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Very low hacking activity in UK and DE Servers???

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My character is now 10 days old (I play everyday) and I have not come across any hacking activity during that time. In the past I only experienced hacking once in Elektro (it was on fire) when I joined a dodgy server (don’t remember the name).

So, my question is:

Is hacking prevention down to the Server Admin? I.e.: Can a good security setting prevent that from happening?

<<question already answered by snapback.pngsemipr0>>

I usually play between 18:30 - 20:00 and from 22:00 - 23:00 GMT time.

Anyway, I just want to share this with you. Maybe I'm just god damn lucky but hey, got nearly 170hrs of DayZ.

Edited by Play

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you awesome dude!!! Lets get the hackers attention and tell them they seem to be missing my favorite servers!!!

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No, it's just that there are way more retarded assholes living in the U.S./playing on U.S. servers - that's all.

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All luck.......

I had a character live for over a month and then he got killed by a teammate. Since then, I've seen multiple hackers, but have yet to be killed by one due to actual h4x.

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LOL. Way to point out that more hackers need to go to those servers.....

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you awesome dude!!! Lets get the hackers attention and tell them they seem to be missing my favorite servers!!!

If they wanted to hack they would have done it already dude....maybe they cannot win all the time, maybe other server admins will be looking at similar ways to prevent this from happening...so yes, let's get their attention and let them know that they are not masters of the universe!

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It seems to me hacking mostly occurs at US servers with 3DP on, regular, CH on, etc. I have never encountered it personally, cause I don't play in those servers.

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I've only witnessed two hacks in my whole time playing DayZ. I don't want to draw attention to my home server, but it's not in the US.

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No, it's just that there are way more retarded assholes living in the U.S./playing on U.S. servers - that's all.

Retarded assholes? Most of the hackers i came across are euro, So please don't start the blame game on witch part of the world has the most hacker's, Best shut the fuck up and move along.

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We have three competent admins for our US server. Theres nothing that I am aware of that can detect a script being executed except BattlEye...we just don't have the tools to see things coming before they happen.

So I'm not sure its down to better security on DE and UK servers, there are cheat reports for DE and UK servers in the cheat reporting section, as well as NL and US and just about everywhere else.

You're just getting lucky really. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Sometimes we get a few days with no hacking events on our servers too. Yesterday was almost entirely hack free til around 2am and all we dealt with then was a mass teleport event that I quickly sorted out via our server logs. Unfortunately there is no way to stop that kind of thing til BattlEye can detect it.

If the UK and DE servers you're on have some kind of top secret BattlEye replacement, I'd love to buy it.

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Most of the hackers i came across are euro,

And you figured that out how?

To my knowledge EU players can play on US servers and US players on EU servers. Did you have a chat with the hackers or did they just tell you their a/s/l?

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If they wanted to hack they would have done it already dude....maybe they cannot win all the time, maybe other server admins will be looking at similar ways to prevent this from happening...so yes, let's get their attention and let them know that they are not masters of the universe!

great now its like were calling them out!!! WOW

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Don't you guys get it?

Because STUPID FUCKING AMERICANS, that's why!!

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We have three competent admins for our US server. Theres nothing that I am aware of that can detect a script being executed except BattlEye...we just don't have the tools to see things coming before they happen.

So I'm not sure its down to better security on DE and UK servers, there are cheat reports for DE and UK servers in the cheat reporting section, as well as NL and US and just about everywhere else.

You're just getting lucky really. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Sometimes we get a few days with no hacking events on our servers too. Yesterday was almost entirely hack free til around 2am and all we dealt with then was a mass teleport event that I quickly sorted out via our server logs. Unfortunately there is no way to stop that kind of thing til BattlEye can detect it.

If the UK and DE servers you're on have some kind of top secret BattlEye replacement, I'd love to buy it.

Thanks, I think you answered my question!

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Retarded assholes? Most of the hackers i came across are euro, So please don't start the blame game on witch part of the world has the most hacker's, Best shut the fuck up and move along.

And how would you know those hackers are EU? Had a little chit-chat?

Also, being EU means that you can't play on U.S. servers - which, if not true, does mean it's not covered by me saying "playing on U.S. server"? Ah, ok, I see. Best shut the fuck up if you can't read.

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Retarded assholes? Most of the hackers i came across are euro,


I guess you mean European. Because little piles of money running scripts i'm sure isn't what you were attempting to say.

Also to you and your mate your arguing with, NEITHER OF YOU CAN I.D the hackers.

So to say 'The hacks are yanks' or 'the hackers work for the EU' makes you both look stupid and xenophobic.

Its like you pricks that hate on Russians, They are some high level gamers and yes there are hackers, but Russia is like everywhere else, a handful of good hackers and 1000s of script kids.

The script kiddies are everywhere, if you going to use them as an excuse to exercise your xenophobia you can fuck off quite simply.

Edited by Never

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Australian servers are pretty much free of them too, only seen one or two hackers.

My guess Americans are dicks :)

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Most hackers are Europeans, they just like to go to American servers to hack because of the deep seated hatred/jealousy most Europeans have toward the United States.

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Most hackers are Europeans, they just like to go to American servers to hack because of the deep seated hatred/jealousy most Europeans have toward the United States.

Better hope you can get us through stupid shit like Patriot Act.

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Most hackers are Europeans, they just like to go to American servers to hack because of the deep seated hatred/jealousy most Europeans have toward the United States.


Edited by The2ndLink
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My character is now 10 days old (I play everyday) and I have not come across any hacking activity during that time. In the past I only experienced hacking once in Elektro (it was on fire) when I joined a dodgy server (don’t remember the name).

So, my question is:

Is hacking prevention down to the Server Admin? I.e.: Can a good security setting prevent that from happening?

<<question already answered by snapback.pngsemipr0>>

I usually play between 18:30 - 20:00 and from 22:00 - 23:00 GMT time.

Anyway, I just want to share this with you. Maybe I'm just god damn lucky but hey, got nearly 170hrs of DayZ.

Most hacking is unseen, you only hear about the teleports and the server nukes. Someone quietly spawning a full set of gear is not going to be as noticable.

Just think yourself fortuante you have not been targetted, but making a comparison based on geographical location is going to lead you down a sticky path.

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