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Change the animation for flare usage.

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The current animation is extremely clunky.I do understand that it should take some time to prepare a long throw,but what if Im throwing a flare right under my feet or dropping a lit flare during running or if I dont want to throw it at all but instead need it in my hands to fight zeds off?All actions I've mentioned require different animations asap.

I've stopped playing during nightime,since I dont use gamma trick and I've died 5 times during night time or it resulted in my death later - all times because I got beaten up badly while throwing a flare under my feet in sloooowmotiooooon.Or getting eaten by an ol` good zed-through-the-wall,but thats another topic :)

P.S.While we are at it,a flashlight as it is is unusable.Whenever you need to fight zeds off you need to drop a flare anyway or spray and pray which defeats the whole point of a reliable source of light.

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Just to make it clear : Im not asking for graphical enchancments,I just dont think that lighting and holding a flare should require you throwing it first.

And yeah,thats a bump

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P.S.While we are at it' date='a flashlight as it is is unusable.Whenever you need to fight zeds off you need to drop a flare anyway or spray and pray which defeats the whole point of a reliable source of light.


oh come on now, we all know its physically impossible to actually hold a gun and a flashlight at the same time.

The police you see doing it in real life is just an illusion


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Got to agree with this. Your character does the massive spastic throw regardless of if you want to just light the damn thing and drop it.

Also, it'd be cool if we could rethrow the flare after picking it up.

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