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Best way to get snipers give away their position?

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Hey guys

I'm sniping a lot at the NWA

but most of the time I kill ppl not worth even approach their bodies because I just need some more good snipers stuff

(I know barracks and helos but I'm always having bad luck with this shit never found something usefull at loot points

best gear I get from PvP and tent's)

So how to figure out where snipers are withouth running like a chicken and make them shoot and possibly kill me

I'm playing on non-tag servers so just scanning the area is usesless since most of em got ghillies like me

One thing I do is if a player shows up I don't shoot right on sight I wait so maybe an other sniper shoots him and I can look for the blood spill in witch direction it's going or hear from where the shoot came from or see the muzzle smoke

inb4 I know L85 but I don't have one

so I need tips how to best sot them without TWS :)

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cool beans bro! Too bad good hardcore everything off servers are becoming scarce. :/

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I was about to suggest your first tactic, I like to just find a quiet spot and sit and watch for a bit. If there's a sniper he'll give away his position eventually. Or you can just apprach the good sniper positions from the flank or rear and pop them in the back of the head, that's more fun. Sometimes if I have a rough idea where they are I'll chuck a frag or smoke in their direction. They shouldn't see where it's come from and most of the time it just sends them into a blind panic (especially the frags, M203 is perfect for this). They usually just stand up and start running at the first sign of explosives.

Edit* - At night flares really piss them off. It ruins there position for ages.

Edited by Fraggle
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cool beans bro! Too bad good hardcore everything off servers are becoming scarce. :/

yea I also noticed that

there're like only two expert servers in the list everytime

most serves are VET it seems every server calles itself VET but most ef em even have CH:ON

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I'm never going to NWAD again!

Lol, your post plus your signature made me chuckle.

Much love.

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Lol, your post plus your signature made me chuckle.

Much love.

Same, excellent signature Mr X!

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So how to figure out where snipers are withouth running like a chicken and make them shoot and possibly kill me

It's really a process of elimination, planning, and, above all else, patience. Quick and dirty advice:

#1 - The obvious spots first. Think: where would YOU be if you were a sniper? A good sniper won't be in those spots, but many others will be. Bad snipers love tall buildings. At NWAF, that's the ATC tower and fire station. I'm sure you already know this, but anyone in there will spawn zombies. Need to watch carefully since 3rd person (if you are that server type) enables them to stay hidden until they set up for a shot. That said, they're trapped like a rat in those spots if you manage to get into the building.

#2 - The treeline on the west side of the runway offers a good FOV against the hangars and has a safe egress for the sniper out to the west. However, if you approach the AF from the east, you can easily get into and out of the barracks and firehouse without exposing yourself (much) to their FOV. The hangars are a shooting gallery for a sniper over there. However, there is a relatively limited range of spots in the treeline which they can be in without spawning zombies at some of the outlying buildings.

#3 - Remember, a sniper can't see every loot point from a single spot. Figure out what direction you'll be most exposed from and either sweep that spot on the way in or approach from a safe direction. Again, think: If I'm in spot "A", what direction can a sniper see me from? Does HE have cover in that spot? Is there a safer route? Am I better served quickly running accross that spot or crawling slowly? These things have to be considered before you get to spot "A".

There are a few other favorites snipers use, so use your judgement.

If a sniper does shoot and misses/wounds you and you don't know where he is: RUN. DO NOT STOP - at all. Not for a secod. Run for the nearest cover and keep running, zig-zagging along the way. Sort out the zombies chasing you after you exit the AF. They will be the least of your worries.

Above all else: If you are a loner, DON'T GET GREEDY. If you check every single loot spot at the airfield, you almost gurantee that a sniper will get a shot on you at some point because, eventually, you're going to cross his FOV. So, decide which section of the AF you want to check, choose an approach that offers the most cover, identify where you will be most exposed, and sweep/scan those areas becfore going in. Personally, I will usually limit my loner runs to one of the barracks and any tertiary spots nearby that offer some cover.

All that said: not much you can do against people spawning into the airfield somewhere while your there and throwing the best laid plans out the window. By far, that's the THE most likely way you'll get shot there.

Edited by Double_Back
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I was about to suggest your first tactic, I like to just find a quiet spot and sit and watch for a bit. If there's a sniper he'll give away his position eventually. Or you can just apprach the good sniper positions from the flank or rear and pop them in the back of the head, that's more fun. Sometimes if I have a rough idea where they are I'll chuck a frag or smoke in their direction. They shouldn't see where it's come from and most of the time it just sends them into a blind panic (especially the frags, M203 is perfect for this). They usually just stand up and start running at the first sign of explosives.

Edit* - At night flares really piss them off. It ruins there position for ages.

you call that good sniper positions O.o????

anyway here's my advice to catch a sniper you need to think like a sniper. don't go to mainstream spots well you could ofc. but the big fish aint there.

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a single shot in there direction usualy makes snipers relocate or crawl away giving there positions away

dont lay in direct vieuw of the airport but monitor the locations people use as cover

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anyway here's my advice to catch a sniper you need to think like a sniper. don't go to mainstream spots well you could ofc. but the big fish aint there.

That's really what it boils down to. Nothing helps a player learn to avoid snipers than actually playing as a sniper for a while. Sniping, getting the kill, and living (without DC-ing) consistently isn't as easy as some think. There are issues a sniper has to deal with and a smart players learns to take advantage of those difficulties a sniper faces in order to increase their chances of not getting a bullet in the head.

The "wait for the sniper to shoot another player first" isn't a good tactic when you're trying to get into a loot spot because, very often, YOU are going to be that player. Aside from the Cherno/Elektro PVP orgy, player traffic isn't as high as many people think. Having done quite a bit of lone sniping myself: it's amazing how relatively rarely some places get visited. A good sniper is, more than anything else, patient. He will wait. He'll wait 30 minutes, an hour, two hours. He will wait longer than you. How many players are going to wait an hour at the edge of the NWAF just waiting for a sniper shot (by a sniper that, statistically, probably isn't there in the first place) at yet another player(s) going there to loot first? Not many. Aside from that: the whole point is to get in there when there are no other players! Why on earth would you want to wait for other players to show up before you go in? Also, a good sniper (unless he's part of a team) isn't going to kill a player and wait for the next one. He's going to shoot and move.

For a loner going to NW Airfield: plan your route smartly, stay hyper-alert, get in, get out, don't get greedy, don't linger.

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A lot of snipers dont hold down ALT while looking around. you can see their body spinning on the ground as they scan the airfield.

Just hold ALT and only your head moves, even while looking thru your scope.

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I like to sprint by the 2 sniper hills north and east of Elektro. That will usually show me where at least 1 sniper is located. It's fun to circle back around and sneak up on them from behind after doing this.

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You won't see a good sniper because a good sniper knows to wait and pick his shots carefully. A good sniper has the patience to wait for hours, two, three just to kill one person. A good sniper doesn't move from his spot because he's dug in enough to wait people out. A good sniper moves after every kill or group kill so you won't find him in the same spot every time. Your best bet is to hope his first shot misses and that you can counter snipe or get out of the area before he adjusts and gets his second round in you.

One shot, one kill.

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Just watch obvious sniper spots on busy/decently populated servers. Find a spot outside/behind the normal sight lines and eventually you'll see movement of some kind. Sniper hill in electro usually produces good loot, that's where I get my nvg's/rangefinders most often. And I got my L85 off a guy that was sniping from Drakon Island into Electro. Not sure how common that is, but I have found a tent or two on that island too.

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You won't see a good sniper because a good sniper knows to wait and pick his shots carefully. A good sniper has the patience to wait for hours, two, three just to kill one person. A good sniper doesn't move from his spot because he's dug in enough to wait people out. A good sniper moves after every kill or group kill so you won't find him in the same spot every time. Your best bet is to hope his first shot misses and that you can counter snipe or get out of the area before he adjusts and gets his second round in you.

One shot, one kill.

Even the best snipers run when frags start flushing them out.

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Hey guys

I'm sniping a lot at the NWA

but most of the time I kill ppl not worth even approach their bodies because I just need some more good snipers stuff

(I know barracks and helos but I'm always having bad luck with this shit never found something usefull at loot points

best gear I get from PvP and tent's)

So how to figure out where snipers are withouth running like a chicken and make them shoot and possibly kill me

I'm playing on non-tag servers so just scanning the area is usesless since most of em got ghillies like me

One thing I do is if a player shows up I don't shoot right on sight I wait so maybe an other sniper shoots him and I can look for the blood spill in witch direction it's going or hear from where the shoot came from or see the muzzle smoke

inb4 I know L85 but I don't have one

so I need tips how to best sot them without TWS :)

Stand still and salute !

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tanks for all your advice guys

just some of u didn't either read my post or not very carefully, I don't want to loot any spot at the NWAF so I have time :)

but again thanks for all your tips

I didn't make this clear in first post :

I'm not alone I have a buddy as "bodyguard" who is always watching my six/sometimes helps to spot people.

Are there more opportunities/other tactics since we are two guys?

Edited by Magicool

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If you see the muzzle fire or anything of the sorts, or even hear where the shot came from, lay down suppressive fire at that area while your teammate(s) flank him. That's the best thing really, unless you see him good enough to take him out.

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you call that good sniper positions O.o????

anyway here's my advice to catch a sniper you need to think like a sniper. don't go to mainstream spots well you could ofc. but the big fish aint there.

I meant good from my point of view, not the snipers. Maybe I should have said popular or obvious.

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a single shot in there direction usualy makes snipers relocate or crawl away giving there positions away


A sniper that is worth a damn will realize, if a shot hits near him, the persons best chance in killing him was that first shot.

I've been laying in my hide before and had a shot hit the tree next to me. I was watching the guy when he shot. He didn't actually see me. I shot him at his next loot spot

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I'd actually suggest you to leave the NWAF and travel down to Cherno instead

The thing with the NWAF is that it has too many different sniper spots for you to cover and watch

Cherno on the other hand has a single mountain which is occupied by snipers most of the time

Just take a position about 600-700m away from that sniperhill and wait for someone to show up

He'll most likely have some high-tier sniper gear, which is exactly what you're looking for

Edited by Hawk24

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