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Dear crybaby's (hacking qq)

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Please stop filling the forums with this guy hacked and there is a hacker blah blah, Now you ask your self what am i spose to do? Well Johnny here is what you do.

1. Record the hacker, Follow him, Stalk him.

2. Go to this link http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/32-cheat-reporting/

3. Stop bitching and move on.

There will always be hacker's no matter what game, Even hello kitty 2012.

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No, man. Please say it ain't so. I don't want hackers in Hello Kitty Island Adventure 2012. :(

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Yeah i dont understand what these people think making a new thread everytime they witness a hack will achieve, it just clogs the forum with boring posts, im sure the dev team are well aware of the problem

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YES YES! follow a teleporting hacker, record the nukes he uses from the other side of the map or watch him as he insta-kills the whole server.

This is pure genius and only you could have thought of this, our problems are solved. Thanks my good man.

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No, man. Please say it ain't so. I don't want hackers in Hello Kitty Island Adventure 2012. :(

It is :(

Btw i'm sure some 12 year old kid will try to troll in here.

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the majority of people who come on these threads to say 'stop whining' are bigger idiots then the people posting in the wrong forum.

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YES YES! follow a teleporting hacker, record the nukes he uses from the other side of the map or watch him as he insta-kills the whole server.

This is pure genius and only you could have thought of this, our problems are solved. Thanks my good man.

Derp record your game play instead of bitch when you get nuked?

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I've not been hit by scripters, been lucky.

I found a camp today, though, full of illegal stuff in vehicles. I took some legal stuff that I've lost to bugs, then I took some of their grenades and blew up the vehicles.

Creating stuff just ruins spawn chances and makes rare gear common, but if my tent and the latest patch ate gear that I know I legitimately found, well, imma take it.

Thanks, hackers.

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Derp record your game play instead of bitch when you get nuked?

Ya i'll record when my FPS is already dog shit with crossfire 5770 + Athlon x4, i have yet to moan about hacking but it clearly is a problem that should be brought up constantly until solved. I'm in a current situation where there is only 4 possible servers for me to play (due to ping) and each has a hacker, making playing pointless.

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Hacking posts just provide the tears that fuel even more hacking. Most of these script kiddies get their jollies ruining the game for others because they don't have the skills to play the game properly. If they can't get the reaction so desperately craved then they'll get bored and move on to whatever else the bottom feeders of humanity do in their spare time.

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You guys dont seem to get the clue, hackers are what ruining this mod at the moment if things dont change people are gonna quit and ask yourself what will happen if all honest people quit? Yes that's right! Another mod who had potential but is just filled with hackers. Also you're not any better than them because the 'stop crying QQ' topics seem to outnumber the hacker reports lately.

Edited by Serova

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Hacking posts just provide the tears that fuel even more hacking. Most of these script kiddies get their jollies ruining the game for others because they don't have the skills to play the game properly. If they can't get the reaction so desperately craved then they'll get bored and move on to whatever else the bottom feeders of humanity do in their spare time.

Ding Ding.

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You guys dont seem to get the clue, hackers are what ruining this mod at the moment if things dont change people are gonna quit and ask yourself what will happen if all honest people quit? Yes that's right! Another mod who had potential but is just filled with hackers. Also you're not any better then them because the 'stop crying QQ' seem to outnumber the hacker reports lately.


Edited by Anthrax12

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Hacking posts just provide the tears that fuel even more hacking. Most of these script kiddies get their jollies ruining the game for others because they don't have the skills to play the game properly. If they can't get the reaction so desperately craved then they'll get bored and move on to whatever else the bottom feeders of humanity do in their spare time.

Just going to take a wild guess and assume half the hackers don't even visit these forums. In all the games I have played (AoE, Eve, WoW, WoT, CoD4, BF2, etc), most of the hackers hacked either for skill boost (competitive) or purely because they wanted to (fun). Do you really believe that if all these "hacker this" threads go away, the hackers will to?

Edited by HighPiez

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If you're trying to be funny at least do it successful.

There broke :( I think i pissed off a mod or the forum's are shit.

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A topic with a person bitching about others bitching?

Just wait. Soon we will have topics about bitching about people who bitch about people who bitch.


If a hacker teleports me across the map, how do I know who's done it?

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the majority of people who come on these threads to say 'stop whining' are bigger idiots then the people posting in the wrong forum.

A topic with a person bitching about others bitching?


It is :(

Btw i'm sure some 12 year old kid will try to troll in here.

Well what do ya know.... ;)

You have 2 fans apparently.

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The hacker QQ is exactly where it needs to be. The more the better imo.

The game is more and more unplayable with each passing day.

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Gee, I wonder what would make a dev team fix an issue.

A neat, easily avoidable thread. Or, having the board flooded, like our servers have been flooded.

I wonder...

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Gee, I wonder what would make a dev team fix an issue.

A neat, easily avoidable thread. Or, having the board flooded, like our servers have been flooded.

I wonder...

lol, yeah, cause that worked so well in fixing the mess that was Diablo 3...

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His not even reading his own thread anymore, and most likely thought everyone who didn't think his pretty bad thought out idea was good, is

some 12 year old kid will try to troll in here.

Sigh, threads like these should rather vanish, where people can't even defend there own opinions and idea's and just assume all are troll.

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