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noey jerd

Every single server lagging out?

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I am connecting to low ping servers. My game is running fine for about 5 to 10 minutes then I see the red chain and the no message received errors. The server lags out and I exit the game. I press refresh on DayZCommander and said server now has a ping of 1,000 and not responding. I go to a new server and it makes me remake my character for a fresh spawn. I do that, play for 5 to 10 minutes and the same thing happens. That server is now unresponsive like the other one. All of my recent games list is all unresponsive. Is there something up or is it coincidence? I am running the latest beta patch "Build 95724"

Just tried 3 new servers.. All did the same thing. All have people on them.


Edited by noey jerd

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Having the same issue as above but with the servers itself 10-30 minutes it crashes and have to restart it again. Having this issue with all ARMA 2 mods too.

Seems like this BETA is a little flawed. Did not have any issues with BETA build 95660.

Sent in a trouble ticket to BI.

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Yea I didn't have issues until the last few patches. It sucks. I need me some DayZ.

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Same here since this morning. Can't play more than 15 minuts.

Have the same issue on every server i ve tried so far since morning.

BTW i have a very few servers running the same version of arma II than me (aka the last one : 95724). So its very hard to find one i can play on.

I can see others players on the servers having connnection issues too : "player xxx has lost connection". Everytimes i can also see "myname has lost connection" bewtween other connection lost.

It is very very annoying and this is just ruinning the game (no respond but got hit by a door, bone broken -> no blood -> dead / no loot cause logged in barracks just after got disconnected in this 'racks / ... )

Hope this will be fixed soon.

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