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Stand Alone Suggestions!

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Engine: Arma 3 (RV4?), code will be provided to Dayz team to modify as they see fit.


  • Larger map (arma 3 should be capable of at least doubling the size of Chenarus I believe)
  • Take place in a Midwest America or South East coast american area that includes a coast line, rivers, mountain areas, prairie/rolling hills with farms and small towns, with two or more larger city areas.
  • All buildings enterable
  • Large cities could have high rise buildings, stadiums, etc...all capable of being fortified an held by groups of players.
  • Quaratine areas (schools that are set up as triage locations, CDC headquarters, etc...)
  • Wildlife (dangerous, pets, mounts like horses, all pets/mounts must be fed and quartered to keep alive)
  • Electricity
  • Working railroad system (provided a group of players can fix it / provide power / maintain it / protect it from damage and sabotage)
  • Interactive flora (ability to plant food, water it, grow it, etc...
  • Night Play that is playable (not so dark)
  • Incentive based night play: High value loot only available at night in some areas, other incentives?

The Zombies:

  • Zombies can be dismembered (shoot a leg to the point that its gone and the zombie slows to a hop, shoot the chest would take a long time to kill, shoot the brains...dead, take out the arms and he/she can only do minor damage to you by a bite)
  • Child zombies
  • Zombies unique to their locations (by the cities? Metro zombies, cops, CDC workers, etc..)(by the rural areas? farmer zombies with straw hats)
  • Zombie kill system revamped to make use of dismember ment and using the "only way to ensure zombie death is by head shot" method.
  • Full motion captured animations with zombies that can only run at normal human sprint speed or less. No super speed. (this will be balanced by implimenting a stamina system for the human players below)

The Characters (US!):

  • Character appearance customization system when creating character with extensive options so that look can be tailored to your specifications.
  • Large amount of starting apperal that is randomized when first spawning in. From there you can customize clothing by what you find in the world (go to JCPennys in the city)
  • Stamina system: Warm? Well fed? Well hydrated? Then you can hand to hand/melee/shoot/run farther much better then the skinny who hasent eaten/slept/etc...You can't run forever!


  • Hand to hand implementation / melee improvement
  • Weapons fully customizable with attachments and spray paint found in the game
  • Firearms follow Arma standards
  • improved archery and implementation of thowing weapons
  • revamp injury system: shots to the leg should slow you and bleed you out slowly, arms should make your weapon unsteady, head insta death (unless kevlar helmet hit with small round), chest region should have percentage to hit heart in which case insta death unless wearing body armor, stomach shot should be slow death.
  • Medic system implementation: Players could become medics by equipping themselves accordingly and should be able to heal others to some extent. Medivacs to field hosptials


  • Add a grouping function: I meet a player in the game world and can group with them through some menu/function. Groups can then grow to include hundreds of players.
  • Web application that allows groups to have customized emblems designed by group founder or leader. Emblem automatically is affixed to members arms/outfit/tattoo.
  • Groups can then build bases/take over large buildings like high rises or stadiums, and protect them as bases.
  • Incentives to be in groups to include areas of the map that are VERY HARD for lone wolves.
  • Farming and Hunting / Gathering should be easier and more productive in a large group. The crops/ the meat / the end results should provide more stamina or something to that affect.

Lonewolfing/small grouping

  • A recognized approach and should have no "downside" but the only incentive is to be able to steal a persons crap by killing them...might not be a good idea if they are roaming with one or more homies.
  • Many areas of the map would be very hard for a lonewolf/small group causing them to have great problems when getting the high valued loot.
  • Survival on your own should be HARD. Small groups and lone wolfers should have great difficulty in Hunting, Gathering, getting water, and finding shelter compared to a well orgainzied group.
  • This would cause them to have lower Stamina due to poor nutrition (unless they can kill someone and get all their yummies in the backpack).


  • Use real life style communication system: Direct chat only! unless equipped with radio. Dont worry SIDE CHAT lovers read on, i got you covered...but you gotta work for it.
  • Radios are ranged based on model/station/etc.
  • radios run on power that can be drained!
  • Police radio systems that can be looted. A bit more closed system (encrypted channel based) but can be accessed by anyone with that model of radio)
  • Civilian radio systems (non encrypted and easily accessed, easily found in loot system compared to police)
  • Military grade encrpyted radios (can access police/civilian/ AND provide access to a GROUP specific channel that can only be accessed by other members of your group (above) that also have Military grade radios which are very RARE but can be accumilated by group play)
  • Broadcast radio / CB radios: radio systems that are stationary at radio towers / inside semi trucks / etc and also very rare portable CB radios but can be heard by regular radio recievers in cars, in houses, portable radios, etc....the TRANSMITTERS are extremely rare or stationary but the RECIEVERS are easily looted.
  • TV stations located on map that can be fought for allowing groups/players to show and tell and provide PROPAGANDA, join us or die!!

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I'm loving A LOT of these suggestions.

Now to hope that they can/will be implemented with the new engine.

Though we don't know what engine the new DayZ will be built on. (Or do we? I don't.)

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I don't know how much of this will been possible/practical to implement in the Arma 3 engine, but I definitely want a larger map. Once you have been to the NWAF a few times it just doesn't seem to take as long.

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I'd rather not see DayZ be based in the US, I'd rather it stayed original with Russia; only because it's great fun with the different language, keep the cultural aspect in the game and being clueless about where we are is what makes it so enjoyable.

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A.) Why America? Every damn single game nowadays is based in "The Good Ol' States". As someone previously said, I love how it was different. Russia, or some other European country (we have a lot more culture than one might think). Maybe somewhere in France or something, near a tall mountain with snow on it (could be based in like autumn, so you have snow on side of the map, and just grassy on the other side).

B.) No babies. It's illegal in many countries to have media of children involved in gore, also it's very offensive to some people. I'd like to see female zombies implanted though.

C.) I dislike the grouping option as it allows "meta-gaming". Basically, when you team up with someone, you don't know if they'll stab you in the back, or their true intentions. With a grouping function, it will remove some of the authenticity and the realism.

Most of the suggestions look good though!

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i liked the map being in russia, not sasying i want the same map, infact i want a larger one where everyone is unfammiliar with it. but with the aftermath being in russia it just makes it better and suitable.

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I would be fine with a Russian map too, just prefer the USA due to all zombie videos, comics etc...walKing dead being one of them. Either way good though

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You need XP and levelling up and a trading system too - like WarZ.

Also, proper punishments for murdering - zombies are x percent better able to seek out a murderer, weapons won't aim properly for x minutes (ala FADE), or you cannot shoot someone with a lowered weapon. This will be a PROPER GAME now, so you can't cater for hardcore tastes only, the game has to be accessible to EVERYONE.

Also, there should be NO PENALTIES for playing 'Lone Wolf'.

I have no friends obviously, but if I did, I wouldn't want to be wandering around a post apocalyptic world listening to their inane blather over my headphones - it breaks the immersion.

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Murderers are a part of the game. Why should I be penalized for killing you because Im starving, your shooting at me, and theres a horde of zombies coming from every direction. If you have food, i dont know you, and i need to survive, your gonna die. I could understand some servers having noob mode, but its all part of the realism. I also recommend more melee weapons, chance that attacking players will result having some items on their corpse destroyed. More wildlife, Adam Savage zombie(they have Jamie Hyneman already), and I would love zombies that cant climb ladders. Since when are zombies coordinated enough to to successfully climb a ladder?

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A lot of good ideas in there but a couple of things you need to think about are...

1) The zombies currently run the same speed as humans but they run in bursts so they're actually slower than a sprinting player.

2) The zombies aren't undead, they're infected, so shouldn't require a headshot to take down.

3) I don't think there should be a disadvantage to playing alone or as a small group. Some people don't want a clan and shouldn't have to in order to gain top-tier loot.

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Murderers are a part of the game. Why should I be penalized for killing you because Im starving, your shooting at me, and theres a horde of zombies coming from every direction. If you have food, i dont know you, and i need to survive, your gonna die. I could understand some servers having noob mode, but its all part of the realism. I also recommend more melee weapons, chance that attacking players will result having some items on their corpse destroyed. More wildlife, Adam Savage zombie(they have Jamie Hyneman already), and I would love zombies that cant climb ladders. Since when are zombies coordinated enough to to successfully climb a ladder?

People like you (bandits) aren't the problem, it's the griefers that spend their time sniping fresh spawns that people don't like and want to discourage. In a real world apocalypse you wouldn't just kill people for shits and giggles when you stand to gain nothing from it, that needs to be simulated in the game somehow.

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How about a hysteria meter. By killing humans, it starts go get full, the newer the character, the more it fills up. When it gets full, your character goes insane and you lose control of them. Over time, the meter depletes as you regain your sanity. This would allow necessary kills and limit the number of times someone can just kill for fun without losing everything of their own too. Like killing a character who just respawned immediately sends you insane.

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A.) Why America? Every damn single game nowadays is based in "The Good Ol' States". As someone previously said, I love how it was different. Russia, or some other European country (we have a lot more culture than one might think). Maybe somewhere in France or something, near a tall mountain with snow on it (could be based in like autumn, so you have snow on side of the map, and just grassy on the other side).

B.) No babies. It's illegal in many countries to have media of children involved in gore, also it's very offensive to some people. I'd like to see female zombies implanted though.

C.) I dislike the grouping option as it allows "meta-gaming". Basically, when you team up with someone, you don't know if they'll stab you in the back, or their true intentions. With a grouping function, it will remove some of the authenticity and the realism.

Most of the suggestions look good though!

Totally agree :thumbsup:

@ Tactical Jim: Overall some very good ideas! Keep up the good work! :)

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US is too mainstream. Why not some random european country?

"only way to ensure zombie death is by head shot" method.

No. Rocket has said they are not dead, this wouldn't exactly fit in.

Edited by SonicRainbrony

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Engine: Arma 3 (RV4?), code will be provided to Dayz team to modify as they see fit.

The Zombies:

  • Child zombies

Just seems sooo wrong :)

Great suggestions

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Love the ideas, also there is no reason why there only has to be only one map, could have multiple maps!

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revamp injury system: shots to the leg should slow you and bleed you out slowly, arms should make your weapon unsteady, head insta death (unless kevlar helmet hit with small round), chest region should have percentage to hit heart in which case insta death unless wearing body armor, stomach shot should be slow death.

this already exist. The others are some good suggestions

A.) Why America? Every damn single game nowadays is based in "The Good Ol' States". As someone previously said, I love how it was different. Russia, or some other European country (we have a lot more culture than one might think). Maybe somewhere in France or something, near a tall mountain with snow on it (could be based in like autumn, so you have snow on side of the map, and just grassy on the other side).

Agreed.The US are not the only country on Earth!!! The Soviet-like air that we breath in Chernarus is a lot more fascinating

than the US' one.

Edited by rolfwar

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Good compilation of ideas. Some bad ones as well. Maybe you should reference the people that originally came up with the ideas though .

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I think that there is no reason why it shouldn't be in the US (NOT saying it should, but there are no legit reasons it shouldn't). For one, there are a lot of malls and restaurants in the US, which would make more areas to be captured by groups, and the classic zombie mall. Another reason people don't want it is because you would understand the signs and things. I don't get this point. Are you implying that you would see a street sign that says "exampletown" and you would be like "OH since I understand english, I know exactly where exampletown is!" It doesn't work that way. In a place you don't know anything about, it might as well be in russian. It's not like you can't see a sign right now that says "Elektro 3 -->" and not understand anyway. Also, USA is just as beautiful or scenic as any other place. There are mountains, deserts, plains, hills, cities. It's not really any different from any other country.

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Amurika-fuk ya!

...but I dunno I think the game could be anywhere and it'd be just as interesting, long as it's a fairly large map. I feel like people who say they want it based in the US haven't traveled much... This is spoken from someone who's only seen outside the US on TV and pictures from friends/family.

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