns. Hell, I would actually almost disagree that Cherno/Elecktro are deathmatches because honestly in my scenarios, people are just looting and sprinting from zombies. The only real threat are the camping snipers that choose to play in this CoD style.[/quote']Funny that I've met only few people like that. Actually I already had two friendly encounters today after the update. Though I still kept my surrounds in check and was ready to shoot them if the need arose, but that's what's so awesome about this game. You are never safe with other players around.As for your chat problems, it's rather obvious and the actual problem is with retards who announce their location to the whole world but lack the brains to move their ass out of town in 10 or so minutes it takes for bandits to show up. Putting your location up on the chat has (and should have) exactly same effect as making loud noises or moving with light source at night. Survival isn't just about picking beans. If you keep dying you can't really call yourself a good survivor.If people want easier game this isn't the game for you. If you can't handle the hardcore(i.e. as survivor) play the easy mode and join the bean wars with others who lack the skill and effort. But please don't whine on the forums when you lowered your guard and got shot.Your truly, three days alive and counting pacifist survivor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arnoldio 2 Posted May 27, 2012 I say this for the 5786583765th time.INTRODUCE A 24H RESPAWN TIME. ENYO FIXED DAYZ AND ACTUAL GOOD PLAY.In real life, people would go cry in the corner if such thing happened. In DayZ there is Rambos. Rambos everywhere. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted May 27, 2012 I murdered another player today for the first time in weeks.The reason was: I had no food and little water left. He asked if I was friendly and, at first, I was. I considered trying to trade but I could see he had better equipment than I did and it was much easier to simply wait till he turned his back and shoot him.Do I feel guilty or bad? Not really - it's a survival game. It's been said that civilization is "nine meals from anarchy". Now imagine that the world you live in has not only crashed and burned but has also become infested with zombies. I believe the majority of people would become very trigger happy to ensure their continued survival. Trust and empathy would become rare and ill-afforded commodities. The only person you could completely trust is yourself. Friends and family might be trustworthy but I imagine there's people out there who would sell their grandmothers for a can of beans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ssential 0 Posted May 27, 2012 I murdered another player today for the first time in weeks.The reason was: I had no food and little water left. He asked if I was friendly and' date=' at first, I was. I considered trying to trade but I could see he had better equipment than I did and it was much easier to simply wait till he turned his back and shoot him.[/quote']I doubt he would have killed you if you asked :-/ I really don't understand such behaviour. If he wanted to kill you, you would have already been dead. He had the better equipment, he trusted you. Asking for a can of beans wouldn't have been too much. Looting together is much easier and safer. As soon as I grouped up with someone I NEVER had any food / water problems. Never. A friend is definitely worth more than a can of beans.Problem is, if everyone acts the same as you do, things will never change for the better, and you'll never be able to trust anyone. Well anyway, I guess next time I meet a lone survivor I ask immediately whether he needs something. So you won't get killed for some lousy beans even if there would be enough for both. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
underscore 12 Posted May 27, 2012 OP, lots of us get what you're saying and agree with you. Ignore the haters. We had a long discussion last night in the "what happened to the server community" thread about this problem.I agree with others saying that the best and easiest solution to this bullshit would be to impose long post-death timeout periods before allowing respawns. Better yet, tie the lengths of the lockout periods directly to a character's humanity score - the more ppl you murder, the longer you get to sit out after being killed. Put that into the game and watch all these internet tough guys start tossing toys out of their prams and crying their delicious tears. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
peetgamer 10 Posted May 27, 2012 Play smarter don't be sitting duck, don't go to all hotspots all the time.If its a deathmatch so be it its still survival game if you see guy shooting it out downtown cherno wait for winner and shoot them if they are finished. Or watch town fro distance and pick your target.Game is still as it was few weeks ago you just have to pay more attention to your surroundings and don't trust anybody.I still meet guys who don't shoot by first glympse of shiny winchester. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hawk24 94 Posted May 27, 2012 I say this for the 5786583765th time.INTRODUCE A 24H RESPAWN TIME. ENYO FIXED DAYZ AND ACTUAL GOOD PLAY.Shouting the same thing over and over again doesn't make it any less crappy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted May 27, 2012 Why do people get so worked up over PvP? I have died many, many times in this game and will probably die many more. It's part of the enjoyment of the game. The fact that you could potentially be shot down at any time is what makes it so much fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
peetgamer 10 Posted May 27, 2012 It seems some want safe zones or instance so they are not p-ked while killing zombies lol.They completely missing the game core game play essences. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steve McAwesome 6 Posted May 27, 2012 hearing a LOT of complaining about pvp but not ONE SINGLE SUGGESTION on how it can be curbed or discouraged. anybody? Personally im fine with how things are. even when avoiding other players at all costs you will still be forced into social situations, fighting off zeds, etc that will force you to interact and potentially make friends. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ssential 0 Posted May 27, 2012 Why do people get so worked up over PvP? I have died many' date=' many times in this game and will probably die many more. It's part of the enjoyment of the game. The fact that you could potentially be shot down at any time is what makes it so much fun.[/quote']Because some people actually try to survive as long as possible. One of the main problems is that a freshly spawned survivor's life has absolutely zero value. He has nothing to lose. If he dies, he's back again in 5 minutes, while someone that stayed alive for a week has much more to lose.When a freshly spawned survivor blindly rushes at me and starts shooting me because apparently he doesn't value his life because he has no loot yet, my immersion is broken, because he's definitely not trying to stay alive with his suicidal act. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites