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Ha, just noticed the fool's name. AHA, wtf is with people on these forums?

Edited by calthehunter

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Jear, your are such a smart guy that have to say "retard" to other people cause what?

Because people that claim ArmA 2 is shit are retarded. If the shoe fits...

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You bought Arma2, DayZ the mod is free. If you bought Arma2 solely for DayZ (which I can understand a lot of people have done) then that's your problem.

If you'd read or watched any of Rocket's interviews in the past 2 months you'd know that this was going to happen. He mentioned the Minecraft model in most of his interviews, if people were ignorant and missed all of that who's fault is that? The information is out there for all to see.

Early adopters of the game are going to be able to get it for $10-$20's anyway so it's not that big a deal.

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Arguing over 10-20 dollars? Pathetic. Id give a couple of hundred dollars for the experience.

I be inclined to just buy all the sad pandas their copy of the new Dayz so these fucking gay posts stop poping up.


Edited by opeth

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Before I buy something get your act together Bohemia and fix this Bug and Hacker Laden piece of game! Because thats what you encounter most of the time HACKERS AND BUGS in between you have 5 hours of wandering around and 5 Minutes of enjoyable Gameplay! This game could have been great!

This game is not playable!

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A lof people seem to forget that the Dayz code has already leaked and the idea isn't exactly owned by anyone anyway. So I guess, whoever made Lingor Island will keep developing that and probably take a different direction than the commercial game. I didn't know who made it or what Dayz is exactly, before I bought Arma II for it. However, all mods I played took ages to go standalone and had time to develop and grow, due to community help + feedback.

Making Dayz into a second Alpha product, seems like cashing in, but I guess the real reason is, because they cannot do more on the current engine. So, look at this another way - you got the mod and it will stay; even though Rocket won't have anything to do with it. You get another game, which may be more stable and has alot of improved and new features. That's how it'll be ideally. However, I still don't trust the new engine to get rid of the technical problems. We'll just have to see how it works out. And hardcore Dayz fans will probably all get the Alpha anyway, in hopes of having a better game experience than with the current crowded servers.

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Sorry mate. I know people say this a lot, but so far you haven't paid shit for Dayz. You've paid for Arma 2. The mod is free. Now that they're moving to a standalone model, you WILL be paying for Dayz.

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I bought the game only to play Dayz. I have 0 interest in playing any military sim; it could be great, but it's just not my thing. However, when I purchased Arma2, I knew I was buying a game that I'd never play just to be able to play a free mod that uses the 'original' game's engine. And I'm not surprised at all that they're going to sell a standalone Dayz game... it's $$, you know.

It's not that difficult to understand how you could feel like it's paying for the same game twice (even though it's technically not), but look at it like this... the "second time" you "buy Dayz," you're paying for it to come without the rampant hacking (or with more content or whatever it is you expect the standalone to offer that the mod does not). And if the standalone doesn't have whatever that is, then just don't buy it.

Now, what is realistic critisism imo?

Making anti-cheat/anti-script work. That should be first thing to sort out in alpha. No gaming can continue with this sort of abusing of the game engine...

This. 1000x this ^. Yes, every game has hackers/exploiters, but this time around, I'll ask my friends how bad the hacking is before I purchase the standalone Dayz. If I had realized hacking was going to be as bad as it currently is, I wouldn't have paid a penny for the game.

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BIS has been at this for years.

I bought Operation Flashpoint in 2001.

Fives years later they have the audacity to charge me for Armed Assault.

Forward to 2009 and no surprise, I gotta pay for ArmA2, Bam! just like that!

These fat cats have been screwing me over for a decade.

I talked to my family lawyer about a class action lawsuit, he told me to stop wasting his damn time about pocket change, get a job and stop whining like a child. :(

I really hope you see where he was right.

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