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Lingor Island Chit Chat.

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Its fun, I don't think anyone takes it as seriously as playing on Chernarus, its a bit more of a deathmatch and there are a lot of bugs and server issues. But it keeps me playing day z while I'm bored of chernarus.

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I been playing it and its awesome. There is a measure in place to stop people alt-F4ing and it works (just try it). Rocket should add lingor to the dayz mod coz when people work out how to play this version its gonna take off big time....

Ok he may have to set up a who new hive for it but it will be well worth it.... but for now I'm gonna jump between the two.

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I want to play this so bad, but until they fix the core game, I don't want more grief from playing DayZ.

A game so good, I can't play it properly.

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This IS DayZ!

There are the same zombies, same weapons, same graphics, same game, same mod, different map.


dude is just mad he can't figure out how to install it.

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ooo i must have missed this one.

Moved to Off Topic along with the other Lingor Island Threads.

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that map looks mad different secne to chernarus

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is there a problem about having more maps then just chernasus? i think it would be pretty nice to have different maps on the hive where the spawns would be saved for the Map but the inventory would be the same. why is every1 just complaining about this?

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We played a bit the mod from the mod :D


Edited by Mike_Ratcliff
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So they took the buildings from Operation Arrowhead and made a map. I've been wondering why that wasn't possible, because these buildings can almost all be entered. But they have the wrong look for Chernarus, and I guess taking vanilla Arma map made more sense to Rocket. At least he knew that the map itself wasn't causing any issues. Operation Arrowhead's Map with zombies would be a bit strange. It's too large and empty.

This is definitely still Dayz - they see 2 other survivors and shoot them without a word...

I'll stick with Dayz and my rainy Chernarus. In fact - lately I play a lot more OA than Dayz. At least OA loads up in a few minutes and I can play some.

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Personally I think it wouldn't be very good, but that might be because I love the default map and the feeling it gives off with the rain and the cold etc. It would also be to much like other zombie games such as Dead Island.

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I would like to know what people think about this, and what Rocket himself has to say.For those who do not know what it is, it was a new map made by someone called "Ice Breaker" I think, it was along those lines.

Me personaly, I like it in a way it adds more, but just like Cherarus, it needs some serious bug extermination.

So what do you think about it?

And what do you think Rocket?

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Most the people I have seen like it. some go apeshit about modding a mod.. blah blah blah.

I like the idea of new maps to play in. No official word from Rocket yet.. on any of the many threads about the subject. Least none I have seen yet.

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This map is actually a ton a fun, it feels kind of good to be a "noob" again! xD

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Much nicer map than chernarus. Most buildings are accessible. Smaller map>you bumb in to people more often(it's a good and a bad thing at the same time, but maybe Chernarus is too big for my skin for "only" have like ~50 players). Really easy to gear up though. But I rather get shot by others while having something to defense myself than be shot by others while having nothing at all.

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I want to play this so bad, but until they fix the core game, I don't want more grief from playing DayZ.

A game so good, I can't play it properly.

Its stand alone and will not affect your dayz mod files. If you PM me I'll send you a link on how to install the mod... I would post in the forums but I'm not 100% what rocket will do to me if I do :/

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I want to play this so bad, but until they fix the core game, I don't want more grief from playing DayZ.

I plays a little like old DayZ. DM can be hectic at times, but thats cos the area is smaller, you tend to bump into people more. Saying that, seems to be a lot more neutrals on Lingor.

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i think people get confused when they say private hive

there are some "private hive" lingor servers, but for the most part, i can join about 15-20 different lingor servers and have the same toon, and those servers arent connected, so im pretty sure that its on a bigger hive somewhere other than just those servers

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Lingor looks like the action version of Chernarus. Everytime I watch a video, I see people running like crazy in front of hordes of zombies. I'm not sure that's the game I want to see Dayz become. In fact, I can understand why Rocket doesn't support the mod, despite the interesting setting and accessible buildings. To me, a zombie game should feel a lot like Dayz. I like the quiet moments, but I don't like all the bugs and problems it has.

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Note: The use of private servers is against the wishes of Rocket and the DayZ dev team.

Note: Servers that run Lingor Island use their own hive server, so data does not transfer to official Chernarus servers. These servers are also not supported or encouraged by the DayZ dev team.

Rocket & Dev crew can piss off....If hes gonna work on "ANIMAL AI" instead of 90% of the real problems in patches these people have every right without bitching to do so IMO. He made his mod on the Arma engine where originally the community let people do what ever the hell they wanted to each others mods as long as you named them in the titles/credits...

Its like Rocket is trying to troll himself...terrible. All Rocket has done for the true Arma community is shit on it. I do love the mod but its a love/hate relationship that's for sure.

Edited by RyBo
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