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G36SD camo?

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Pulled off a dead guy, not legit weapon right?

Do I keep it? Trash it? Give it to some survivor on the coast?

BTW it rapes. 4v1 near the firehouse in cherno, I won.(they were also bad)

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Pulled off a dead guy, not legit weapon right?

Do I keep it? Trash it? Give it to some survivor on the coast?

BTW it rapes. 4v1 near the firehouse in cherno, I won.(they were also bad)

It's ok to keep it, but some people may think you hacked it in. Also, a admin may think u hacked it in as well, I would trash it. Though, you shouldnt get banned for carrying it.

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some guns arent in the game for a reason. keeping a "hacked" weapon is still cheating. don't be that guy

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Trash it man. The G36C SD Camo doesn't exist in the mod. Taking a weapon that doesn't exist in the mod could get you flagged as a hacker by the hive and get you in trouble. Hacked weapons that already exist in the mod, for example the AS50, are ok to take.

Edited by denkart

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some guns arent in the game for a reason. keeping a "hacked" weapon is still cheating. don't be that guy

Reason I posted is because I am not "that guy"

Had the gun for 10 mins, posted. Sorry I am not up to date on all the weapons that are and are not in the game. I had not seen one before, so I assumed it was hacked.

Same guy I also picked up SVD camo, is that legit?

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SVD camo is a legit weapon. Though the particular one you have is almost definitely not legit, you won't get in trouble for keeping it.

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Carrying a hacked weapon could get you banned for the following reason. When the database does a routine checkup / routine fixes it scans quickly for database entries that are not allowed, which in this case are hacked weapons. So when the scan goes on, it goes through the database and sees an entry of you having a weapon that you shouldnt have resulting in your GUID being flagged and in the worst case scenario resulting in your GUID being banned.

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You guys dont even know how the database works and you explain to this guy..

You can keep the weapon you will not get banned , your weapon may transform into a makarov ,

Server admins may see you're weapon and ban you FROM THE SERVER.

People may study your body and report it to the forums ,

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I don't understand the debate. I already trashed it on a dead guy and hid the body. I just wanted to know if it was hacked.

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You guys dont even know how the database works and you explain to this guy..

You can keep the weapon you will not get banned , your weapon may transform into a makarov ,

Server admins may see you're weapon and ban you FROM THE SERVER.

People may study your body and report it to the forums ,

EDIT: Nevermind, my info was from an old rocket post that is no longer up to date. Jemoeder is right.

Source: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/46844-hackers/#entry446536

Edited by denkart

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Trash it man. The G36C SD Camo doesn't exist in the mod. Taking a weapon that doesn't exist in the mod could get you flagged as a hacker by the hive and get you in trouble. Hacked weapons that already exist in the mod, for example the AS50, are ok to take.

Let me just say Wrong and erhm.. Wrong again sir.

*Edit I saw you replied to it. Fair enough..

-AS50 is still not "hacked" bad phun is bad.

Edited by U.B.C.S. Zantiago

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Let me just say Wrong and erhm.. Wrong again sir.

*Edit I saw you replied to it. Fair enough..

-AS50 is still not "hacked" bad phun is bad.

I was talking about AS50s that had been created through hacks. I know they exist within the game.

Edited by denkart

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It's ok to keep it


It's not

Just because you don't get banned for something doesn't mean you should do it

You don't get banned for AltF4(yet), so according to your logic it's absolutely OK to do it

People cry about hackers ruining their game all the time

But give them a hacked weapon that doesn't exist in the mod and they will GLADLY take it/advise you to take it..."because you don't get banned for it"

Trash it, move on

Edited by Hawk24

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It's not

Just because you don't get banned for something doesn't mean you should do it

You don't get banned for AltF4(yet), so according to your logic it's absolutely OK to do it

People cry about hackers ruining their game all the time

But give them a hacked weapon that doesn't exist in the mod and they will GLADLY take it/advise you to take it..."because you don't get banned for it"

Trash it, move on


That is just your moral standpoint, and not something people have to share with you.

It's up to them to keep it or trash it.

They won't get banned for it, simply because it goes by the spawners ID as the original Owner of it.

And as such, the hive have allready registered the original owner/spawner.

As far as I know, that is how the system works atleast.

But I still can't understand why you would try and push your moral standpoint down somebody else's throat.

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But I still can't understand why you would try and push your moral standpoint down somebody else's throat.

Moral standpoint?

More like "basic common sense"

Don't complain about "HACKZ0RZ RUININ MAH GAEM" while at the same time using HACKED items to your advantage

That's all there is to it

Hypocrisy at its best

Edited by Hawk24
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some times i don't even bother posting a reaction to people, cause it feels like talking to a brick wall.

hawk24 is one of those people.

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some times i don't even bother posting a reaction to people, cause it feels like talking to a brick wall.

hawk24 is one of those people.

Why do you hate high quality custom-built brick walls like mine?

Would you actually have any argument that justifies the use of hacked weaponry?

And I don't mean "you don't get banned for it, Rocket said it so"

If you use obviously cheated inventory then you basically accept the fact that you might get randomly servernuked or teleported into the Thunderdome

If you complain about it afterwards....well you can still go fuck yourself

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Like I said talking to you is like talking to a brick wall.

You already asume that I'am talking about the hacked weapons.

When in fact I'am talking about you forcing people into your opinion like zantiago said.

Yes i fully agree that people shouldn't used hacked gear no matter where it came from or what it is, hell it could be a can of beans that's hacked in and i'd disapprove it. but that doesn't change the fact. You can't simply force people to agree with you. and that's what zantiago ment. You're forcing people to agree with you and if they don't you tell them to fuck off. Cause all we can do is ask them to drop it and explain why WE THINK they should. cause we can't enforce the YOU MUST cause there's no rule that you aint allowed to use it.

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Hawk24 its pointless to discuss with such people, it will drive you to nowhere.

I've posted it several times in many topics (like here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/65973-hack-fest-2012-fr117-is-where-its/ ) and all the time it ends up with some moron pointing out Roket topic or rule post that you can keep hakced weapon unless you are not the person that spawned it.

G-FU**ING-G, as you said - they are crying that hackers are ruining their games yet they encourage them to spawn hacked items. Because finders-owners law protect them.

Oh ze irony.

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When in fact I'am talking about you forcing people into your opinion like zantiago said.

I didn't force anybody

The last sentence in my first post was a simple advice

"Trash it, move on"

If they follow it or not, who cares

Where did I say that he HAS TO drop it?

I said that if he picks it up, he shouldn't start a "hackzors ruinin mah gaem" thread after his server gets nuked

You're forcing people to agree with you and if they don't you tell them to fuck off.

The "fuck off" part was actually meant towards the theoretical incident of a person using hacked weapons and complaining about getting Thunderdome'd in the forums

I couldn't care less if someone agrees with me or not, and I'll definately won't tell them to fuck off just because they don't agree

Edited by Hawk24

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The way you said everything you said.

and your choice of words. makes it feel like you're trying to force people.

I never claimed you did i only tried to explain to you what people said to you.

I did however claim that you're high a quality custom-built brick wall. ;)

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Im just gonna ignore what's been said there.

I do not condone cheating, nor do I complain about it.

It's been part of the gaming community of so many games that it doesn't effect me anymore.

Hawk24 You are deliberately ignoring simple facts like the ones that have been layed before you.

You do not have any type of "high quality custom-built brick walls".

You are full of ignorance, and blinded by your own personal belief in how things should be.

Even when what you say has no moral ground to stand on, you still continue to defend yourself.

If you don't care if people agree with you or not, why do you see the need to defend what you said in the first place?

You are only choking yourself more and more on your own words.

And as such, I shall leave you to it.

No need for me to make you look bad, when you do such a fantastic job with it yourself mate.

And for future reference.

If you want to take what I have written, and try to "redo" the original statements in it.

Please make sure you have read it, and understood it.

It makes you look less like a moron.

Edited by U.B.C.S. Zantiago

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Trash it man. The G36C SD Camo doesn't exist in the mod. Taking a weapon that doesn't exist in the mod could get you flagged as a hacker by the hive and get you in trouble. Hacked weapons that already exist in the mod, for example the AS50, are ok to take.

Ok, see... this is why if you don't know what the fuck you are talking about that it's best to just not post anything. Hacked weapons will not get you banned if you find them and pick them up and run around shooting people with them. Period, bottom line, Thank you, Drive through. There is only one way a hacked in weapon can get you banned and that is if YOU scripted the weapon into the game yourself to use in the above scenario. The scripting itself is what will get you banned, not the carrying of the weapon.

Furthermore, admins should not be banning people for carrying hacked in weapons unless they have absolute proof through Rcon and server info that the person scripted it in. Banning someone for using a hacked in weapon when they didn't script it in CAN GET YOUR SERVER BLACKLISTED AND REMOVED FROM THE HIVE. Did all of the server admins here read that?

IF YOU BAN SOMEONE FOR CARRYING AN ITEM NOT CURRENTLY IN THE GAME AND THEY DID NOT SCRIPT IT IN BUT GOT IT THROUGH SOME OTHER MEANS THEN HACKING THEN YOUR SERVER CAN BE BLACKLISTED AND / OR REMOVED FROM THE HIVE. Everyday on the ban appeal forums I see multiple people who come on there and say - I got banned for carrying x weapon but I didn't hack it in. Why did I get banned? All this is is server admins not reading the rules and reasons they can ban players and taking matters into their own hands. Had they read that they would see if they are banning people for reasons not listed on that page then they can face some heavy penalties leveled against their server.

People who are saying - 'Oh if you're using a hacked in weapon then you're as bad as a hacker' are fucking stupid. I am sure at least 75% of you have duped gear on accident from one server to another, even things such as food / water, and didn't feel morally obligated to destroy said items simply because it was petty items to you. Regardless of what you 'think' you are still using duped items and if you don't immediately destroy them or if you USE them then you are using duped items and that makes you a cheater. Get off your moral high horse before you tell people what is hacking / duping and don't come in here saying - 'Oh i've never done that' because you're bullshitting yourself, not us.

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Ok, see... this is why if you don't know what the fuck you are talking about that it's best to just not post anything. Hacked weapons will not get you banned if you find them and pick them up and run around shooting people with them. Period, bottom line, Thank you, Drive through. There is only one way a hacked in weapon can get you banned and that is if YOU scripted the weapon into the game yourself to use in the above scenario. The scripting itself is what will get you banned, not the carrying of the weapon.

Furthermore, admins should not be banning people for carrying hacked in weapons unless they have absolute proof through Rcon and server info that the person scripted it in. Banning someone for using a hacked in weapon when they didn't script it in CAN GET YOUR SERVER BLACKLISTED AND REMOVED FROM THE HIVE. Did all of the server admins here read that?

IF YOU BAN SOMEONE FOR CARRYING AN ITEM NOT CURRENTLY IN THE GAME AND THEY DID NOT SCRIPT IT IN BUT GOT IT THROUGH SOME OTHER MEANS THEN HACKING THEN YOUR SERVER CAN BE BLACKLISTED AND / OR REMOVED FROM THE HIVE. Everyday on the ban appeal forums I see multiple people who come on there and say - I got banned for carrying x weapon but I didn't hack it in. Why did I get banned? All this is is server admins not reading the rules and reasons they can ban players and taking matters into their own hands. Had they read that they would see if they are banning people for reasons not listed on that page then they can face some heavy penalties leveled against their server.

People who are saying - 'Oh if you're using a hacked in weapon then you're as bad as a hacker' are fucking stupid. I am sure at least 75% of you have duped gear on accident from one server to another, even things such as food / water, and didn't feel morally obligated to destroy said items simply because it was petty items to you. Regardless of what you 'think' you are still using duped items and if you don't immediately destroy them or if you USE them then you are using duped items and that makes you a cheater. Get off your moral high horse before you tell people what is hacking / duping and don't come in here saying - 'Oh i've never done that' because you're bullshitting yourself, not us.

Good thing you read the whole thread so that you know what everyone posted.


EDIT: Nevermind, my info was from an old rocket post that is no longer up to date. Jemoeder is right.

Source: http://dayzmod.com/f...rs/#entry446536

there we go. he already corrected himself


all my gear is legally obtained by visiting crashed helicopters,towns and the barracks 2 times

Edited by aru_azif

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