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One thing I would like to see removed from the game: NVGs

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NVGs are fine.

However flares need to be able to ruin the vision much more effectively. NVGs have no weakness currently.

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What are you a communist? Stop trying to always level the playing field. DayZ is an anarchist world and nothing in it is fair, deal with it.

When you play at night with NVG's you must assume that everyone else on the server also has NVG's, otherwise you will die. It's hardly plain sailing. Yes you have an advantage if you come across someone without them but you still need to take precautionary measures when playing.

I'm fine with NVG's requiring batteries - so long as flashlights and GPS also require them.

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Once duping is fixed, better gear = more paranoia. Having something like NVGs in the game actually add to the depth of the game.

Also when the game gets harder and people actually start grouping up as well as using flashlights/flares/chemlights more the actual edge of NVGs narrows down while at the same time people will be less willing to risk losing their NVGs if they have actually managed to find a pair.

I agree that flares need to mess up NVGs though.

Edited by Armas

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Reading back through this thread, I say damn those duped items to hell.

The application of lights in night time warfare sounds all too appetising. Imagine that you're a sniper, scoping out NWAF at night, no NVGs, just using the little bit of natural light to your advantage. You've sat down for a long time and saw nothing. All visible zombies have presumably spawned due to your team. Suddenly you ask the question to your four teammates:

"Who's shining their light from inside the northern barracks?"

"Not me."

"Not me."

"Not me."

"Not me."

Not only has a bit of variety been thrown into the rules of night raids, but for most people this example would've managed to get their adrenaline pumping because of a slight shimmer of light, possibly a scare that can last until they've evacuated. Which speaks volumes when put next to horror games that use sudden, scripted loud noises as a crutch.

That not enough? How about getting more use out of droppable/throwable/switchable light sources? Close an area down against that sniper who needs to keep his eyes perfectly adapted to the dark. Cover an escape... or a flank. Or of course, light your enemies hiding spot like a christmas tree.

It interests the hell out of me at least. The dupped NVGs create an atmosphere that's already present in plenty of other games I own. And I would always welcome changes that would make the DayZ setting even more believable.

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NVGs are fine.

However flares need to be able to ruin the vision much more effectively. NVGs have no weakness currently.

my m203 white flare would like to have a word with you

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You got my beans,

but overall this issue will be different in the standalone anyway.

The arma3 engine is much better at displaying darkness and light sources.

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I hope the stand alone game at night attracts more players, some balance between day and night. That is really the root of what I would like to see. I would not be so concerned with NVG's if I did not constantly run into players with them. What's the fun running around at night with NVG's if everyone else has NVG's too? Might as well run around in the day and be able to see the whole screen and see after you zoom with every gun.

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NVGs aren't the problem, it's L85 see you glowing in the bush from 1000 meters away that needs to be removed. NVGs are useful, but no better than decent gamma settings. L85 is like a magic wand.

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Am I a bad person for maxing my gamma and brightness in the night?

according to this forum youre one step above the devil, but one peg below robo hitler

so yeah were pretty much the scum of the earth for putting gamma up

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