Silodiloz 6 Posted August 9, 2012 Hello fellow survivors.This is a topic I am quite interested in, and I believe belongs in general discussion.(This could be a beginner guide as well, but more so discussion-esk)I would love to know what everyone's spawn strategies are. Be it a story of what you do when you spawn, or your general thought process. I thought this would carry about a great discussion, as some players have different variations of game play.I will start:When I first spawn on the coast, my initial thought process is (I need an axe). Now, some of you might be thinking gun's first, and yes, my end goal is to find a gun, but the main thing for me, and my general strategy, is to stay out of towns as a "fresh spawn" noob.With an axe, which is very easy to find in any town and industrial spawn. I head north, with a map either printed out by my side (physical copy), or general knowledge of the land, I head to the nearest barn north/west of my spawn (depending on which coast I spawn on, I usually am always south). With my axe in hand, I can easily dispatch the 1-4 zombies roaming Deer stands a long the way. checking deer stands for weapons, I reach the barn, where I can generally find a basic weapon, and then brave back to the coast, where a more PVP Prone, heavy player base awaits.Anyways, Let me know what you guys do when you spawn.. Do you look for people on the coast to team with? Just head straight into CHerno/Elektro? What is your plan!?-Silo 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KenobiDK 0 Posted August 9, 2012 I usually just sprint into either cherno or elektro, raid firestation, hospital and apartments. Just loose aggro of zombies between buildings or in buildings. Then i go north and raid deer stands and supermarkeds on my way to airfield, where i usually come to my end :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hazedaze 89 Posted August 9, 2012 straight to magilevka or berezino Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ben_c 140 Posted August 9, 2012 Depends where I start.If I can I'll speed raid Cherno or Elektro, no sneaking or being subtle. Just run in grab what I can and scoot.If I'm too far from those then I'll head in country and survive on what I can find, which can be a good challenge. I certainly don't have a shopping list each time I spawn nor do I have a 'gear-r-us' tent collection to run to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dancing.Russian.Man 1631 Posted August 9, 2012 (edited) Method one:> Spawn.> Run straight north.Method two:> Spawn.> Raid Store.> Raid Church.> Raid Hospital.> Run north. Edited August 9, 2012 by Dancing.Russian.Man Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hawk24 94 Posted August 9, 2012 (edited) SpawnGo to one of the several backup tents placed on various locations and serversGet basic stuff(hatchet, knife, matches, water bottle, morphine, AKM)Move on Edited August 9, 2012 by Hawk24 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aru_azif 70 Posted August 9, 2012 so what i always do i first press abort>disconnect and then i go for OK and pick on a serieus note.i mostly run over to cherno,elektro,bera and grab some stuff on the way.when there i run into the hospital and supermarket to get some stuff most of the time a backpack aswell.then i proceed to make myself a target for some scum sniper (yes scum they aint bandits bandits got some honor left in them) proceed to kill him/her and grab my new gear and head up north again.been awhile since i had to do that but still i'd do it the same if i'd die again :) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Konrad010 6 Posted August 9, 2012 My strategy:Maintain stealth and situational awareness.Orient self on map.Acquire any weapon.Acquire food and water.Acquire tool belt items (watch, knife, matches, etc.)Upgrade inventory capacity.Acquire medical supplies.Upgrade weapons.Upgrade clothes.In general, I'll follow these guidelines, in this order. With the exception of maintaining stealth and situational awareness, circumstances can change the order. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2 Posted August 9, 2012 I just run north till I find a barn sneak in get a gun and whatever else is laying around and sneak out then find hunting knife,canteen,matches and wood and just live off the land in the far far north no more raiding for this dude Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkwaveDomina 1099 Posted August 9, 2012 (edited) If I spawn anywhere near Kamenka I will just run straight north hitting all the deer stands and barns in a line before hitting the supermarket at Zeleno. If I spawn anywhere near Cherno or Elektro I will do the same but head on a north-west curve.This method has never failed to get me started. In fact, I was once killed at the Balota airfield and actually found the very guy who killed me hanging around Bor, and by this point I'd already found an AK Kobra in a deer stand. He fired on me first, but once I'd put him down I was ecstatic to find all my stuff again. Thanks guy, whoever you were, for delivering my shit back. Edited August 9, 2012 by Ulfhedjinn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flip4Flap 8 Posted August 9, 2012 I usually just sprint into either cherno or elektro, raid firestation, hospital and apartments. Just loose aggro of zombies between buildings or in buildings. Then i go north and raid deer stands and supermarkeds on my way to airfield, where i usually come to my end :PKind of this except then I tend to avoid NW AF, just rush the mighty deer stand, always a surprise inside! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silodiloz 6 Posted August 9, 2012 Wow I love this topic has kick started so rapidly!Thank you everyone for throwing in your two cents,This topic is not only interesting, but may help others who are reading the forums and having a difficult time off the spawn.I for one, do like the "run in, run out" strategy. And I think if I spawned near Cherno/Elektro, that would be what I would do as well..-Silo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 51 Posted August 9, 2012 Spawn -> Run --> SurviveOr head to Green Mountain and worship the beast that roams there... ;)But seriously it depends on how I'm playing... If I'm with a group usually if I've been killed they are either guarding my gear and waiting for me to pick it up or it's in the back of the truck and I'll just pick it up back at camp...If I'm on my own, it depends where I spawn, but it's usually the same, check the fire houses, hospitals and super markets then head up towards Mogtown and see what comes my way... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 7 Posted August 9, 2012 I rush the towns, if I get shot at, I just keep running. Rush loot everything and get out, head north. If I'm near Balota, grab everything there too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dante Inferno 2 Posted August 9, 2012 Attitude depends on sever population and spawn point.Respawn:Scavenge on my way to my restocking camp. Anything I can do to reduce the impact of stripping gear out of the tent/possibly duping items is fair game. Elek/Cherno - run in and grab what I can, everywhere else find industrial/farm for an axe then start working my way inland. Now is the perfect time to hit a Supermarket or Airfield; very little to lose.Loot priority:1. Axe and Hunting Knife - use these to restock meat supply at camp2. Common primary weapon3. New Tent (to house the rare items I keep away from my fairly visible restocking camp), more on this below4. Defensive items; wire, traps, etc5. Canteens; can never have too many6. Backpack7. Ammo, any and all typesOnce I get to my restocking area I clean out the pile of current inventory, cook up meat I've collected along the way, setup any new defensive items then start the run to my much better hidden rare item tent. Check for anything I can afford to use and if I found a new tent move the items over then start to my re-stocking circuit.Restocking versus Rare Tents:The trick after you've built a restocking area is not keeping all your eggs in one basket. Sure they may clean it out or flatten your tents, but anything that you can't replace in a couple circuits should be kept offsite, better hidden and more than just out of the way.Throw down defensive items and make your primary tent cluster seem well defended. Nothing is going to keep it secure since they can just log over to another server to avoid the traps and get into your secure zone.Circuit Running:Figure out the direction most other players will use to hit the maximum amount of spawn areas and make sure you skip or alternate some, don't be the most efficient. Your circuit is going to overlap in areas; remember that if you're cleaning out in front of them they'll be coming up behind you at a faster rate; and they'll be peeved they're hitting empty on their spawn spots.Never take the ammo but not the gun at a fixed spawn location, forget this rule for Helicopters; get in get out. This is a dead giveaway to someone following behind you that there is someone cleaning out ahead of them. This rule is double for food cans at supermarkets; always leave a couple to reduce suspicion.Follow your rules, mine are: See an area where the zombies are already spawned and distributed? Stay away.Know your route in and out before taking a stepDon’t ever kill a player anywhere near your camp; they’ll come backIf your camp was raided; burn it to the ground and move on; rats come backIf you feel like you’ve been in an area for a long time you’ve been there too longNever leave a gun but no ammo, pick it up and ditch it in the woodsDon’t over pack, you need inventory room to move things aroundDon’t carry anything you don’t want to lose to an area where there are other playersThe map is smaller than it looksAlways follow your rules, when you don’t you’ll end up back on the beach Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dingus (DayZ) 429 Posted August 9, 2012 SpawnRaid the piss out of cherno/elektroDo not leave until I have at least a Czech packRaid deer stands on the way to the northRaid player camps I have on my list Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scribe (DayZ) 13 Posted August 9, 2012 (edited) So far I've only spawned on the south coast so my initial spawn strategy is situational based on that fact.-First I make sure to read which town I'm near as I'm running for the trees hoping not to be spotted by a wondering bullet salesman.-From there I turn around, to look at the coast and go right until I've hit kamenka. (I usually decide against trying to get anything from there as it rarely is anything useful and there are no real good angles to get in and out)-Heading north hitting the dearstands on the way, always making sure to have an escape plan when approaching them with or without a weapon. (such as a line of pinetrees and bushes)-Once I hit pavlovo I have the choice of, more deer stands to the east, or a safer route to zelenogorsk to the north. (deciding which one usually depends on how much food I have or if I have a gun yet)--I start heading east from the church into a patch of trees and continue to the next treeline. From there I try to keep my distance from the road but still keep a small amount of visual contact to my right. When the road stops following the trees I just start keeping the clearing of trees to my right until I find a couple deerstands and a road. I try positioning myself perfectly perpendicular to the road and keep traveling in that direction ignoring all the small shacks and houses until I hit a solid amount of trees. Then turning right following the treeline hitting two deerstands pretty far apart then finding a powerline I go over to that and follow it to the right towards the trees and go left hitting a shack and a barn. From there it starts getting kinda dangerous, I run across the huge field towards kurgan and enter zelenogorsk from there.--Heading north from pavlovo is a pretty straight shot into the supermarket in zelenogorsk. There's some trees connected to pavlovo that I exit into and just follow north. Usually it's pretty easy to spot the one deerstand this direction and go into the next clearing. I continue to follow the treeline until I can see zelenogorsk then I just head straight for the powerlines and down into the market.- where I go from zelenogorsk is anybodies guess. But usually by this time I'm fairly confident with what I have. Edited August 9, 2012 by Scribe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites