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Morton (DayZ)

Police car and Amublance

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Wouldn't it be a great idea to have random crashed Police cars and Ambulances randomly (like heli crash sites but a bit more common) spawn near the sides of roads?

Police car would feature medium yield fire arms and ammo (such as M1015 and m24)

and obviously the ambulance would feature medical supplies

Just an idea i had whilst running up the road in the north with nothing in miles, could and something extra to those open roads.

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It's quite a good idea, surprised Rocket hasn't already implemented it. But the hackers need fixing first :P

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I'd like to supply you with some beans for your idea, but I'm a tight arse bandit these dayz.

Good idea though :)

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Hmm I like that idea plus its realistic.

On the other hand the rarity of items is what is ultimately part of the game. We need lots more zombies I think....

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well with more loots around it would increase the zeds..and ya i dont think a sniper rifle should be spawning in the cop car..maybe if it was a swat van?

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Hey not a bad idea. I like it if it has just a few medium yield items like you say.

This would go great with the "paratrooper" suggestion where you can find a soldier hanging by a parachute from a tree. So you would have helo crashes in the fields (high grade military), troopers in the forest (mid grade military), and cop cars crashes on the roads with a shotgun or pistol. So 5 of each per map adds a LOT of stuff to find.

Easy to implement and give 200% more "random" things to find per map.

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*cough* M24 on a cop car? lol... Mabey. MABEY a Remington or a g17 but nothing more.

Don't for get the mp5's etc. And that us in the unarmed UK.

Although not all UK police cars carry them. More than you think though.



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Don't for get the mp5's etc. And that us in the unarmed UK.

Although not all UK police cars carry them. More than you think though.



This is communist Russia, not guns a blazing America or riot central Britain.
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A SWAT truck would have the military grade weapons, but a normal police car would have nothing more than a shotgun. However, some communities do have assault rifles, but for balance purposes for a GAME i do think that lower the yield is better.

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A SWAT truck would have the military grade weapons, but a normal police car would have nothing more than a shotgun. However, some communities do have assault rifles, but for balance purposes for a GAME i do think that lower the yield is better.

I too agree UMP45 / MP5 ......at best

lol paralyzers!!! haha

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I too agree UMP45 / MP5 ......at best

lol paralyzers!!! haha

dont get me wrong i know what police have, (not in the bad way, i used to work in a police department) its just for game balance it should be limited to their stuff and let the military loot stay with military loot drop points. would like to see more camo designs though. i see dead soliders everywhere and i want their pants.

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Police car would feature medium yield fire arms and ammo (such as M1015 and m24)

Say what? m24 medium yield and in a cop car? Le* fuck.

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Police car would feature medium yield fire arms and ammo (such as M1015 and m24)

Jeez, would that be what Chernarus police are using???

I think Makarov or Yarygin would be more realistic...

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I think being able to drive an ambulance or cop car would be epic. The siren could have various effects. Maybe it drives off infected (They are annoyed by it?), at the cost of alerting every player within a few kilometers of you of your position.

- Obviously you'd have to repair them and they'd be fairly rare.

Edited by Yatagan

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I like the idea of something like this OP, it would nice to see more random crashed vehicles filled with loot.

I wouldn't like to see the police car having that much of a good loot yield though, personally I'd like to see pistols in them and occasionally some form of shotgun.

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*cough* M24 on a cop car? lol... Mabey. MABEY a Remington or a g17 but nothing more.

m24 is the military version of the Remington (which is used by the Police) so as close as i could get :P maybe a CZ 50 then?

p.s remember this is soviet Russia...

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