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Global Bans for legit players?

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its obvious. you are a multi accounter. you are trying to pose as a security expert from the big boy company to further troll the forum

just not buying it. and anyway, you came here talking shit about origin to then backup the claims cd keys were being stolen by hackers. eee wrong,

Lol, you're such a fail troll.

Although if you're taking medication, you may have forgotten the post where I mentioned and linked to my official EA developer profile with the note about the Global Ban ID included under my interests:


The best of luck with your health issues, hopefully those meds don't mess with your memory too much ;)

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Found out why legit players are being banned.

The bans are based on GUID, this is both to the Hive, and BE Bans. And a scripter can easially change their GUID, resulting in 2 options, play as the spoofed player and take their stuff and offload it to another player / kill them.

Or run scripts on said GUID, and if banned, the Spoofed User will be banned, they can easially do it again with another GUID.

Just face it, this games from a security standpoint is screwed due to flawed security tat was never meant for the public, but for the military.

I seriously doubt the standalone will be any better as Rocket has already said it will use Arma3 as the standalone in his last Stream with machinima, and Arma 3 is the same crap

Edited by Hell-In-A-Handbasket

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The ignorance being spewed in this thread is mind boggling.

I haven't been banned by this wave of false positives that is happening. It is clearly a problem...you don't get a shitload of people all complaining about being illegitimately banned on a coincidence. BE is looking into the issue but have not admitted that there is one as of yet. Just that they are investigating the problem. It is almost positive that they will find the problem and it will be fixed. It may take some time.

People that have been banned have a legitimate reason to be concerned. Not only did they pay money for ArmA but in a professional sense, being accused of cheating can be a problem. In some professions it can lose you a job.

I can tell you right now that I work for a small company who has a company standard that I am required to follow at work, and as I represent my company outside work I am expected to follow that standard in my daily life as well. Integrity is part of my companies standard. If my boss found out I was cheating in a video game, I guarantee you I would be fired even though my job has nothing to do with gaming whatsoever.

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I got global banned aswell #---- , as i have understond it caust since i updated to new patch to early, I am streamer legit player, still got banned. love this game, but its just stupid how they us battleye has protection. and still they manage to ban wrong people . And all the facking jelly haters think we / i am cheater since i got banned? look at my stream your self! just stupid how this battleeye is working, and yes i have wrot a email to them. but its 99% that i dont get unbanned. since they are dump

-BanID removed- Dingus

Edited by Dingus

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People that have been banned have a legitimate reason to be concerned. Not only did they pay money for ArmA but in a professional sense, being accused of cheating can be a problem. In some professions it can lose you a job.

I can tell you right now that I work for a small company who has a company standard that I am required to follow at work, and as I represent my company outside work I am expected to follow that standard in my daily life as well. Integrity is part of my companies standard. If my boss found out I was cheating in a video game, I guarantee you I would be fired even though my job has nothing to do with gaming whatsoever.

I'm almost certain this would be unfair dismissal in pretty much any sane country. Your boss is a lunatic.

I hate cheaters with a passion, but punishment should be proportional to offence in the real world.

Edited by Ulfhedjinn

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Lol, you're such a fail troll.

Although if you're taking medication, you may have forgotten the post where I mentioned and linked to my official EA developer profile with the note about the Global Ban ID included under my interests:


The best of luck with your health issues, hopefully those meds don't mess with your memory too much ;)

I dont see any sort of rubuttal there about origin being dlc delivery system. so what the fuck would you know? evidently nothing, so dont proliferate the bollox about guid spoofing then

you should be ashamed to work at ea games. most hated company in the USA after all. someone like you is likely to cheat surely

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Just as an aside, the Battleye message that was pumping out to the servers about 11,000 cheaters banned since June 15 etc, now has been changed to this;


Hopefully it means progress for you guys.


Edit: Fun side note for you banned guys to try. Send Battleye support your GUID, PlayerID and CDKey, include your ban ID. Nothing else.

Edited by Noise
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Just letting you guys know that I just tried joining a few servers and I'm no longer banned :D

I'm yet to hear from Bohemia or BattlEye about my case but it's most appreciated and if they're reading, feel free to get on contact with me for some suggestions.



Edited by dmex

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iam just home from work an try to log in the Game, wondering iam unbanned,

5mins afk come back to my PC "you where kickt from the server, Battleeye Banned"

try to log on a nother Server and it works, but how long ?

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yawn. more bs. yes the anti cheat team over at BE really need assistance from someone who may or may not have helped developed a dlc delivery program? for games which are infested with hackers? stop trying to look pro, ea games are dirt. sort out your own backyard (oh wait you dont work in that area)

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The ignorance being spewed in this thread is mind boggling.

I haven't been banned by this wave of false positives that is happening. It is clearly a problem...you don't get a shitload of people all complaining about being illegitimately banned on a coincidence. BE is looking into the issue but have not admitted that there is one as of yet. Just that they are investigating the problem. It is almost positive that they will find the problem and it will be fixed. It may take some time.

People that have been banned have a legitimate reason to be concerned. Not only did they pay money for ArmA but in a professional sense, being accused of cheating can be a problem. In some professions it can lose you a job.

I can tell you right now that I work for a small company who has a company standard that I am required to follow at work, and as I represent my company outside work I am expected to follow that standard in my daily life as well. Integrity is part of my companies standard. If my boss found out I was cheating in a video game, I guarantee you I would be fired even though my job has nothing to do with gaming whatsoever.

How about you do a google search for Arma2 hacks and STFU. I found the information in less then 5 minutes. And i call BS on you " id be fired from work " crap. The link to the proof already in the forums, but the mods deleted the topic as soon as it was created

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I just played for 3 minutes to test.

Joining again now to see how long it lasts.

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I can now confirm I'm unbanned. I never received an email back from BattlEye, just thought I'd try getting in game and it worked.

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I just played for 3 minutes to test.

Joining again now to see how long it lasts.

I'm still playing without issues.

+1 for quoting myself.

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You are a failure, i dont expect an apology for your ranting on on this thread but yea i'm unbanned now along with many many more people. BE have not stated there was a problem but it is obvious to anyone that doesn't have thier head up their own *** that there was an issue yesterday that has been resolved.

I hope you get bored and leave the community because I cant stand opinion pushing gits like you.

Anyone that has been banned and still are, if you know you didn't hack have patience :) you will be sorted out

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I hope you get bored and leave the community because I cant stand opinion pushing gits like you.

I pushed a fact. GUID spoofing and stealing your CD key getting you banned is bullshit. its even more bullshit we get the DLC EA games guy in here trying to spread his shit about too. guess he was wrong huh, or his ass would still be banned

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I pushed a fact. GUID spoofing and stealing your CD key getting you banned is bullshit. its even more bullshit we get the DLC EA games guy in here trying to spread his shit about too. guess he was wrong huh, or his ass would still be banned

-1 beans for you.

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I have a AS50 TWS which I heard is a hacked item. (totally sweet btw). Anyway I heard it was not illegal to use them if you found them on a hacker. I killed a hacker and grabbed his weapon. I was told it was hacked so I dropped it. The next day when I logged in it was in my inventory. So I figured I did my due diligence. Anyway, This was a week ago and I play everyday...no ban for me. So that is not it. :)

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Found out why legit players are being banned.

The bans are based on GUID, this is both to the Hive, and BE Bans. And a scripter can easially change their GUID, resulting in 2 options, play as the spoofed player and take their stuff and offload it to another player / kill them.

Or run scripts on said GUID, and if banned, the Spoofed User will be banned, they can easially do it again with another GUID.

Just face it, this games from a security standpoint is screwed due to flawed security tat was never meant for the public, but for the military.

I seriously doubt the standalone will be any better as Rocket has already said it will use Arma3 as the standalone in his last Stream with machinima, and Arma 3 is the same crap


On another note, it is not possible for a hacker to get an innocent player globally banned. I have read this many times now, but I want everyone to know that this is not possible. The BE global ban system is protected against that.

No, GUID spoofing is not possible if the GameSpy cd-key authentication is working on your server, as he would be kicked instantly. And you can't just use a random IP either.

Edited by Vitdom

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I played for ~45 mins without issue.

I'm going to unsubscribe from this trollfest thread now.

All the disbelievers can eat a dick.

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Unbanned here too

I praise for it to last until the end of the world

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It's nice to hear that some of the guys are getting unbanned. I just hope the ones that really did cheat stay banned.

Oh, and why doesn't Clatterbridge go to a forum that hates EA instead of coming here talking about Origin, DLC, how "EA is a big bad super evil company"?

I'm not a huge fan of EA, but I can't hate them since they provided games that I like/games that I'm interested in playing.

Edited by Luka25
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I was never banned to begin with, I was just deeply concerned I'd end up getting banned myself.

Faith restored.

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