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DayZ standalone will use Real Virtuality 4 engine!

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wot im wonder ing is will the money go to Rocket or bohemia Intaractive because it would be unfair if BI gets all the money

Rocket is employed by bohemia now i wouldnt be to worried about rocket not making any money.

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wot im wondering is will BI get all the money or will Rocket get it because it would be unfair if BI get it

You got any idea how business works ?

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wot im wondering is will BI get all the money or will Rocket get it because it would be unfair if BI get it

Technically, BI is making this game. Rocket is an employee of BI, and the project manager for DayZ game. BI is getting paid for every sale of the game, and Rocket is making a salary with probable bonuses (because it was his idea and it is a proven concept). This is how business works.

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sorry but everyone in gaming business is here for money not being funny if they wernt theyd give there games away for nothing ;)

People also get into the gaming business because they want to have fun what they're doing instead of working like Dilbert.

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Having seen how badly his updates break his mod rather than fix things I don't hold much hope for the game. Let's hope bi offer some half decent programmers who can not screw up the game like rocket does.

This is what you should expect from any alpha. Alphas try to fix some bugs so that the game doesn't crash every 2 minutes. But it is mostly a stage where features are added, even if it is in a very rough form. And they are usually private so that nobody sees how crappy they are. Now you know how the sausage is made!

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And what exactly is your point?

This man is nailing it. BI is one of very few good and caring game developers (while prolly their main focus is VBS, doesn't matter). They provide a vast support for the community since years, so everybody who likes DayZ should be really happy about that.

BIS closed down most of their website on SOPA day. I couldn't even respond to people on the forums until that day was over because they wanted to send a strong message.

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As a server owner, I hope we don't have all these rules on server hosting when the standalone game comes out. As a DayZ enthusiast, shut up and take my money!

Keep up the good work Rocket and I anxiously await for when we can start preordering! :P

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I cant wait for the standalone!

Nothing but good for the rocket and dev team!

I see there is so much idiots, assholes, selfish and ignorant(or mix of these) ppl on these forums(not only this thread).

1. Whan it comes to a PC specs, get new one.. if you cant afford it, deal with it. We would be still playing quaqe 2(or sorts) if we were to follow one of the slowest PCs.

2. People how is complaining about the damn cost or how they bought arma2/OA just for dayz, I DID SO TOO. And I got huge value of that small amount of money 15€/25€ or so! If you cant afford that for trying a game you really shouldnt be playing at all. Just dont go the damn mcdonalds for a week and you save the money right up. These ppl must be those stated in point 1... Look what you put your money in to, doesnt take much to save up that money! I know there are more better ways to spend money than PCs and games but everyone choses their paths, cant except to mainstream lag because of you not having money for someting... its all about money in the end, everyone just doesnt make it.

3. Standalones engine, Im no way an expert of these things but if and when they will have access to the engine it self they have ALOT more things they can tweak and change! Some ppl doesnt seem to know what is a MOD for a game, there are so much restrictions in that enviroment! This have been dealth with on these forums like x times, and still its unclear for some ppl?

Harsh excample would be a car, mod is what we customers do.. paint it, make it look nice and run good with the existing geometry and characteristics, now Rocket is at the factory designing the damn hotrod for us to ride with, now it is much more than just MOD, a new product!!

4. Cheating, Whos fault? I think its like 90% for the BIS because the engine is what it is. 10% for the BE and they have done good, cheating have drastically decreased.. not every 13y old kid scripting anymore. Popularity of the game was so huge that I think it just got them off quard, BE wasnt ready at all for the mod.

Again what comes to coming standalone, rocket/bis and be have much more flexible enviroment to build anticheat protection from ground up!

Just my few cents, rocket has my money and support for this!

Ps. English is not my native language and error may and will occur, for those crying about it(those assholes/idiots).. dont bother, this is no english class and its not the point here.

edit: And what comes to servers I really hope there is no private/customer servers... only officials provided by BIS, so admin abusing and item hoarding by clans/admins woudn't be a problem, no attemption for admins and fail play for everyone.

Edited by Zeppa

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Real Virtuality 4 confirmed for DayZ, Beans for OP.


Watch and read read the interviews again.

It's VR3 with a few additions and the unnecessary Arma 2 parts removed to deal with the hacking.

It'll be closer to what Operation Arrowhead is....

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The word now is 2.5.

So I guess we'll have to tie.

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Not only can I wait for standalone, but I can't wait for WarZ. Hopefully some competition between the two can bring out the best in both games, even though I'll be going for DayZ all the way.

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Rocket isn't one of those people in the gaming industry who are are greedy bastards who make shit games for money.

That's EA.

He stated pretty clearly in an interview that the console version IS about money and dumbing down the game for consoletards


"So DayZ is going to drive on as a bit of an experiment, and once it reaches a point when you say ‘ok, does this work on Mac, does this work on 360?’ From a business standpoint you’re cashing in, really, and from a consumer standpoint it’s good, because some people who might not like the super duper hardcore complex nature of the PC one, maybe they want a casual, and I’m using a word that’s probably going to make people cringe, version on 360"

Edited by jblackrupert

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The word now is 2.5.

So I guess we'll have to tie.

Not a tie, it's RV3 with a few additions and the unnesseary parts removed that DayZ does not use and to deal with the hacking.

Just like Operation Arrowhead which was a standalone game with additional features [FLIR...etc].

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Having seen how badly his updates break his mod rather than fix things I don't hold much hope for the game. Let's hope bi offer some half decent programmers who can not screw up the game like rocket does.

yes, because DayZ's current buggy-ness is because Rocket is a hack and not because it's a mod bolted on top of an immoveable framework originally built for another purpose entirely. The fact that a move to stand-alone is the only way to bypass these issues is all made up just to make him look good....


And to those that believe that people only make games for the money are severely deluded, there's many more professions they could enter that would allow them to earn much more money for much less stress and skill, these nay-sayers are probably lacking the creative gene and have never worked on anything out of love. Yes you still have to charge for your work, if it takes up all of your time how else do you afford to eat or buy the equipment to create the thing in the first place?

Edited by ironman Tetsuo
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People saying DayZ standalone is going to be on RV4 seriously need to pick up a hooked on phonics book and learn to read.

Edited by jblackrupert

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Except you just bought arma2 and OA to play,. which gives money to BIS. which is the company who Employ Rocket.

thus. mod gives BIS money. thus. not really free;.just the illusion of such.

I'd say that if you bought A2 and OA to play DayZ, then it might be considered paying for DayZ. (and if anyone did that and now complain that the mod 'sucks' or that "now I'll have to pay for DayZ again", then that is their problem and quite frankly, should just shut the hell up and not jump on every bandwagon that strolls by on YT)

But there's plenty o'people, such as myself, who bought A2/OA to play A2/OA and then along came DayZ, for free.

Not a bad deal for 25ish bucks/euros, I'd say. And I love the fact that DayZ has become so popular, because otherwise we probably wouldnt be getting a standalone and would be stuck with the limitations of the ArmA2-engine forever. And needless to say, I'll be gladly throwing my money at BIS and rocket, for both ArmA 3 and DayZ-the Game.

Edited by Sir Diealot

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I've only skimmed through a few posts, but as far as the engine. I heard rocket said that the main thing that will remain from the arma 2 engine is the netcode. And then they can implement anything graphically from the rv4 engine, and they will just implement simple ragdoll from rv4.

So from what I understand the engine is not just about graphics, which I think is what most people believe . So it will probably eventually look as good as arma3.

As as far as money, I struggle to think of a more value for money item than a multiplayer game.

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