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Koot (DayZ)

WTF is happening to the server community.

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Live by the sword and die by the sword. Your delicious beans will soon belong to someone else.

Personally, I could give a fuck less. Half of the fun in this game is the acquisition of currency. Regardless of how I come across it. People decide to buy a nice car so they can acquire some pussy. They continue to buy nicer cars so they can continue to acquire MORE pussy.

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I wonder why players are blaming each other...

You're playing a game made by a developer who didn't setup the rules of playing with eachother. So you're playing a game without these rules that people seem to be bitching about.

My point is everyone plays however they want so it's nobody's fault but the developer for not enforcing the rules you wanna play by. If you're being a bitch about how things need to be done, you can let the developer know, although I doubt he gives a shit about elitist critics because he's catering an anti-gamer community since he's making an anti-game ;D

I don't blame anyone, I like this kind of game so I'm not even mad :) I paid 40 dollars for this, exactly THIS!! now please finish this badboy. I'll donate later on :D

@Reign: Yes I have died a few times for being branded a bandit, but I can't run away from my new destiny ;) it's sooo much fun to take down someone with reason! Maybe it's because I've never played a MP shooter before DayZ.

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I'd like Rocket's definition of a mechanic =P

Anyway, if this is a mechanic, I think that we just need to expand the crafting system. We need ways to build fences, better tents, watchtowers. Make rebuilding civilization possible.

Right now, anarchy reigns because anarchy is possible. Organization and civility doesn't exist because it's nearly impossible to set up within the game's mechanics. It's extremely difficult not because nobody is willing, but because you really can't clear out an area, post guards, and keep an area safe. The game isn't set up for it yet.

My friends and I would jump at the opportunity to set up our own towns and create a safe haven. Right now, that's just not plausible.

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I've read many of the posts in this thread, and will forgo my usual edgy and controversial posting style to say this.

Rocket has given his time and hard work to this mod that has rapidly become one of the most talked about things in software in a very long time. We, as players, are passionately arguing back and forth, and almost outright demanding our own tweaks and changes to the game, disrespecting each other, and Rocket, in the process.

I would like to apologize for my own rants here and there, if any of these has in any way come across as my own way of 'demanding' anything more from Rocket.

To those who are demanding changes, who believe Rocket owes you anything, I would politely ask this of you. If you don't like the way the game has changed, or the way the players are acting, give it time. Try new things. Check new servers. If you don't find anything you like, or anything you can live with playing, then choose to move on.

It's a game. It's becoming a phenomenon. I, for one, don't want to hinder it's development any further by making demands upon it's creator. If I don't like it, going forward, I'm going to put into practice what I said above. I'll give it time, check other servers, or move on.

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... but certainly "Oh' date=' this is the game I wanted!" it's not one of them...


This wasn't really supposed to be a game, it's more of an anti-game. And what I've always wanted is a something that makes people think and moves people to question the same bullshit we've been feeding out for ages.

Well, we have that. The greatest movie I ever saw was Salò. It made me feel physically sick. I was angry for days after seeing it. I was so ANGRY at the director for what he made me feel. He took all these things I valued, love, sex, intimacy, emotions, and then stripped them down and hung them out to die, one by one.

Then I realized, it's the greatest movie I have ever seen, because it moved me so deeply, it shook every part of me. It's a pretty ballsy thing for a director to do, and he did it.

So what do I want to do with my life? Well, something unconventional. I want a game that makes people think, about game design and question things about themselves and explore stuff. A game where people are arguing about it in the forums, talking about it on twitter, having an opinion on it.

This is a project for people who want to try something different, have some different experiences, feel some real emotions in a game. For anyone who doesn't, have some of this and this.

You go ahead and make the game you want, my friend and I are loving each and every patch. We have never played a game that abuses us so badly...and we love it!

It's been too damn long for a proper zombie survival game to come out, I'm glad it's finally here.

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I'd like Rocket's definition of a mechanic =P

Anyway' date=' if this is a mechanic, I think that we just need to expand the crafting system. We need ways to build fences, better tents, watchtowers. Make rebuilding civilization possible.

Right now, anarchy reigns because anarchy is possible. Organization and civility doesn't exist because it's nearly impossible to set up within the game's mechanics. It's extremely difficult not because nobody is willing, but because you really can't clear out an area, post guards, and keep an area safe. The game isn't set up for it yet.

My friends and I would jump at the opportunity to set up our own towns and create a safe haven. Right now, that's just not plausible.


I didn't think of that!

Rocket give us more options ;)

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As an EvE online player, this entire thread is hilarious. I did not know our society had created such toddlers who have to be padded and bubble wrapped, perhaps these are the true CoD players, who enjoy having the same standard crap like the previous one.

It's a game. If you don't enjoy it, why are you playing it? Where's the sense in that?

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As an EvE online player' date=' this entire thread is hilarious.[/quote']

I don't know how long you've been in, but does this remind you of the old 'ninja salvaging' threads at all?


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My friends and I would jump at the opportunity to set up our own towns and create a safe haven. Right now' date=' that's just not plausible.


Which is why we need systems in place that allow this. If you offer a goal (not force one) that is complex enough to be worth doing, people will come together to maximize their game time.

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My point mostly was to point out that it's a sandbox. People are free to play anyway they want. I don't want there to be some system in place to punish or encourage any certain playstyle. The more playstyles that are welcome, the more versatile the experience will be.

It's up to us as the players in the sandbox to adapt to those. If I know there are murderous people out there I will adjust my plan accordingly. The way that I feel personally, if I stand to gain anything from a temporary or permanent agreement with another player, I'll be happy to not shoot them. If shooting them and taking their stuff is more conducive to my situation, I'll just do that instead. As of now, there are no "vigilante" groups of people out to safeguard the coast or any settlement (which is totally dependent on the players to create one).

It's up to us as the players to create the content and the developer to provide the resources.

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As an EvE online player' date=' this entire thread is hilarious.[/quote']

I don't know how long you've been in, but does this remind you of the old 'ninja salvaging' threads at all?


Yeah it does, haha. Also, people who complain about being scammed in Amarr/Jita. I've played since 2005. Got me into programming, funnily enough.

I guess complaints are really just a major compliment Rocket. They obviously care enough about it, that they feel complaining is the right way to go about altering it for their own self-satisfaction and not that of the whole community.

A self centred Jita riot.

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Okay - why don't we adopt a rule in this thread to avoid the circular arguments.

- Post descriptions of mechanics to solve the problem' date=' and I will consider them and we can discuss.

- Post the same complaints we have heard again and again and I've responded too a million times, and I will post sarcastic rude remarks.


Perhaps an ability to form groups and use group chats and see each others names at close range? I think that would make it easier for strangers to get to know each other and cooperate. Basically a private chat would help to build trust between players.

As a bandit player I don't want to see bullshit like safe zones, negative effects for murders, etc, but I believe that more teamwork would make the mod more interesting for everyone.

You can't expect everyone to have friends to play with all the time, so there needs to be game mechanics in place to help those that are not chatting with their friends on TS/Ventrilo/Skype.

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My friends and I would jump at the opportunity to set up our own towns and create a safe haven. Right now' date=' that's just not plausible.


Which is why we need systems in place that allow this. If you offer a goal (not force one) that is complex enough to be worth doing, people will come together to maximize their game time.


The beauty about a sandbox is that you have a bunch of toys to play with. You have an awesome soldier, a terrible villain, an awesome truck, and a cool rock for them to all fight on. You don't HAVE to make the good guy attack the villain on the rock with the truck. You can have the hero throw the rock on the truck, or you can have the truck team up with the rock and the villain and hero must come together to thwart this new alliance.

My point is, you have toys to play with in a sandbox, and you can do whatever you want and set your own goals. Giving us the ability to set up settlements would do wonders towards helping out the survival side of the apocalypse.

This doesn't mean it has to be easy. Lots of resources would have to come together to build fences, towers, walls, whatever. Let's not even mention keeping everyone supplied with ammo, cars with gas, and warding off attacks.

Setting up a settlement would be even harder than grouping up. It'd still be a huge challenge for survivors, but it would give them that ever-sought-after INCENTIVE.

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I like the way you talk, and it's something it is being ignored by many.

When there is a bigger goal (reform some sort of order), then people will need more people.

Make items that can only be dragged by two or more players around the world, while other escort it. They go putting stuff together in this place and they create some sort of establishment with hierarchy.

Then people like me will have some existencial meaning in this zed-world: To be the antithesis of humanity's reconstruction.

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I like the way you talk' date=' and it's something it is being ignored by many.

When there is a bigger goal (reform some sort of order), then people will need more people.

Make items that can only be dragged by two or more players around the world, while other escort it. They go putting stuff together in this place and they create some sort of establishment with hierarchy.

Then people like me will have some existencial meaning in this zed-world: To be the antithesis of humanity's reconstruction.


Fuck! Brilliant. There's already a dragging system in the game...

They should definitely do this for large pieces of scrap metal, maybe even the rotors for the choppers.

OHFUCK. They should put in transport choppers (Like fire helicopters) that can tow a giant container. You could load it up with items, and the chopper can lift it out of there.

gfasdfjk that would be awesome.

Reference: SB-County-Chopper-309-File-Web_t479.jpg?

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So' date=' here i take a break from playing DayZ for about 1 week, i come back, and what?

Most of the servers are filled with idiots who think it's Call of Duty apparently.

Literally, just a few hours ago, i hopped around 6 servers, and in each and every one of them there was a god damn deathmatch going on, noone gave a shit about surviving or cooperating or anything, everyone just shot everyone, with zombies attempting to break up the battles in vain (they all get slaughtered all over the place). This was nowhere near to the classic pvp in dayz, it was an all out, no rules no shits, deathmatch.

What the hell happened?

It seems like people are getting tired of sneaking around all day and losing everything because of a stupid mistake or ambush, and simply live fast and die early.


If a literal zombie outbreak occurred don't you think there would be alot of untrusting people who would fight to survive? Oh, wait i'm playin' carebears mmorpg. Sorry wrong game.

If a zombie outbreak happened you definately would not have some sort of every man for himself scenario, where everyone would just run around shooting everyone else.

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I said it once alread, but I'll say it again. This game is supposed to be about interactions between survivors. If every in-game encounter ends with guys just shooting each other - pretty much the point we're at now - then there are no longer any social dynamics. And, no social dyamics means we've defeated the entire original premise of this whole experiment. Also, the argument that we should all just get our clan buddies together on 3rd party VOIP is ridiculous. It only further erodes social interactions between strangers within the game. How is any of this so hard to understand?!

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It is madenning for me that you guys see something unbalanced and you instantly think something needs to be changed in the game.


You need to change to the new environment. EA and blizzard aren't here to balance the fuck out of the game. You're going to have to do that yourselves.

Jesus it's like weening someone off herion.

This' date=' always.


@ underscore,

Sorry mate, you are totally, and I mean totally wrong. Evolve with the game mechanic, I have, I do not stay near the coast, I have been as far N as Berezino and things happen there as they should.

If you want TDM or even DM then stay on the coast, evolve with it....

There are always social dynamics, just depends how you implement them,

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So we/I need a plan to beat the players doing the following. Because its upto us/me apparently :)

Lamers Hiding at big towns and Air bases then swapping server just to hunt players at the locations they spawn at.

camp location -see player - disconnect goto new server flank player you saw - rejoin other server kill player - get camp spot - disconnect - repeat.

Join night servers - its day for you night for them. shoot anyone who cant see you - disconnect.

Clan player camps a location to spot. he tells buddy on TS other players locations.

Buddy moves to flank on dif server - connects,kills,loots,leaves.

Its not much like an apocalyptic world. when the twat players are acting like harry fucking potter and magically appearing behind you.

Ok so you dont like the idea of making twat players wear a skin.

but do you like the idea of them using server swapping magic tricks ?

It may be upto us to come up with a way to beat the players who are bandits but have no possible means of identification and an unlimited supply of names they can use.

But its not our job to fix the server hopping lame ass twats ability to do magic tricks.

Unless as in one of your links rocket this is to be a WOWDayZ

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Zombies need a serious buff in prime locations.

zombie buff? yes please :P

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Quote- "As it said the problem is not PvP (its great part of the game), its that right now its people with everything to loose vs people with nothing to loose. You can make Bandits have something to loose, but preferable way is to add some reason why one would actually care about survival and in game goals, so that risk would be worth it. Right now, the problem is not player fighting - the problem is that theres literally nothing to do except for it. Even if you organize, wipe everyone, build a base, repair a vechicles etc - in the end, you can only continue to stockpile resources pointlessly, knowing you`ll die eventually loosing it all, or use them to go kill other players. After that, repeating the whole cicle becomes to tedious - you skip the whole "survival" part and just go kill other players from beginning."

Agreed. Can't be bothered to look up who wrote it but anyhow I think you nailed it.

The thread turned to a philosophical discussion about human nature and how we should preach to a playerbase how to play the game correctly. Really? You wanna change people's behavior or their nature? And how are you gonna do it?

People Pk'ing mindlessly simply because "they can" and because the can hit respawn, run to nearest city, shoot someone in the face, get their shit and keep doing it, till they get killed and start over. Is it the jist of the "problem"? I assume that's what some of you are complaining about.

And suggestions to "fix it" - is to preach the "correct way"?

Right, that's totally gonna work.

I hear people saying - "You need to adapt", Adapting is what causing this type of playstyle imho, since there is no real or compelling enough reason to play otherwise, it's boring and pointless, there is no motivation to stay alive except seeing your name on a leaderboard or if you made up a goal for yourself and you WILL get killed sooner or later no matter how cautious you play, unless you go total hermit style, which again is boring and pointless.

The game is called "zombie survival", which I think is a total misnomer, zombies/environment surviving is piss easy after you get the basics down, I for example can't remember the last time I died from zombies or environment and I died many times. The fun for me in this game comes from specifically firefight encounters, so lets be honest about it - this a free roaming/sandbox deathmatch with a zombie flavor and people ADAPT accordingly.

The question is how to make it more of a zombie survival than it currently is?

And how game mechanics can change the motivation/behavior of players?

I read somewhere in this thread about vaccine thingy, can't remember exactly what it was but that's not the point, imho introducing game mechanics that will shift priorities from mindless killing to actually making zombie survival a real challenge on it's own could change people's mindsets as well as making death more than just a run for x minutes to get the gear, and eventually ending up hunting other players, since there isn't much else fun to do anyway.

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How about a 24 hour respawn timer on death? Suddenly it has consequences, and that much more reason to try and avoid it. It forces players to stop and think about their own actions and what they can do the next time to avoid the same fate, and definitely discourages DM style gameplay.

It might also make defense of permanent installations more feasible, as you won't be as concerned about players respawning and coming back to continue the attack, and it would give you more of a chance to relocate once your position is discovered.

Maybe too hardcore for some, but in terms of experiments, it might be interesting.

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Not so anymore. I can walk within 5 meters of them and they give zero fucks.

I call bullshit. Let's see the video of you walking past Zeds at 5 meters.

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How about a 24 hour respawn timer on death? Suddenly it has consequences' date=' and that much more reason to try and avoid it. It forces players to stop and think about their own actions and what they can do the next time to avoid the same fate, and definitely discourages DM style gameplay.

It might also make defense of permanent installations more feasible, as you won't be as concerned about players respawning and coming back to continue the attack, and it would give you more of a chance to relocate once your position is discovered.

Maybe too hardcore for some, but in terms of experiments, it might be interesting.


That's just too much. Sometimes when I think on hardcore heavyweight stuff I smile and find it promising, but then on second thought I see that it wouldn't work. It's too easy to die and the game is way to unpredictable lag-wise for that right now.

Plus, just imagining trying to shoot a decent survival series in the game with this respawn time is enough to lose your mind.

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I think the issue is in real life that kill everything play style would end badly and the people who do that would just start dropping in number as their aggression kills them all off. But since that is impossible in a game... We need to adopt in some way. Like you have a town with a trader, and as people keep saying, for example you have a problem with bandits outside of town sniping off survivors. So you get a bunch of survivors, offer a reward and let them loose. This would require some type of way I'm sure to bring in proof and also you have the problem of people just changing names so.. I don't know.. But it could be a reality in-game in the future I'm sure!

It's just a basic thing the people who go around looting and pillaging will burn themselves out eventually while the people who band together and create a safe haven will prosper.

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