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Question on Sniper spawn and their spawn percentage.

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In the past week, I have been to the NWAF a shitload of times on different servers, but I have not yet found a sniper rifle. I'm primarily looking for a DMR..but I have not even found an M14.

I know the spawn percentage is less than 10%, but come on?

How often do you people find snipers in the the NWAF?

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Server hoppers get logged. When they connect the good stuff disappears. We find a lot of DMR and M24 lying around, quite funny because we rarely see any CZ550. We even have a SVD and a couple of Bizons with plenty mags.

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Server hoppers get logged. When they connect the good stuff disappears. We find a lot of DMR and M24 lying around, quite funny because we rarely see any CZ550. We even have a SVD and a couple of Bizons with plenty mags.

No no, I didn't mean it to imply that I was a server hopper. Sometimes I the map for at least 10km before logging off for the night.

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You are looking at the wrong place. Search for heli crash sites instead, from my experience every third one or something spawns a sniper rifle. Quite too many, if you ask me. ;)

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No no, I didn't mean it to imply that I was a server hopper. Sometimes I the map for at least 10km before logging off for the night.

Ah damn i should have added a ;)

I didn't think you would take it serious :P

Don't know why things spawn then and not when you are there...but that's a feature of the probablity. Buddies spent half a day searching for vehicle spawns and didn't find one. So much for chances.

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Like VFR said.. You have to look for heli crash sites.. Get a bike or a motorcycle and just drive around fields..

Me and my brother found 2 M107's.. He took them both because i don't like snipers so much and it is not smart to wander around with two rifles...

We thought about giving it to some1 but couldnt find a friendly survivor... 3 days later when we were looking for a light machine gun we found another 2 AS50 at a crash site.... so much about luck and finding snipers :)

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Like VFR said.. You have to look for heli crash sites.. Get a bike or a motorcycle and just drive around fields..

Me and my brother found 2 M107's.. He took them both because i don't like snipers so much and it is not smart to wander around with two rifles...

We thought about giving it to some1 but couldnt find a friendly survivor... 3 days later when we were looking for a light machine gun we found another 2 AS50 at a crash site.... so much about luck and finding snipers :)

Still looking for players to give the M107's too? :D Cause I'd be a very happy guy if I'd get one!

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