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Best Hacker of All Time... Scariest Moment Ever.

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Best hacker of all time! Probably when I was at 600 Zombie kills, 32 people kills. And our camp was compromised while we were standing at it. 4 of us died after throwing everything, including the kitchen sink at the hacker. It was so awesome.

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Number 2 was a fucking classic! He zooms in on the guy and right as he does his mouth starts moving and he sings. Dear god if I ever saw this in game I would SHIT myself.

In all honestly, 'hacks' like this are making the game great. I'd say they need to somehow integrate this into the game because this is terrifying...

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HAHAAHA i saw this exact same thing, prolly the same guy, happend to this guy streaming last night in twitchtv. He almost shit his pants LMAO

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I was crawling around kamyshovo the other day as a freshspawn. Just managed to grab an ax and was checking a shed there. As sonn as I was done I heard a zombie aggro and popped my head around the corner. And there staring back at me was this guy. However, he didn't sing, we just kind of stared at each other while I grabbed a screeny.


He decided to attack me and as a result I attacked back, we broke each others legs and tried to roll away but the zombies he'd aggro'd finished both of us off.

Now we know what horrors lurked under Green Mountain. And we know why the zombies are in Chernarus, they have the power to rival these.. things.

Edited by Aeoneth

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Well Rocket did say there would be different kinds of zombies eventually... maybe this is the teleporting axe murderer zombie? lol

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Great mod, shame about the hackers spoiling it! Its becoming a little unplayable now, real shame - all that hard work looting and surviving all for some c*nt to throw you in the air and drop you to your death.

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If I were to write something like this, I'd include lightning.

Lightning whenever I teleport to another location, right on me.

So I would be coming from the sky, like terminator.

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that is - quite brilliant. both axe fellow and the ghillie one.


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How about a "Camp Crystal Lake" mini mode? I used to play "Michael Myers" a lot in Rainbow Six 3. Michael would have a shotgun which could be substituted with the hatchet. The first Michael was randomly selected and the other players could only throw tear gas and flash bangs, the last player alive was the next Michael. Just fence in any of the cities and increase the spawn rates of the Zombies. I think it would be a lot of fun. Maybe start Michael (hopefully Hubert in this guys honor...) in the full bloody hockey mask bit, this creepy ass music follows him around, thunder every time a player dies, maybe 500,000 blood? Only a handful of hatchets spawn and no firearms, food, or other aids...

Yes I realize that the killer in Friday the 13th was Jason Voorhez and not Michael Myers lol.

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This guy has ALL my beans. Jesus Christ why can't more Scripters do this?

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From our forums lol

So, Krit/Ven/Botchy/Saddle and I were near the mountains at Pik Kozlova tonight when we hear over ingame sound what sounds like a girl singing "its raining, its pouring the old man is snoring, he went to bed and bumped his head and couldnt get up in the morning" (it was like this vid: http://dayzmod.com/f...st-moment-ever/)

Oh my god it was way sinister! We all crapped it and ran, Ven got hacked up by this guy running along in the dark with a flare attached to him, me and Saddle opened fire on him to no effect and he then hacked us up, then he went and fnished off Kirt and Botchy and finally he went and screwed over poor Jumpy who had litterally just logged in. I kid ye not we properly crapped it man it was so funny hearing us shouting in TS!

Lol epic guys thanks for the fun!

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Realy epic..... those guys need to stay in dayz and we could need a lot more of them since there is allways a chance to survive them because they dont nuke the entire server, they just want to scare the shit out of you :D

PS: all other noob script-kiddies need to get banned. they are so damn boring

Edited by Aeekto

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Don't know if anybody pointed this out, but when you were shouting over voice chat, you were in the group chat channel, not the direct chat.

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Mmmh, nice.

Does someone know the name of the music ? It would be ideal to frighten some of my friends.

Well, I know it's called "It's raining, It's pouring", but I can't manage to find the scary version.

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