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How come nobody is complaining about the graphics glitch?

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Am I the only one who thinks the game is unplayable because my screen is filled with grey artifacts?

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Because continuously complaining is pointless and accomplishes nothing?

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This has been mentioned so many times.

There is a thread relating to it in the correct area of the forums.


Try putting your Video memory setting to default in the advanced menu of your video options. Works for some! :thumbsup:

Edited by GeordieMarv

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They were, you're late to the party..

We've moved onto complaining about people complaining instead.

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Yeah, it sucks. It kinda pisses me off when it comes to looting the military camps.

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You may also find this thread, in announcements, helpful.

It's going to be fixed in the next update.

No, there is no firm release date. He's, we've all been dealing with it in our own ways:


Closing this thread. Moving to troubleshooting.

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