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More vehicles

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so today i spent 4 hours running through towns across the map checking every road and dirttrack on my way for a vehicle to repair but found nothing, seriously, put more vehicles in please, even in a zombie apocalypse there would be a hell of a lot of useable vehicles, i personally think people driving around would fix a lot of the pvp issues and get people to spread out on the map more

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I think the amount of vehicles are limited due to server load issues, many vehicles = very unstable server.

Anyhow, even if you did get a vehicle if you change server/the server restarts you loose it anyway.

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Cars aren't on the roads, for the most part. I've seen them all over.

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As noted, the main issue is the lag associated. And it makes no difference if the vehicle is a tank or a bicycle - it still causes lag and performance issues.

Patch 1.5.3 may have addressed this somewhat, we shall see. If it has, then all placed objects will be able to be made persistent, including sandbags and fences and fortifications.

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I think bigger vehicles should be harder to get parts for than others but definatly an increase in maybe ATVs or bycicles or something.

Wouldn't want it where everyone in the server has their own private vehicles though.

Otherwise everyone would just be zipping about zombie free :)

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I think bigger vehicles should be harder to get parts for than others but definatly an increase in maybe ATVs or bycicles or something.

Wouldn't want it where everyone in the server has their own private vehicles though.

Otherwise everyone would just be zipping about zombie free :)

Still there are bandits out there and zombies can surprise you at stop..so when you die, youll lost it.

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