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Swimming, Lost all my shit..

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Fun fun fun! Farming helicopter items for about 3 hours. Started running towards Skalisty Island, goes into the water and bam. All stuff went to the bottom of the sea, Trying to recover the items got me killed. Funny that the zombies are the sons of god (able to attack while in water standing up). I just had to get this out of my system becouse i've been trying to get a helicopter for quite some time now. Sorry

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Well as long as you learnt your lesson as to not go into the water, that is all that counts :)

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I think all of us make that mistake at least once. :)

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Depends on the server.

Some as itemdrop enabled = 20-23 swim strokes before you have to drop your giant engine parts to stay afloat. :)

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Just a server with a admin, who hasn't fixed his settings....most server you can swim fine on, in my experience.

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Btw did you lose your shit, when you lost your shit?

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This still happens?

It's kind of a difficulty feature, can be disabled/enabled.

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Would explain why we washed up on the beach so damn naked.

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what sucks is that i have 3000 blood or less i dont really know with a great kit that i cant lose i was kicked from a server or something happened and it spawned me on a fucking island...how does losing our shit work is it like instantly or every second something is dropped..?

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what sucks is that i have 3000 blood or less i dont really know with a great kit that i cant lose i was kicked from a server or something happened and it spawned me on a fucking island...how does losing our shit work is it like instantly or every second something is dropped..?

I mean no offense here, but as to: "a great kit that i cant lose" I say, and so will a lot of others; Rule #1: Don't get attached to your gear.

And as to losing your shit, in my experience, yes, it all comes out in one instance. ;)

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One of the first two things I ever learned before even playing DayZ is

1 - Dont get attached to your gear,

2 - Dont swim or youll lose all your gear.

Edited by Tatatito

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Dayz Mythbusters watch it. When u swim u dont lose ur shit. It washes up at the nearest beach point. If you can find that point ull find all ur gear at the beach

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Really ? I lost mine only about a week ago, saw it sitting on the bottom, alice pack, swam above it for about 5 minutes and did not see it move at all. My mate sat at the beach.( we were going to head to Skalisty ) waiting to see if i the server had the option enabled or not.

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