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Zombies eratic movement

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READ: This is not about slow zombies!

i asked this in game before, so ill ask it here too:

Is it possible you could reduce how erratic their movements are, i like the idea of super fast zombies who move like these ones do, but the Arma engine simply isnt built for that kind of acquisition speed, 80% of your engagements are going to be within small arms range with zombies, and tracking them with this engine is nigh impossible and almost always results in severe blood loss. I never shoot zeds for this reason now, save all my ammo for players, it simply isnt worth the risk to shoot a zombie, what you can gain from scavenging by killing them will be counter balanced by the amount of ammo you need to use and the supplies you need to use to recover after a fight.

I like the speed at which they move, its challenging and keeps you on your toes, but the way they zigzag and jerk towards you results more in a feeling of frustration than a fight for survival.

If its simply how the engine works, then thats fair enough, we'll have to adapt, but if something can be done, even if its just slowing them down a bit to balance it out, then please consider it! id like to start killing them again :P

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As far as I remember rocket saying before - it's the engine that's the limiting factor here.

From a survival aspect - all I would say is shoot from further away, which gives you plenty of time for the Zs to run in a straight line at you.

If they still get too close, you can run backwards and shoot with little risk of actually getting hit by them - wait for their "swipe" animation to occur then stop and shoot...

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^^ As the above said.

Also, you are not meant to be taking on loads of zombies by yourself. Zombies should be fucking your shit up until you get an 1866 or something. Get some allies to help, and don't aggro zombies. Stay out of range, crouch, shift walk, and avoid raiding an area entirely if necessary. It is about surviving, not killing.

So if you avoid them as much as possible and only end up fighting a few zombies as you should, until you get better at aiming you can find plenty of medical supplies to keep your character alive after each encounter.

Head to Elektro or another city with a hospital and you can get blood packs for allies to give transfusions as well as every other medical supply.

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The very same ARMA 2 engine makes it incredibly easy to fight zombies indoors, as they will become incredibly apathetic to anything once they approach the door. They slowly shuffle towards you, which gives you plenty of time to cap them into the head, even with a lowly Makarov. In short, when having overwhelming zombie problems, beeline for the nearest building larger than a shed (hope there are no bandits in there), do a 180 and aim at head level. You are guaranteed to make it with minimal blood and ammo loss.

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