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About Konrad010

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    The United States of America
  1. "Everybody knows you never go full retard."
  2. This situation is already in play now - in a fashion. Some NON-HIVE servers are running in "Sanctuary" mode where players tend not to harm one another; rather, they aid each other in a number of ways and in most Sanctuary Servers, the Side Chat and Global Voice chat is active. Since the servers are NON-HIVE, any gear you gain does not transfer to HIVE servers.
  3. Konrad010

    Which gun is better?

    Consult this table to help you make an informed decision: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=1815 As far as finding ammo, all you will have to go on is anecdotal evidence from your fellow players. Personally, I've seen a lot of Lee Enfeld ammunition, and slightly less AKM ammunition.
  4. Konrad010

    is the m4a1 camo sd worth the risk?

    If you wish to maintain your stealth while engaging targets, then yes, the M4A1 SD will aid you in doing so. With your current load-out, it can't hurt!
  5. Konrad010

    waypoint ability ONLY with GPS

    The difficulty of the server and what is on by *default* can be seen here: http://wiki.zspecialunit.org/index.php?title=ArmA_2_Server_Difficulty_Settings.
  6. Konrad010

    Bandit hot spots

    Hello, darkmatter, and welcome to the DayZ mod and the DayZ forums! Bandits can strike anywhere. Bandits are more likely to strike at the large cities near spawning areas: Cherno & Elektro, and the Northwest Airfield.
  7. Hello Gert-Jan, and welcome to the DayZ mod and DayZ forums! Unfortunately, the environment is rich with mechanisms capable of ending your current character and starting you at zero. As smasht_AU stated above, there is a PvP element to the game, so you must be careful of how and where you decide to look for gear. This adds a layer of challenge to the simulation, so please respond accordingly. Also, the direct communication voice/text chat is only available to other players to a certain range. Beyond that range, one will not hear nor see the chat. Add to all of this the PvE aspect and you have quite a hostile environment. Just keep all these things in the back of your mind and I think things will make a little more sense the next time you give the mod a whirl. A little paranoia goes a long way in DayZ. ;)
  8. Konrad010

    Discuss: Your Spawning Strategy

    My strategy: Maintain stealth and situational awareness. Orient self on map. Acquire any weapon. Acquire food and water. Acquire tool belt items (watch, knife, matches, etc.) Upgrade inventory capacity. Acquire medical supplies. Upgrade weapons. Upgrade clothes. In general, I'll follow these guidelines, in this order. With the exception of maintaining stealth and situational awareness, circumstances can change the order.
  9. Konrad010

    So i decided to be nice .....

    (Ouch. The team needs a unified Chain of Command!)
  10. Konrad010

    To the Noob on US 785 last night i helped out.....

    Your kindness knows no bounds! I'm glad to see that there are some folks in the simulator that don't automatically shoot on sight!
  11. Konrad010

    new to pc gaming

    ArchAngel-7-: Whoa! Pretty cool! How long did it take you to get used to the N52TE?
  12. Very possibly a bug. My anecdotal evidence: I was in a deer stand, clear of zombies and not engaged in combat. I logged out and went to the lobby, so I could take a break. When I logged back in 15 minutes later, the game put me directly into KO status, where I lay drooling for 10 minutes. I definitely got the break I was looking for! ;)
  13. Konrad010

    Graphics bug gone?

    Interesting. What Arma Beta patch version are you running? Also, are you positive you're on Green Mountain? There are several nearby mountains that you may be on, as opposed to Green Mountain. You can confirm Green Mountain's location due to the large spire sitting on top of it...and for the rest of us, massive graphic glitching. :lol:
  14. Konrad010

    new to pc gaming

    Hello chrissybroon and welcome to the DayZ mod and DayZ forums! Using a joypad in DayZ/Arma 2 might be a little problematic, as the game might not support joypads. Assuming you can use a joypad in DayZ, part of the solution to your problem is to research a PC gamepad that you are comfortable using. After that, you will have to integrate using the keyboard into your control scheme while playing DayZ. A while back, I used a joypad to play City of Heroes which also had a lot of commands. I was able to configure the pad to accept certain controls and the rest had to be mapped to the keyboard. Good luck with your search - if you end up being successful in getting the pad to work, please come back and post how you did it to help other players facing the same situation!
  15. Konrad010

    Servers with no PVP, for those to kill just Z's

    Hello, islandjack1, and welcome to the DayZ mod and DayZ forums. As other posters have stated earlier, the game mod wasn't necessarily designed to just be PvP or PvE. Having your character die numerous times is part of the learning curve - as time goes on, you will very likely find the game experience you're looking for: just wiping out zombies, but you will have to get through this very tough learning period first. One way to increase your chances of survival is banding together with other players that have the same agenda that you do. Interaction with other players, good or bad, is part of the core experience of DayZ. Good luck and maybe I'll see you out on the field!