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Koot (DayZ)

WTF is happening to the server community.

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You want a mechanic? Here is the mechanic: Mass murderers have to heavily suffer when being killed. The more people you kill, the longer you have to wait for a respawn.

Maybe like: Kills * 0,5 * hours. And this value will reset only if you get eventually killed.

The idea is that people tend to behave like dicks because they're lacking the fear of having just ONE single life like IRL. This mechanic will make you think twice before pulling the trigger.

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I think things will be massively improved by removing global chat and fixing ingame VOIP so that it works, and can only be heard by people nearby.

If I can say "Get on the floor and drop your weapon" and have a chance of it actually being listened to, then I am much less likely to shoot someone.

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One of the main issues right now, is that the two cities are a dragnet for both bandits and and newbie survivors. Mostly as its the fastest way to get decent equipment straight off the spawn and one of the few places to get medical supplies for those who live up north.

Despite my group of bandits having 30 kills between us, we typically only head down to cherno and electro when we need medical supplies. Its just there, its shoot first dont ask questions, since suicidal newbies will slot you for the comparably good equipment you have.

Change the starter area to the east coast and improve the spawns in cherno and electro to a degree.

Then turn the zombie spawns to over 9000 and watch the fireworks. As it stands now, the resources available in the newbie areas is too desirable (3 firestations, convenience stores, the SW Airstrip, the base next to it)

Putting basic survival loot such as maps and compasses (the con stores) and military loot in such close proximity really puts these two groups against each other.

TBH, the best solution would be to have the spawn area have plentiful supplies of low grade weapons, Crossbows, Winchesters (possibly the lee too), along with survival equipment (knife, matches, wood, map etc) while not having much in the way with military supplies.

While this wouldn't eliminate the issue of bandits coming to the spawns just to murder people, it does mean that most new players would be able to grab some equipment reasonably fast, then roll out. Rather than hitting up a highly contested town area where they will get gunned down/eaten/run over by a mad bandit in a bus

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Bandages don't regenerate blood. I think you may be misunderstanding something.

Tell me' date=' if you were to slash your leg open right now, lose fair(nonfatal) amount of blood, then bandage it up. Your body would never regain that lost blood unless you went to a hospital and had a blood transfusion?

The best implementation would probably be to greatly reduce the amount of blood you get instantly from eating food in DayZ and just have it come over time as long as you are healthy.[/quote']

I know they don't regenerate blood, they stop you bleeding to death. Food regenerates your blood and that can be found in most places.

Add in regenerating health you might as well remove bandages/transfusions and food because if the damage you've taken is not severe you can just heal right up.

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Some serious proposals


I still believe in a "resting" system like in wow would work great in this game' date=' the more humanity you have the more well rested you are when you logg in, a realistic explanation for bandits not getting any rest is because they have Posttraumatic stress disorder, both the one person playing and the character as-well


Bandits needs more food/water and get colder faster. again cause of their psd


bandits cant have dogs, the dogs in this game are moral dogs.


dogs smell people with low humanity from far away, cause they have zombie and human blood all over their face


low humanity makes you slowly go crazy


take back the bandit skin

people complaining that the above would not be realistic. im gonna rage on you one more time.


Your not getting those ideas through. Bandits are a big part of the game. You're supposed to survive the bandits as well as the zombies. Who the fuck said that this game is about killing zombies? It's not. It's about survival.

Posttraumatic stress for bandits? It's stress for everyone. Even more to the lone survivor constantly hunted by bandits.

Moral dogs? What are you using? MORAL DOGS? There's no such thing as a MORAL DOG! That's just absurd.

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Most people seem to come from the angle of giving ridiculously harsh punishments for bandits. I don't think that's what rocket wants.

You should instead encourage teamplay. It'll also buff bandits who teamplay, but it'll make solo survivors want to try and team up with other survivors.

Honestly, I think DayZ already does that pretty well. It's much, much safer to be with other people than it is to be alone.

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I know they don't regenerate blood' date=' they stop you bleeding to death. Food regenerates your blood and that can be found in most places.

Add in regenerating health you might as well remove bandages/transfusions and food because if the damage you've taken is not severe you can just heal right up.


Hurr, cause you totally regain blood while you are bleeding out right? Definitely.

This would make it harder as long as its done properly. I'm not sure how you don't understand this.

What's easier

Getting mauled by Zombies, with 6000 blood left, then just eating all the beans and steaks you find


Getting mauled by Zombies, with 6000 blood left, having 50 blood restored from beans, 100 from steaks and gaining the other 5000 over the next 5-10 hours.

The option for a transfusion is always there. Get topped up immediately. At the moment I feel no need to even remotely try for a transfusion. That barn has 4 cans of beans, and the one down the road has another 3.

That'll take a good 15minutes for 1400 blood.

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Your not getting those ideas through. Bandits are a big part of the game. You're supposed to survive the bandits as well as the zombies. Who the fuck said that this game is about killing zombies? It's not. It's about survival.

Posttraumatic stress for bandits? It's stress for everyone. Even more to the lone survivor constantly hunted by bandits.

Moral dogs? What are you using? MORAL DOGS? There's no such thing as a MORAL DOG! That's just absurd.


i want bandits in the game, but i also want some kind of balancing factor. statloss or watnot. or this game will soon turn into the movie "the divide".

If we didn't have laws and concequences in real life everyone would butcher eataother and eat your children, i know i would. thats whats happening to dayz. read the book the road, there is only like 6 good people. in the whole world. dont tell me you would be moral when your life was at stake.

another problem is for the people who dont have any friends, i cant group with anyone. atleast do it the diablo way and put in a carevear server with ponies.

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isn't the point of this experiment to create and promote unique experiences through the tensions of social interactions and difficult situations?

people running up and down the coast, shooting people without concern of their own lives isn't unique, nor is it fun.

many times i hear that the main objective of this mod was to survive, we know that's not very true, with zombies being a mere nuisance and players kamikazi-ing into battle.

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So' date=' here i take a break from playing DayZ for about 1 week, i come back, and what?

Most of the servers are filled with idiots who think it's Call of Duty apparently.

Literally, just a few hours ago, i hopped around 6 servers, and in each and every one of them there was a god damn deathmatch going on, noone gave a shit about surviving or cooperating or anything, everyone just shot everyone, with zombies attempting to break up the battles in vain (they all get slaughtered all over the place). This was nowhere near to the classic pvp in dayz, it was an all out, no rules no shits, deathmatch.

What the hell happened?

It seems like people are getting tired of sneaking around all day and losing everything because of a stupid mistake or ambush, and simply live fast and die early.


I think a few things.

1) Yes people have gotten a little bored of only fighting zombies... i mean really you run in a building and they walk towards you slowly and you pop them.

2) People are sitting with full tents and tons of gear and have no need to really scavenge and sneak around... why not kill others? It's fun.

3) People, like me, don't trust anyone they are not personal friends or on skype with... wouldn't you be the same IRL or would you just trust complete strangers that are armed.

4) You realize there are limited resources. If I have to choose between letting someone else loot those STANAG mags or me, i choose ME. It is survival.

5) I think some people exaggerate death match.. when you die it is a long walk. I would rather say that they are larger firefights. Ones that actually make the game real fun. In fact part of the reason I play Dayz is for the Arma 2 styled tactical gunplay. It is even more intense cuz you don't just "Respawn nearby" when you die.... you actually... DIE.

In the end, I think you thinking that people don't give a shit about surviving or cooperating is wrong. They do... they just don't care about YOUR survival, or cooperating with YOU! This game is best played with those you can trust. Get friends into the game, frequent a server and make friends, or apply to a clan... the same way you get good friends in any game.

In the end I feel a real apocalypse is not like the movies where you magically get paired up with a perfect little survivor group and beat your way through danger brushing close with death but eventually making it through.... When you look at it in the way that there is a real human controlling each of the other 49 survivors, you will soon learn that for every kill (rewarding stimuli) there is a death (unpleasant stimuli). If you wana make it to the top, be the best.

Wana play zombie co-op, play L4D Realism.

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Hmm am I the only person playing it smart and just simply sick of the one-sided firefights?

I mean I see so many posts about how "omgawesome" these tense, action packed firefights are. What the hell are you people smoking? Sure maybe if you're running near Cherno full sprint, and some new player or respawned bandit see's you with their makarov it might be interesting... Otherwise there is NO firefight.

There is party A) Sneaking around for loot, and party B) camping an area who takes a single shot (Sometimes two) and takes out party A.

I've done it before, and I've received it. Only when I am actively seeking allies in game (Which I don't do anymore because the community has become pretty much exclusively pro-bandit and TS/Vent/other private chat servers.

You pull out your gun and question the person on their intentions, or you follow them a ways and they happen to peak back at you turning it into a mexican standoff. Yeah those were exciting times, but I think people are really failing to notice how few and far between they're becoming now.

Now there is no fear. It's a simple, single shot death, and move onto the next can of beans. I think that if it remains that way, with no real reason to ever consider sparing someone the game will die. How long will someone sit with a full kit and a loaded tent stash before killing others gets old? And how long before the fodder gets sick of getting shot because all the 'pro' bandits know the loot spawn locations and camp them religiously?

My suggested fixes? Loot needs to be entirely random, more items need to be found on the Zed, a few (very very few I stress) locations need a random possibility to have a large stockpile of items. Those positions however need to be consistently guarded by a ridiculously large amount of zombies to press groups to their limit. (Also physical barriers that would require some form of removal would be welcome too, to discourage someone sneaking in for the loot.)

Fixed loot locations remove any and all sense of immersion, force the action to mainly transpire in specific areas, and offer an unfair advantage to people who haven't taken the time to look up the item spawn location list.

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Hurr' date=' cause you totally regain blood while you are bleeding out right? Definitely.

This would make it [b']harder as long as its done properly. I'm not sure how you don't understand this.

Notice I used the words if the damage taken is not severe, your blood does stop running out if the damage is only slight, if you are bleeding heavily and don't bandage you will die. What blood you lose you eat to replace as much as you can and if you can't find food you'll die.

How would it make it harder? It's easier if anything, you add regenerating health, I get shot, I don't need a bandage as it's only a flesh wound (let's say a poor shot) I disappear into the woods to heal and come back fighting fit.

Without regenerating health, I get shot, again it's only a slight wound but I do need a bandage, I haven't got one so I have to go and look for one, I get a bandage and patch myself up but now I need food to replace the blood I've lost so I have to search again for food I've just used. All this without taking into account the dangers around me, temperature drops, zombies, other survivors and bandits.

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Your not getting those ideas through. Bandits are a big part of the game. You're supposed to survive the bandits as well as the zombies. Who the fuck said that this game is about killing zombies? It's not. It's about survival.

Posttraumatic stress for bandits? It's stress for everyone. Even more to the lone survivor constantly hunted by bandits.

Moral dogs? What are you using? MORAL DOGS? There's no such thing as a MORAL DOG! That's just absurd.


i want bandits in the game' date=' but i also want some kind of balancing factor. statloss or watnot. or this game will soon turn into the movie "the divide".

If we didn't have laws and concequences in real life everyone would butcher eataother and eat your children, i know i would. thats whats happening to dayz. read the book the road, there is only like 6 good people. in the whole world. dont tell me you would be moral when your life was at stake.

another problem is for the people who dont have any friends, i cant group with anyone. atleast do it the diablo way and put in a carevear server with ponies.


You can group up. Just find some people online or on these forums. If you really cant then you are fucked. Just live with it or quit playing. No one owes you a chance.

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As a bandit-hunter, I'm not particularly interested in gameplay 'balance' or superficial PvP deterrent. The bandits can play as they please - it's all a part of the game. There's absolutely no reason why the game should punish them for playing the game legitimately.

If anything should punish the bandits, it's us. The players.

If we truly want it, it's our responsibility to bring this apocalypse in check and restore order to the world - not 'gamey' mechanics or restrictions. If we do not do anything about it, of course the bandits are going to run rampant because no-one's attempting to face them.

WE need to face them.

@ROCKET: MECHANIC TIME! I'm in full agreement that it should be down to the players to police this world if they choose to do so, not the developers. This is why I've chosen the playstyle I practice. However, if we bandit-hunters are to work effectively, there's one particular mechanic that needs addressing.

We need to be able to differentiate players in some way: Names, clothing, physical descriptions, etc.

I don't want to be told by the game who the bandits are; I want to try and work it out for myself. However, I first need the ability to seperate player from player!

Bandit reputation gets around. You see in Side Chat survivors reporting sniper fire in Elektro, or people reporting in after escaping alive from a bandit firefight with last locations and weapons. I'm willing to hunt these PK'ers down and tackle this 'deathmatch' problem myself with the means available to me in game - the problem is, I have no idea who to look for. Everyone has the same skin. Everyone looks the same.

I'm NOT supporting bandits skins. That's far too easy, and it's unfair on those who want to hide their intentions. I'm saying that there needs to be a way of differentiating players, so I can work out who my prey is in the middle of a crowd without attacking the other survivors (who I have no reason to shoot). I need more information from looking at a character besides a default skin that looks exactly the same as everyone else, so I know the bandit that was described to me (either by name or physical description) is the character I'm aiming at in my ironsights.

There are two particular mechanics that relate to this issue:


Often disabled on various servers, the main disadvantage to Name Tags is that they can be scanned for using Commanding Mode (or crosshairs) so that players can be spotted from a distance, even when hidden in foliage.

However, turning them off completely is flawed. The common argument is: 'It's not realistic to see names! You can't see names in real life!' - My rebuttal is, not everyone looks identical in real life either. Realism can only go so far in a game before it gets ridiculous. We cannot have 100000000 skins to match the different appearances people have in real life, so we need a compromise.

Potential solution:- Enable nametags, but only visible when in a certain range?


After the bandit skins are removed, everyone will look the same.

Not being able to judge a stranger's history by appearance alone is GOOD.

Not being able to judge/recognise a player at all is PROBLEMATIC.

The main issue is, it's incredibly difficult to differentiate players. Learning who's who in your group by the different clothing colours/faces they have is one thing; trying to identify potential targets with this miniscule differences between them is impractical.

Hopefully, the skin system will alleviate this problem a little, but it still exists as a problem none the less. It's unlikely that enough skins will be added to make a significant difference though the move is a step in the right direction.

Potential solution:- I propose an 'introduction+physical description' system, similar to other multiplayer 'roleplay' games. Players can edit a 'physical description' variable on character creation that allows them to assign a small (50-100 characters) textline that replaces their name in-game. This gives players a little more control over their character 'appearance' and gives them an opportunity to portray some character 'story/background' to other players through appearance alone.

Alongside this, the player could have the ability to 'introduce' themselves to nearby people (in GMOD: by pressing F2 and selecting the audible range between 'whisper', 'say' and 'yell'). Before introduction, players only see the physical description of a character when they hover their crosshair over them. After introduction, players can see the name.

So it goes from:

'Black hair, grey eyes, a mustache and a gold tooth in the back of his mouth. Always looks so serious. He wears a grey T-shirt, jeans and big floppy red clown shoes.'


'Zibbleplix the Zombie Clown'

This now allows players to be differentiated, yet does not reveal anything about a character that the player does not desire (i.e bandit intentions). For example, if a player reports on Side Chat that they'd just saw a survivor with 'black hair, grey eyes, a mustache and a gold tooth in the back of his mouth' murder another survivor in cold blood, I can now begin hunting a player with this description. The bandit has been identified as a bandit, not through silly game restrictions and balances, but because he was caught in the act by another player.

The bandit has chosen his playstyle, yet the players can control his consequence.

Would this help alleviate the problem perhaps, or have I contributed yet another pointless 'game-fixing' balance idea unintentionally? :/

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Fixed loot locations remove any and all sense of immersion' date=' force the action to mainly transpire in specific areas, and offer an unfair advantage to people who haven't taken the time to look up the item spawn location list.


I don't buy that at all. Loot spawns in obvious and intuitive places, and is perfectly immersive. If anything, looking up the item spawn location lists is the immersion breaker and, IMO, totally breaks the exploration aspect of the game.

Anyway, I keep reading this thread and the longer it gets the less it resembles the game I play daily, on my own and by my own wits. I simply haven't seen this exclusively death-matched gameplay that people keep talking about. I do see resource rich areas being contested by groups and players who want to control those resources and that's exactly as it should be.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong (or maybe I'm doing it right) but for every encounter with a hostile player I have had, I've had another one with a non-hostile one.

The way I see it, those who insist on staying where the fighting happens have three options: 1. Adapt, 2. Fight back, 3. GTFO and play something else.

For the record I'm a lone-wolf player most of the time, living in the north away from the shit and only going to the cities when I'm desperate. I've only ever killed one other player (and he started it), and my tactic for dealing with being shot at is to run the fuck away. I've been shot maybe a dozen times by other players and killed perhaps four or five times (each down to my own mistakes).

DayZ isn't WoW. None of us have the dev-given right to play exactly how we want without interference from other players. Rocket's given us a world to play in, and it's absolutely, completely up to us what we make that world into. I wish more people could see this instead of demanding protection from Rocket for their playstyle, which has no more weight or value than anybody else's.

This is what we signed up for, whether we realise it or not.

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The way I see it' date=' those who insist on staying where the fighting happens have three options: 1. Adapt, 2. Fight back, 3. GTFO and play something else.[/quote']

That's a very good point and the reason this thread exists is because from what I can tell by the comments a lot of people choose number 2.

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Notice I used the words if the damage taken is not severe' date=' your blood does stop running out if the damage is only slight, if you are bleeding heavily and don't bandage you will die. What blood you lose you eat to replace as much as you can and if you can't find food you'll die.

How would it make it harder? It's easier if anything, you add regenerating health, I get shot, I don't need a bandage as it's only a flesh wound (let's say a poor shot) I disappear into the woods to heal and come back fighting fit.

Without regenerating health, I get shot, again it's only a slight wound but I do need a bandage, I haven't got one so I have to go and look for one, I get a bandage and patch myself up but now I need food to replace the blood I've lost so I have to search again for food I've just used. All this without taking into account the dangers around me, temperature drops, zombies, other survivors and bandits.


Oh I see, so your just going to sit in the forest for 6 hours.

That is perfectly possible under the idea I'd like implemented. Enjoy.

So what, don't bandage your wound and spend another hour sitting in the woods for every few seconds you let the wound go?

Again, have fun sitting in the woods. Hopefully you have the beans for 6 hours of sitting there.

If blood was harder to restore people would be more careful, getting a transfusion would actually be useful.

Your choice would be waiting many hours to restore blood, while keeping your hunger and thirst over 50-75% full, or getting a transfusion.

Having 20 cans of beans and having 5 would be the same under this system.

In real life your wounds don't instantly get better when you eat some pasta. Your body takes time to convert it into something useful.

I'd say absolutely maximum you'd gain blood at a rate of 15 per minute. (900 per hour)

The least serious bleeding wound I've gotten was going at about 40 every few seconds I believe. You'll have a 10minute wait just on the time it takes to bandage the thing. Let alone the time taken to get away from what ever caused the wound in the first place.

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Anyone arguing realism and immersion needs to forget it. There's a laundry list of unrealistic features as long as my arm. Biggest ones:

-There is no death in this game, respawn at the coast makes it to where the only measure of how much you value your own life is what items you have in your possession and your location.

-We're playing a zombie game, zombies aren't real.

So stop saying "in a real apocalypse" like it's the only thing that's important in this mod. Doesn't matter what happens in a real apocalypse, you're not fitting the main rotor assembly of a chopper into your backpack.

Being that this is a game, not all your players are going to pretend they're some grizzled survivor. Some people are going to log in, run n gun, looking for the first other player they can to kill. And for those people, not having an incentive to cooperate means they won't even think of cooperating. And before you say there's a big pay off for being in a group, a bigger group has some pretty big drawbacks too. Easier to be spotted, more chances for accidents, harder to sneak into towns, have to share resources. Unless the entire crew has alot of experience, the only real bonus is extra carrying capacity. Being a bandit has bonuses, mainly, no trepidation on pulling the trigger, and secondarily, a source of resources that often shouts out their location and intentions for everyone to see on side chat. Being a Survivor has very few, and soon, no incentives and cooperating is more often a punishment than a bonus. This is the reason you're seeing nothing but deathmatch.

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The real problem is that the game is not permadeath if you play a pker.

While your chances to die are way way greater in a firefight, you simply don't care since you just respawn, grab a cz and continue. There is way less possibility to get frustrated this way than if you actually try to survive, aquire stuff, live for days and then lose everything to a single bandit.

A pker has less to lose in a firefight, because he doesn't value his items/life as much as a survivor. Thats a simple fact.

If you play to truly survive and protect your gear, you wouldn't engage in firefights willingly, since it will drastically shorten your life expectancy.

To solve the deathmatch problem, life and gear must be made more valuable to PKers by game mechanic, as of now life is only valuable to players who choose to roleplay that way.

possible mechanics:

- drastically reduce weapon loot and especially cz occurence. You wont be able to throw away your life and weapon for fun when its damn hard to find that stuff.

-respawn without a weapon. You need to play way more cautious in the beginning to not attract zombies, and if you do, you need to find a lucky weapon in a building or you simply die. No running around shooting at people from the get go.

- if you die, you must wait an hour/ a whole day to log into the game again. Death needs to mean something. If you play survivor, live for a week and get killed it is not a big deal to wait, since you are frustrated enough to take a break anyways.

If on the other hand a pker can respawn, go to the next barn, grab a cz and is ready to pk again, it is not permadeath. Its just a 5 minute waiting penalty.

In terms of how you experience gameplay, death right now is a significant break for a survivor, while it is a minor annoyance to pkers. Lets make death a significant break for all people, and i guarantee you they will think twice about engaging in every firefight they can get...

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Being a Survivor has very few' date=' and soon, no incentives and cooperating is more often a punishment than a bonus. This is the reason you're seeing nothing but deathmatch.


Being a survivor has the biggest incentive of all - you don't get killed in the PK grinders over and over again, and you see a lot more than deathmatch. Judging from this thread there are a lot of people who simply aren't survivors. And by survivors, I'm not talking about people who rule at PvP.

Think about it.

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Just killing someone for killing is just plain stupid, when you are in a survival situation, you are much better off when you cooperate with other people. It's not the goal of this game to shoot other people, the goal is to survive. I only killed other players when the shoot at me, or if I really need supplies and it is my only option. Otherwise I just leave them alone, I play mostly lone wolf.

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Just killing someone for killing is just plain stupid' date=' when you are in a survival situation, you are much better off when you cooperate with other people. It's not the goal of this game to shoot other people, the goal is to survive. I only killed other players when the shoot at me, or if I really need supplies and it is my only option. Otherwise I just leave them alone, I play mostly lone wolf.


There is no other goal than what you yourself make of it.

And right now its simply least frustrating to not value your life whatsoever, respawn, go to the next barn, grab a cz and shoot at people. You don't have anything to lose, worst case is you need to wait for a few minutes to find a gun after respawning.

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