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Help me understand DayZ stand-alone.

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On the news I've seen that DayZ will get his own game, sounds cool. But I have a question: I bought Combined Operations 90% for DayZ just a few days ago, for 25 euros on Steam. Ive played about 6 hours now and I'm enjoying it so far. But when it gets stand alone, do I have to buy the game again? Or does everyone with Combined Operations get it for free?

Would like to get some answers :)

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You have to buy it again as it is a brand new game....you bought ARMA2 not Dayz that was just a bonus

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There might be a discount, or you might have to pay the full price. I don't think anyone knows at the moment.

This is hardly a problem since it'd be worth the money!

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DayZ stand alone is also a long long ways away, so you have time to get your moneys worth.

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I thought it was clear that when the standalone alpha comes out, you can buy it for a "heavily discounted price". Like Minecraft.

Edited by SonicRainbrony

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Ah but it's still a big bummer though. Heavily discounted means 5 eur?

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I am sure there will be a system in place that if you bought Arma 2 you will get a discount. Probably cost 15 Euros.

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Don't worry about your initial purchase, your hard earned money on ARMA 2 OA (or whatever) has allowed you to play more than just DayZ, There are other mod's available, try some out.

And as stated It will be a while until the standalone comes out. Use what you have.

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When launching up Combined Operations and looking into multiplayer. I just see dayz... Nothing else to play.

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Rocket announced that he targets a standalone release by the end of the year. Today he also announced he has teamed up with BI and will develop DayZ the game and sell it according to the Minecraft model.

For those of you who do not know what the Minecraft sales model is, it works like this. A playable Alpha is ready and released, and DayZ is available for purchase at roughly 50% - 75% of the full price. Later, a Beta is released and will be available for purchase at ~75% of the full price. Then a RC is released to resolve the last issues before a final stable release. Later, the final stable release is out, at 100% of full price. Purchasing DayZ in any state of development, Alpha, Beta, RC, Stable will entitle you to a copy of the game and you do not have to buy it again.

For those of you who are not acquainted with the Alpha, Beta, RC, Stable development model, here it is explained as well...

  • Alpha: Essential features in effect. Less than or roughly 50% finished. Highly unbalanced. Highly unstable. Loads of bugs.
  • Beta: Extra features in effect. Less than 90 % finished. Unbalanced. Sometimes unstable. Has bugs.
  • RC: All features in. 99% finished. Balanced. Stable. Few bugs.
  • Stable: All features in. 100% finished. Very balanced. Very Stable. Very little or no bugs.

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Why don't you play A2OA as well! :D

I dont know how lol. Since I have installed DayZ I can only see Dayz servers.

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I dont know how lol. Since I have installed DayZ I can only see Dayz servers.

Create a shortcut pointing directly to OA.exe without any launch parameters, then when you have launched the game, go to the expansions tab and unmark DayZ. After launching OA again you can play it.

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Did you even read the announcement, it's pretty clear concerning the plans for the future of the mod and the stand alone game.

The Mod will continue to be supported, you haven't wasted your money on AO, you can continue to play what you bought it for.

The Stand-alone game will be seperate. it will be released still in Alpha (maybe Beta) for a small fee (probalbly between £10-20) and will be updated gradually until it reaches Gold status and is officially-officially released just like Minecraft did earlier this year.

Concerning your problem with only seeing DayZ servers, i think DayZ currently disables normal Arma while active (maybe to stop some types of hack?) you will need to go into the expansions menu and un-tick the DayZ mod and then restart the game. As for other mods or how to get in on Arma games, google is your friend.

Edited by ironman Tetsuo

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Does anyone know what engine it will use? Anyway I really like that it will follow the minecraft model, honestly can't wait for it!

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There is no reason anyone who purchased ARMA CO should get a discount. We all bought a game, and installed a free mod that looked fun. In no way has anyone payed for DayZ, even if you bought the game just for DayZ (Like I did). It's going to be cheap anyways, and there's still a gap of time in between stand-alone release, and now. Besides, to my understanding, stand alone will have better graphics, and much more opportunity for great features we all want to see. People need to stop crying about price, it's much better than all of the popular MMOs that suck and are priced new at 60$

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Does anyone know what engine it will use? Anyway I really like that it will follow the minecraft model, honestly can't wait for it!

Virtuality 4 I think i read bout an hour ago

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I feel this is worth saying, as I say it in nearly all thse threads (there are enough of them.) you didnt buy DayZ. you bought ARMA2. so they owe you absolutely nothing. you have not been ripped off. its a mod for arma2. the fact it is now going standalone is nothing more of an inconvinience to you, you are not out of pocket.

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I feel this is worth saying, as I say it in nearly all thse threads (there are enough of them.) you didnt buy DayZ. you bought ARMA2. so they owe you absolutely nothing. you have not been ripped off. its a mod for arma2. the fact it is now going standalone is nothing more of an inconvinience to you, you are not out of pocket.

Course I'm out of pocket. I bought Combined Ops + the expansions JUST to play DayZ, as I'm sure many others have done.

you can't just sit there and say DayZ hasn't brought in a lot of revenue for BIS. cos it has. end of. that's why they're giving rocket the backing to go standalone. cos he's made them a truck full of monies.

when DayZ hits standalone I've got to pay AGAIN to play. how is this NOT "out of pocket"?

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I really wouldn't mind paying again. This time, however, that money will fund those who develop dayz and want to see it blossom.

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Create a shortcut pointing directly to OA.exe without any launch parameters, then when you have launched the game, go to the expansions tab and unmark DayZ. After launching OA again you can play it.


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Thanks everyone for the information! Don't get me wrong I will play this game regularly, and not just dayz. I didn't mean to complain about it either. It's fine.

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