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Orpheus (DayZ)

What to do then low health and good gear?

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Sup, i have a question i kinda would like to ask to everyone which is what to do when u have low health but good gear?

atm i have a lee enfield with 5 mags and a makarov with 4 mags..... i dont have any food except some soda cans and i have 1500 blood.... i can't see much rlly so thats the problem. I have reached a town but im not sure if i should go in there cause of the low health and stuff, what to do?

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Post in the survivor hq section of the forum.

There are medics that may help you.

Good luck.


Or you can also hunt for food. You will get 800 blood points back for cooked meat. Where as a can of beans or pasta/sardines will give you just 200.

To get cooked meat, you will need ...matches,hunting knife,hatchet.

Kill animal, gut with knife to get raw meat. Chop wood at a tree, make a fire with the matches. Light fire...cook meat.

Then eat it.

Edited by GeordieMarv

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Eat some cows or die then run back and recover gear, wait I just read what gear you have, which is some of the most common in the game so not even worth the effort.

Edited by smasht_AU

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The first few times I lived more than 20 minutes in real time and actually had "stuff" I was upset when I would die and lose it all... but then I started thinking, the only thing that I really need to explore and poke around is a hatchet (to kill zombies with and protect myself) and you find them lying everywhere. Once I have one of those, I'm off and running and ready to live a new life.

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Don't give up, try to find some food or the items you need to hunt and gain your blood back with a few good meals.

If you die in the process use it as a learning process. Think of how you got that injured and what you could have done to prevent that. Did you get a bad zombie aggro that really messed you up? How can you do better next time. The gear you have isn't that important in the long run. I've been pretty well kitted with nearly all the equipment in my toolbelt and decent assault rifles with tons of ammo and I've died stupid ways. Now I just think back to what I did those times and how I can avoid dying those ways.

Also as others said that gear you have is pretty common to find in barns and stuff so you can get back to that pretty quickly if you do die.

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I wouldn't risk going in towns with hospitals, I would hunt down every animal I see and eat them :P

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Gear doesn't matter, only life matters. Macthes/hatched/hunting knife/wattle bottle, this is the best gear in the game.

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Agreed, stick to the wilderness providing you have a hunting knife, matches and a hatchet, you can find an animal, shoot it and eat up as much as you can to get your blood back up. I had a simular experience and managed to find a cow, and on top of it all, found a working tractor with half a tank of gas and supplies :)

Luck will smile on you from time to time.

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Gear doesn't matter, only life matters. Matches/hatched/hunting knife/wattle bottle, this is the best gear in the game.

Agree 100% with DOXS! With the gear above you can hunker down near a water hole and tour the fields for game. get a tent if you can and set it up in some dense bushes. The you can refill your water bottle, store your stuff and perhaps, who knows, while you are out hunting you may come across the occasional downed Helli and acquire some unique stuff. This is why I like to have as big a pack as I can and keep the basic amount of gear on me. Plenty of room to store any windfall you come across. I only ever take a pistol, 2 clips, 2 meat, a map, a knife, matches, a hatchet, water bottle and a morphine pen. Anything else is not needed to survive. and some of this could be considered excess baggage. Guns are only needed against other players. Only a fool shoots zombies if they have any other choice. An axe is quick, quiet and has unlimited ammo.

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Look for food or try hunting. Hunting is the quickest way back to health. Consuming 5 steaks = 4K blood my friend.

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Don't give up, try to find some food or the items you need to hunt and gain your blood back with a few good meals.

If you die in the process use it as a learning process. Think of how you got that injured and what you could have done to prevent that. Did you get a bad zombie aggro that really messed you up? How can you do better next time. The gear you have isn't that important in the long run. I've been pretty well kitted with nearly all the equipment in my toolbelt and decent assault rifles with tons of ammo and I've died stupid ways. Now I just think back to what I did those times and how I can avoid dying those ways.

Also as others said that gear you have is pretty common to find in barns and stuff so you can get back to that pretty quickly if you do die.

I agree, got knocked down to that blood level before, going into towns was horrific, used canned food to get back to 4000 or so, finally found a goat the next night to bring me back into "acceptable" vision. The sneaking around town with blurry vision was awesome, avoiding both zombies and players. Good luck.

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you want to find a tent throw your entire inventory in it and press alt and f4 when you relog you will have items in your inventory and in the tent. Its whatcha want.

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