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If This Were To Be Organised, Would You Do It?

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So I've been browsing the forums as of late and noticed all the QQ threads, anti QQ threads, pro bandit, anti bandit etc etc. and it's got me thinking....

Why not take some time (thinking once a week) were all pro's, pretend pro's, n00bs, amateurs and just basically whoever is up for it to meet in (insert random town here) and actually have ourselves a good ol' fashion, last man standing battle royale type dealio. Now i'm still deciding between FFA or squad based combat (Deathmatch, Gather The Beans, KIng of the Hill etc.) but the idea is that each team or individual show up in a random town on a random server with whatever gear they please (except no snipers of course) and keep gunning at one another for a time limit of about 30 mins (in order to reduce chances of hacking) and see who comes out on top.

I would initially do a few fun runs to test how well it goes without hopefully being grieved and if successful i will host tournaments with goodies up for grabs for the winning individual/team.

But first i honestly would like to find out who would be up for this type of event. Just a simple yes would suffice but am also up for any ideas, hints and/or tips you feel might benefit the plan, or whether you think i'm wasting my time feel free to say that too, as i am only a month or so into the community so not sure if anyone has proposed this sort of idea in the past and whether or not succedeed.

Thanks for your time.

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sorry to mess up the idear. but this has been proposted lots of times if yu want this just head over to mwIII, and this would not work as you will have snipers and trust me they will win

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I play this at least once a week in thunderdome

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this would just get ruined with snipers/hackers despite how you try and control it. best done organized with a couple of clans, and not randoms on the forums ;)

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I think people forget this is a mod of an actual game...

we need to set up an arma match with a bunch of us.

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name the server and location and you'll see me appear

i suggest elektro or cherno

no rewards other than spoils of war, you can decide for yourself whenever you exit the town with your gained loot or stay to earn yourself some kills

Edited by unknownuser

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