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So, DayZ is being remade?

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It was already announced it was going to be on rv4. Stop with the "arma 2" engine possibility.

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What delay are you talking about? Maybe turn off Mouse Smoothing in the options

The low fps delay and bad/laggy servers does break the feel a lot, I love the feel when you play on a good server that is actually perfect sadly they are few.

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It was already announced it was going to be on rv4. Stop with the "arma 2" engine possibility.

However, RV4 was REMOVED from the announcement, even though it had previously been there. So, we don't know what engine will be used. Anyway I know they wouldn't be dumb enough to use an old engine while they have a new one coming out. I'm not sure if they're using real virtuality as the engine, not which version of it.

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I've heard they might be using the Freescape engine(1)

(1) Disclaimer: May not be true

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