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US 2147 - STR8UP Clan

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just a game ~.~ i hope the servers fixing that damn laggs

Updates are being applied today.

Yes there are vehicles, It's a new server and vehicle spawns are based on the age of the server. As time goes on they will spawn quicker and more frequently.

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Server is up with, if you use DayZ Commander it will say it's running an old build but it's not. I have a ticket with our provider to fix this. All our guys are playing here with the latest version.

I love the bandit scarf!

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Hello. I was playing last night and something crazy happened. I was sitting there in one of those residential houses, you know the brown one with the lovely picture of the family out on the water in a canoe. Anyway, I was minding my own business living ghetto fabulous and someone barged in and was like "Oh I'm gonna take you hostage and you better take off your pants" So I got up from my couch and I was like I'm gonna F this guy up and he's got this really big Axe looking thing in his hands and he starts swinging that s around my living room and is breaking up my coffee table and I was like. OK! I'm your hostage. (I already had my pants off)

He held me hostage for what seemed like 10-15 minutes and then all of a sudden my lover comes home and kicks down the door with his long revolver. He pops the brown man in the face with his loaded gun and I am saved! YAY!

Anyways, I had a blast. This server ROCKS!

Edited by troyonfire

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LasagnaBoner and Hype I heard you like to use g36 sd and as50 tws! Too bad those hacked in guns dont help you aim. I sent some very revealing pics to server admin hope you enjoy your bans!

Unless they spawned those guns in and the admin can see under their script.log, it is not a ban able offense to pick up hacked items. You can use them because, hey what if I am new killed a random guy and got his guns thinking "Hey! They had some awesome gun! I'm gonna take them and use them" Should that person be banned for being new??? It's just polite to 1. Burry the bodies with the items or 2. Just leave the guns alone so there is no unfair advantage for other players



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You are 100% correct unauth they could have just killed script kids and stolen those weapons. They seemed awful suspicious so i sent there names to the admins email he searched logs (this was mind you rpt police!) and replied in his email that they had teleported to the hill i was on from past balota thru the ocean mind you! no swimy you lose geary bad boy need spankin. YAY 4 JUSTICE! YIPPIE

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troyonfire i may have seen that whole thing go down but im not sure. i was over electro with some friends took some guy named rhasta prisoner. shit ton of action at that brown house but had way bigger fish to fry. uploading my reaction video as we speak! Are you that survivor that role plays as medic with the red hair? Saw you and a stranger go into that log house before some crazy shit went down.

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You are 100% correct unauth they could have just killed script kids and stolen those weapons. They seemed awful suspicious so i sent there names to the admins email he searched logs (this was mind you rpt police!) and replied in his email that they had teleported to the hill i was on from past balota thru the ocean mind you! no swimy you lose geary bad boy need spankin. YAY 4 JUSTICE! YIPPIE

In this case I am glad that they were hackers and did get banned, because as many others, I hate playing vs players who can just run a script and kill you, or use advantaged guns to kill you. Justice FTW...

Jrb, you may have my beans!


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I'm going in.

An admin that also is a forum member always is a fresh breath of air.

Joining and registering... :P

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Had some hackers, might of wrongfully banned someone. Send me a pm or email if I did. My apologies.

ammo boxes galore, 5 helo crashes because of the hackers.... I'm getting tired of this. Rocket please... do something.

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Had some hackers, might of wrongfully banned someone. Send me a pm or email if I did. My apologies.

ammo boxes galore, 5 helo crashes because of the hackers.... I'm getting tired of this. Rocket please... do something.

Yeah... i lost all my gear and was teleported to the wilderness.

Bad first experience :(

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Yeah... i lost all my gear and was teleported to the wilderness.

Bad first experience :(

You have my beans if it's worth anything

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I already registered... We are gonna move our camp to your server, i hope the designated are is already clear. B)

This is going to be fun!

Ps: bumpy bump

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I already registered... We are gonna move our camp to your server, i hope the designated are is already clear. B)

This is going to be fun!

Ps: bumpy bump

Excellent, glad to have you guys.

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I just looked through the logs and last night looks like it was hacker free. This is due to the recent BE updated files.

Come play with us, donate, drink up and be merry.

and if you haven't heard yet....

The darkness has arrived ya'll

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Quick update: I found a couple vehicles and found out theres more than one admin on this server! Nice to see you have more than one pair of eyes on it.

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Our server seems to have crashed, trying to reboot. If it doesn't work I'll be working with our host.

Sorry guys :(

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I have been playing on this server for the past couple days and I now gladly call it my home. It is a breath of fresh air to see an admin keeping the hackers out and one that is extremely fair. Yes there are obviously still hackers that get through the cracks but they are dealt with swiftly it seems. It also seems most everyone I fight are true men/woman and do not disconnect. With that said thank you for the great server and the great service!

i also notice that you updated to the new ARMA patch today and now the server is full all of the time!

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I have been playing on this server for the past couple days and I now gladly call it my home. It is a breath of fresh air to see an admin keeping the hackers out and one that is extremely fair. Yes there are obviously still hackers that get through the cracks but they are dealt with swiftly it seems. It also seems most everyone I fight are true men/woman and do not disconnect. With that said thank you for the great server and the great service!

i also notice that you updated to the new ARMA patch today and now the server is full all of the time!

Thanks, we're glad to have you.... now wheres that car tire... damnit all.

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I believe my friends and I (ign: Applejuice) will be making this our home server. We had a lot of fun today, fixed up one vehicle and I stole one sitting in Zelenogorsk. Drove around up in the north for a while!

However, I do want to let you guys know that you can get blacklisted for banning anyone without proof of hacking. :( It sucks but I don't want to see this good server blacklisted at all.

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I believe my friends and I (ign: Applejuice) will be making this our home server. We had a lot of fun today, fixed up one vehicle and I stole one sitting in Zelenogorsk. Drove around up in the north for a while!

However, I do want to let you guys know that you can get blacklisted for banning anyone without proof of hacking. :( It sucks but I don't want to see this good server blacklisted at all.

We're not banning people unless we have we see stuff in the remoteexec.log, createvehicle.log or scripts.log, we know what we're looking for and very proactive about getting the bad guys off quickly.

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