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chalky (DayZ)

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About chalky (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. chalky (DayZ)

    US1993 admin abuse

    Thank you for your time and quick resolution.
  2. chalky (DayZ)

    banned from us 1993

    I've been unbanned! Or not? Was I unbanned then banned again?
  3. chalky (DayZ)

    banned from us 1993

    Who has no life now? ugh....
  4. chalky (DayZ)

    banned from us 1993

    I understand that you catch more flies with honey. When I started this thread and in the PM I sent, I was polite. It's when I was brushed off and accused of being liar that I got pissed. It is just a game and realizing that the CBL isn't the entity I previously assumed, ie, I won't be banned from the community because of one entry, I'm over it. Now I think I'm just bored and killing time.
  5. chalky (DayZ)

    banned from us 1993

    a cherry pie it is then.
  6. chalky (DayZ)

    banned from us 1993

    How silly of me to be spending time making sure I'm not banned from servers who check the CBL. Banned because someone made a mistake and abuses admin privileges. I mean, it's not like I paid good money to play this game or anything. Now it can be affected because of this. You guys throwing your 2 cents in are the ones wasting your time with your awesome opinions. You have nothing to gain from posting on this topic. I will note the day and time of your opinions though. We'll be handing out gold stars at the end of the week.
  7. chalky (DayZ)

    banned from us 1993

    go outside. you have no life. I don't want to play on their servers, I'm just bringing to light their hypocrisy and admin abuse.
  8. chalky (DayZ)

    US1993 admin abuse

    Server Name: US 1993 Timezone: Central Date/Time: 10:30ish PM Server Admin: (OCN)Vortech What Happened: I was hacked on another server by a guy who took control of my body and started shooting a large machine gun, seemingly out of my chest. I disconnected and logged back in and had control over my body, but got kicked when I would press escape. This happened a few times. I was recommended another server (1993) by a friend on Ventrilo because he said it was good with hacker control. I logged in, but the same thing kept happening when I would press escape. It would show some error related to yakb.paa/bag/and maybe a skin. Finally I decided to check my bag and noticed I had 4 clips in there, except they had no image, just the green bar indicating the amount of ammo left. I dropped them right there, and pressed escape to see if that was the issue, and it was. I wasn't kicked after that. I played fine for about an hour with no other issues until I was banned. When I asked about the ban they gave me the following log. I tried to explain myself, but they are "just being safe". Claiming that I hacked the items in game myself. Evidence: Snip! There is no other evidence of me hacking. It was unfortunate circumstance and I don't know if the logs go any further to show that I got rid of the items. I'm unsure if these logs are something I can access on my computer so I can provide evidence, or if it's just server side. I do know they are selective about banning people with illegal items seeing as many of the (OCN) guys have been reported to be using hacked in weapons (some openly admitted to it). At this point I've been submitted to a CBL as a hacker for no reason. Selectively choosing to ban outsiders and not their "friends" is abuse. Adding me to a community ban list is unfair.
  9. chalky (DayZ)

    banned from us 1993

    Can I be? Do I have your permission now that you've wasted your time posting on a thread you have nothing to do with? Smart ass comments make you feel good about yourself? Get bent.
  10. chalky (DayZ)

    banned from us 1993

    And why do I need to prove I was hacked on another server? Can you prove that I wasn't? I was no different than you, I dropped what I had in my bag as soon as I realized that I had it, but YOU weren't banned. That's hypocritical. You had a hacked in weapon in your possession and from the looks of it OCN regards that as hacking. You even admitted you had it!! It was also reported that OCN was using the same guns. I also didn't use what was placed in my bag to my advantage. Something YOU would have done given the chance .... I understand the need to deal with hackers, but being a cock about 4 FUCKING CLIPS IN MY BAG is just stupid. Either I'm telling the truth or I'm the worst hacker in DayZ. "Watch as I insert 4 clips for a gun I don't even have in to my bag, then drop them, do absolutely nothing that constitutes hacking and then play the game normally, mwahahahahah!!!" At this point I'm tired of arguing how absolutely retarded you or anyone running that servers logic is. I mean hackers are bad, but it sucks when servers admins are just as bad. I don't know much about the GBL, I'm assuming it takes multiple reports to be globally banned, so I have nothing to worry about since I'm sure to have no reports of hacking ANYWHERE else.
  11. chalky (DayZ)

    banned from us 1993

    Ok, all I was asking for was evidence of my hacking. Which I still haven't seen. I logged in a number of times with clips in my bag and I kept getting kicked from the server with some unknown error until I realized I even had the clips in my bag, which I then discarded, THEN i was able to play on the server, where I was kicked some time later. So.......how was I hacking again? OH right because I had clips in my bag. I must have hacked them in. Couldn't have been picked up when someone hacked my character and started controlling me, shooting a gatling gun out of my chest, That would just....that would be too unheard of in a buggy alpha full of scripters. BTW, weren't you the dude who got called out by a dayz admin after you admitted using a hacked in sniper rifle? In going to assume you weren't on 1992 or 1993 when you were using it. I'd hate to see some hypocrisy. I'm sure you discarded it when you realized what happened though, but who cares ya hacker! That's all the proof we need apparently. The way I see it, you've manipulated this game more than I ever have. As for Vortex or whatever his name is, at this point he can check his logs and PMs and know that I was honest about what happened and didn't change any story. My concern is my reputation, not playing on either of the 2 severs you own out of the thousands available. I'm not sure how to read logs or check the GBL, but I would just like to avoid being globally banned and not being able to play on any servers because you made a mistake.
  12. chalky (DayZ)

    banned from us 1993

    I'm guessing you ban a lot of people for no reason then.
  13. chalky (DayZ)

    banned from us 1993

    I understand that, which is why I tried being as polite as I could so that we could try and resolve the issue as a fluke and move on. He then said I changed my story, which I didn't do. I gave him more details in the PM than I posted here and then he acted like he was catching me in a lie. I gave him my story LONG before he ever responded to me with more than some log that I can barely understand. I mean, honestly, 4 clips in my bag for a gun that wasn't even in my possession and I'm to be regarded as some low life hacker. I'm more just upset that I'm being labeled something I'm not. Sure it's safer to just ban everyone that MIGHT IN THE SLIGHTEST be a hacker and then when they try explaining what happen basically just roll your eyes and say "we've heard THAT before". I guarantee there is no logs with my name attached to it on that server with anything more than the yak.b clips. If I was going to waste my time hacking on a server, it wouldn't be to add a few clips to my bag and then drop them and carry on playing the game as normal. I loath hackers in this game and joined this server at the suggestion of some friends that were playing there. They said that hackers were dealt with swiftly. Oh the irony. Also, if I was a hacker I would have simply moved on to another server and kept hacking. I guess you can't KNOW that I'm not a hacker, but having any sort of evidence that I was hacking, (not just logging into the server with 4 clips in my bag) would be a start.
  14. chalky (DayZ)

    banned from us 1993

    double post ftw.
  15. chalky (DayZ)

    banned from us 1993

    I was being honest before when I said I wasn't hacking, but idiots will be idiots, so when in Rome...