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We Deserve an Official Response on Vehicle Spawns

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First off i love DayZ and I understand that this is an Alpha but i bought my own server so my clan would have a chance at vehicles and so far im hearing that any ID over 6000 isnt getting vehicles right now.

This info should have been posted HUGE on the DayZ Website to prevent people from buying BROKEN SERVERS!!!

We deserve a response from the DayZ team on this because if they aren't going to spawn soon i'm not going to keep dishing out 50 a month for this server.

To completely ignore the many posts on this matter is highly unprofessional and only shows you dont care about the community that is helping support your game.

People paying money each month to help contribute to this game deserve to know when vehicles will start spawning so we can make a wise choice as to whether to keep paying or not.

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Buying a server to get all the vehicles you otherwise wouldn't get, then whining because of a possible bug that prevents you from getting the expectet advantage?

Sounds legit.

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Buying a server to get all the vehicles you otherwise wouldn't get, then whining because of a possible bug that prevents you from getting the expectet advantage?

Sounds legit.

Excuse me but we started a clan and wanted our own server that didnt have all the vehicles etc horded by the clan that owns the other server.

What is so hard to understand about wanting some clarity on the progress so we can make educated decision?

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what's the problem with vehicles? i play with just another guy so find a nd repair a vehicle is quite an effort, but it's a lot that i don't see nothing on wheels...and also when we manage to do some vehicle run we never find anything..

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https://dev-heaven.net/issues/40381 if you want to do something about it, upvote on this, otherwise there's not much you can do really, i've already ticketed about it on the support site and he just told me to make a ticket on dev-heaven.

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>Free Mod

Your paying a hosting company not them. They don't owe you anything.

If they want people that are paying for servers to keep doing so then i think they do owe us at least some sort of time frame.

Why would i want to pay for a server that has no vehicles at all. For us that is half the game.

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what's the problem with vehicles? i play with just another guy so find a nd repair a vehicle is quite an effort, but it's a lot that i don't see nothing on wheels...and also when we manage to do some vehicle run we never find anything..

The problem is a TON of new servers have NO VEHICLES AT ALL and all we have are rumors on why this is so.

I am just asking for some sort of response from the team so i know exactly whats going on time wise and can plan things for my clan.

If its going to be months before vehicles are live on other servers then im not going to bother paying for a server for those months.

Why am i getting flamed for wanting information so i can make purchasing decision?

I dont care if it takes 4 months to fix...just tell me so i am not wasting my money on a broken server.

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If they want people that are paying for servers to keep doing so then i think they do owe us at least some sort of time frame.

Why would i want to pay for a server that has no vehicles at all. For us that is half the game.

Who is this "They" you refer to? The developers of DayZ can give absolutely zero fucks about how many people are buying servers to host their mod.

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Excuse me but we started a clan and wanted our own server that didnt have all the vehicles etc horded by the clan that owns the other server.

Let's say you get the vehicles. And let's say someone raids your camp and takes them. Then what? Server reset?

If you and your clan want some vehicles, go find some and take them. I play either alone or in a group of 2 people, and so far I found 1 Ural, 1 bike and 1 ATV (oh, and I saw an epic Huey crash in Electro).

Sorry, but buying (more like renting) a server to get your hands on some vehicles is IMO just cheap and somewhere around the level of hacking.

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Let's say you get the vehicles. And let's say someone raids your camp and takes them. Then what? Server reset?

If you and your clan want some vehicles, go find some and take them. I play either alone or in a group of 2 people, and so far I found 1 Ural, 1 bike and 1 ATV (oh, and I saw an epic Huey crash in Electro).

Sorry, but buying (more like renting) a server to get your hands on some vehicles is IMO just cheap and somewhere around the level of hacking.

Your just trolling man.

If you dont get the concept of a clan wanting their own server to call home then i dont know what to say.

Why do you think all these servers exist today? Because people are just generous and want to provide you with a server to play on?

No moron...its because they are clans and they are providing a server for their clan to play on that they control.

Get a clue man and stop trolling posts trying to show your smart, because your only showing your ignorant.

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My server has an instance ID over 6000. It has vehicles, plenty of them actually. Don't assume your server won't get vehicles, just because there's a rumor floating about.

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Your just trolling man.

If you dont get the concept of a clan wanting their own server to call home then i dont know what to say.

Why do you think all these servers exist today? Because people are just generous and want to provide you with a server to play on?

No moron...its because they are clans and they are providing a server for their clan to play on that they control.

Get a clue man and stop trolling posts trying to show your smart, because your only showing your ignorant.

I know why a clan wants their own server but you seem to only want to have a server because you want vehicles (you even said that).

You either want your own server, or you don't. If you want one, you don't care about vehicles and a possible bug that may prevent them from spawning. Such a bug will get fixed - period.

So better get your argumentation straight befor you presume I'm trolling and call me ignorant buddy.

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I know why a clan wants their own server but you seem to only want to have a server because you want vehicles (you even said that).

You either want your own server, or you don't. If you want one, you don't care about vehicles and a possible bug that may prevent them from spawning. Such a bug will get fixed - period.

So better get your argumentation straight befor you presume I'm trolling and call me ignorant buddy.

Vehicles are a huge part of the game but not all of it. I want my own server that has vehicles.

Why would i want to play on a server and pay for a server that has no vehicles?

All you have done in your posts is try to argue against my wanting an official response.

You take my words and twist them in a way to make them support your argument.

Are you a woman?

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I agree with Worsin, its really frustrating having a 50% working server, im ok with playing on it and looking for crash sites but thats pretty much it, i know i cant find any broken huey, no atv, no bike no nothing and im 99% sure of this since it's been reported by the players on my server, they dont like it, i dont like it. One day we had vehicles, next day we didnt have them anymore.

EDIT: If we wanted a server only for vehicles we could just host a private hive, i dont want a private hive, i want the legit version of a server, but i sure as hell want it to work better than the private ones, and at this point it really isnt.

Edited by Pheenix89
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It's pretty clear that all that's being looked for here is clarification. The issue isn't that he wants his clan to have all the vehicles, it's that he wants to be able to play on the server he/his clan pay for and have at least a chance of finding vehicles, rather than a partially functional server.

As for "they don't care how many people rent servers," that's just silly. Of course they care. They need people to rent and run servers with their mod so that it continues to get publicity so that when the Standalone comes out there is a community waiting. Without servers they have no community and far fewer assured purchases of the game.

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It is very possible your vehicles were destroyed via a hack. Now you are stuck waiting for them to respawn.

Should you wish to hasten their resetting, restart the DayZ mission. Not the server, the Mission.

Doing so will reset your vehicles. It will also clear away tents and other placeables. It's just a complete DayZ reset.

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I know why a clan wants their own server but you seem to only want to have a server because you want vehicles (you even said that).

You either want your own server, or you don't. If you want one, you don't care about vehicles and a possible bug that may prevent them from spawning. Such a bug will get fixed - period.

So better get your argumentation straight befor you presume I'm trolling and call me ignorant buddy.

Are you seriously this naive? Do you really not understand that when someone pays for a server to support and host DayZ they want it to actually have DayZ? If zombies and guns were not spawning would you be making the same asinine, utterly ridiculous and absurd comments?

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It is very possible your vehicles were destroyed via a hack. Now you are stuck waiting for them to respawn.

Should you wish to hasten their resetting, restart the DayZ mission. Not the server, the Mission.

Doing so will reset your vehicles. It will also clear away tents and other placeables. It's just a complete DayZ reset.

Restarting the mission does not clear vehicles or tents.

Lately the server forums are just chalk full of people dispensing bogus information.

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im hearing that any ID over 6000 isnt getting vehicles right now.

My server's instance ID is >6k and we have vehicles...

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Vehicles are a huge part of the game but not all of it. I want my own server that has vehicles.

Why would i want to play on a server and pay for a server that has no vehicles?

All you have done in your posts is try to argue against my wanting an official response.

You take my words and twist them in a way to make them support your argument.

Are you a woman?

Are you older than 12 years? Doesn't seem like that.

All you've done is given weak arguments on how you are entitled to having vehicles because you pay for a server and insulting me. So how about you go and fuck yourself, you whiny little prick?

Are you seriously this naive? Do you really not understand that when someone pays for a server to support and host DayZ they want it to actually have DayZ? If zombies and guns were not spawning would you be making the same asinine, utterly ridiculous and absurd comments?

It's not my problem if you don't see the issue here.

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>we deserve

No you don't.

Rather ask your GSP why they gave you a second-hand mission ID.

Edited by Zoop

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Let's say you get the vehicles. And let's say someone raids your camp and takes them. Then what? Server reset?

If you and your clan want some vehicles, go find some and take them. I play either alone or in a group of 2 people, and so far I found 1 Ural, 1 bike and 1 ATV (oh, and I saw an epic Huey crash in Electro).

Sorry, but buying (more like renting) a server to get your hands on some vehicles is IMO just cheap and somewhere around the level of hacking.

So you suggest, that every clan that has vehicles and owns a server should close there servers because its unfair that they have a server and want vehicles? ... wait, what?!

Allmost every server is a clan-server, if you don't want clans to rent servers and get vehiles, than play on no-hive servers or testservers!

And 1 Ural, 1 bike and 1 ATV ... really? are you new to this game? i find more in one day by accident ...


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Are you older than 12 years? Doesn't seem like that.

All you've done is given weak arguments on how you are entitled to having vehicles because you pay for a server and insulting me. So how about you go and fuck yourself, you whiny little prick?

It's not my problem if you don't see the issue here.

Apparently you're the one who doesn't see the issue with DayZ servers missing a major component of the mod.

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So you suggest, that every clan that has vehicles and owns a server should close there servers because its unfair that they have a server and want vehicles? ... wait, what?!

Allmost every server is a clan-server, if you don't want clans to rent servers and get vehiles, than play on no-hive servers or testservers!

And 1 Ural, 1 bike and 1 ATV ... really? are you new to this game? i find more in one day by accident ...


No, that's not what I said. Read again before you comment based on your read fail.

Yes, I'm relatively new to the game (means that I haven't played it for many months by now) but I don't hunt for vehicles/camps, so I call my "findings" quite good. And no, you definitely don't find more vehicles in one day by accident except you stumble across a major camp with more than 1 vehicle, so quit bragging.

Apparently you're the one who doesn't see the issue with DayZ servers missing a major component of the mod.

I've never heard of any servers completely missing vehicles, but I've read 2 times now in this thread alone that servers with an ID >6k DO have vehicles. Don't know how you do it, but from a 0:2 "fact" I'd never dare call it a "missing major compoment of the mod" (vehicles a major component? seriously?! they're just additional and movable storage room). Still, if it's true and having an ID >6k MIGHT cause that bug, it will get fixed - so that's nothing I would care about much if I want my clan to have a server. IMO it would be better for you if you start thinking befor you address me again.

Edited by Teiwaz

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