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Rifle Eyez

thought cherno was a pvp hotspot?

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Being a noob with a bit of background knowledge i pretty much decided to avoid cherno on my first few lives. Eventually i spawned between cherno and electro and following the clouds i decided i had nothing to lose so off i went. I hit cherno in the dark, and as i wasn't planning on living i decided to go for broke and sprint in and smash n grab. I hit the hospital, store, fire station and a few other buildings aggro 'ing nearly every zombie cherno had to offer and finishing the ones off who got too close with a enfield i found.

I looted a alice pack and food/soda from the store, gps and a m9 with 3 clips from the fire station, 3 more enfield mags, some medical supplies from the hospital and a watch/matches/knife and compass from the other buildings with some extra bits and pieces. I sprinted out of cherno with a few.zombie chasers which o lead up a hill and headshot, then swiftly move north through sniper hotspots unscathed.

Did i just get lucky?

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How many people on server ? Depends ..sometimes Cherno is chock a block full -sometimes its a ghost town. I have been killed more in random far away locations than i have in the deathmatch cities. You can normally gear up with a new spawn ..what have you got to lose? then gtfo in a few minutes.

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Probably. How many people were in the server? Usually a server with more than 10-15 people has at least 1-2 people in Cherno and 1-2 in Elektro, from my experience.

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Nope. You have discovered the secret. I get out with a full kit more often than I die. Although full servers will often give you more of a headache. Depends on whether you engage players or run like the wind.

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Either you were on a low population server or you got lucky. My last Cherno run, I heard gunshots, car horns, and the screams of someone getting eaten by zeds. It's typically an active city, but sometimes not. Just gotta stay alert and pray.

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There was 34/40 when i joined the server and spent about 25 minutes finding my way around zig zagging through stores and buildings at full sprint too! I wasnt even cautious when looting once i found the enfield , i just ran around till i found a building and headshotted the zombies who followed me inside! In 3 days the only human activity ive seen is a car driving past me at krutoy cap as i s pawned and gunshots in the distance in electro which i never found the source of. Maybe everyone is just camping the airfield or making the way there.

Edit : also saw a dead guy who just spawned in some random town - that's it.

Edited by showtime

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from my experience the less ppl on the server the more chances you meet them in cherno. I've posted a story about how there were 4 people on the server (including myself) and how I met all three of them in cherno. On full servers these cities are always empty. Every time I join 40+ server there's no action in cherno/electro at all

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there are action in cherno or elektro but the problems since, there are hackers giving all the high end loots to everyone, everyone just go on top building or the hills of elektro and snipe people there where everyone is, last time when i went to elektro hills ive spotted 4 enemies with ghillies and snipe, killed the 4 of them and at cherno usualy people sit at the top of cherno hotel or go on the highest tower near the fire station

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there are action in cherno or elektro but the problems since, there are hackers giving all the high end loots to everyone, everyone just go on top building or the hills of elektro and snipe people there where everyone is, last time when i went to elektro hills ive spotted 4 enemies with ghillies and snipe, killed the 4 of them and at cherno usualy people sit at the top of cherno hotel or go on the highest tower near the fire station

This is why I have been destroying any weapons I can't carry. When I find a guy with, let's say, an AS50 and FN FAl, all by himself, sprinting through fields 500M from elektro he's either got hacked stuff, or he doesn't deserve that equipment. I'll kill him, take what I can and destroy the guns that I can't. If the game isn't able to limit the amount of top-end weapons out there, I'll do my part.

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Yet to visit Cherno, tend to hang out in Elektro a lot, and it's often crawling with people.

Usually find it difficult to find guns/loot because it's all gone.

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that whats i do too, im taking what i need, then im hiding their bodies for not when people will pass here, take theirs stuff and im not lucky, they were just bad, thinking shooting on the top of elektro without being backstabbed, always watch your back, there might be some ghosting kid on the hills switching servers for try to find some people in here, saw many dude doing that, but in the end ive killed them

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Tried to meet up with 6 clan mates last night who were all on a fresh spawn due to nuke hacker. Went and got a vehicle so I could pick them up. They all decided to hit Cherno quickly first (despite me having everything they need). They all die. Rinse and Repeat. I did not see them once that night. It all depends on the server etc. Think of it like this. People tell you not to smoke because it causes cancer and various other things that can kill you. But you often see really old people who smoked their whole life and had no problem. Dont go into Cherno = Dont smoke. You might not have a problem, you probably will. If you spawn just hit the loot piles and get out.

Edited by sostronk

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Recent Cherno exploration, on a 15/50 server, I was in the pub, hear flies, so I go outside and find a body. I scope it out and see a guy standing in the top of the firehouse across the way. I get under cover and sneak around to approach it under cover. All doors are barbed and baracaded, but with a little luck I get in. What I find is a pile of dead bodies at to bottom of the stairs. As I walk up I find more. 10 in total. I don't hear any movement so I line up a frag grenade throw to the top floor. I didn't see a death so I go up to investigate. He's still standing there so I unload a AKM clip into him, still standing. It turns out he died but glitched out so he didn't fall to the ground. I also found 2 bodies on the roof, and 2 in the nearby supermarket.

Total of 16 recently dead bodies in Cherno, within a 200m radius. If that isn't a sign of a PvP hotspot, I dunno what is.

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Cherno is a newbie monkey house. Those with end-game gear avoid it as apart from the hospitals, there's nothing they really want from there they can't find inland. This means that most people in Cherno have no or poor weaponry and for the most part, leave you alone. They can't fight you or don't want to risk it.

​Stary Sobor or the NW Airfield on the other hand... heheh... That's where all the rough kids hang out. Chances are, you'll never see who killed you if you get caught in the open around there.

Edited by PoisonedAl

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It all depends ..... Chernarus is a big, big map. Sometimes there's people in the cities, sometimes not.

On my current spawn I began standing up on the outskirts of Electro, instantly aggroed a few zeds and had to sprint for my life into the city. Working my way south to north, I got out with better gear, a Mak and an enfield. Only sign of acvivity was a dead body in the market and occasional gunfire.

Previous life to that I met up with three randoms in the centre of Cherno - we stayed friendly - then got sniped five mins later.

That's what's so great about DayZ - you never, ever know what's going to happen, or where that bullet with your name on is going to come from.

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This is why I have been destroying any weapons I can't carry. When I find a guy with, let's say, an AS50 and FN FAl, all by himself, sprinting through fields 500M from elektro he's either got hacked stuff, or he doesn't deserve that equipment. I'll kill him, take what I can and destroy the guns that I can't. If the game isn't able to limit the amount of top-end weapons out there, I'll do my part.

Who are you, to be judge jury and executioner because someone is running towards elektro with a nice rifle? maybe they are meeting up with a newb friend or squad member that died? maybe they are in dire need of resupply and elektro just happened to be there? Maybe he's doing the same thing as you and lying in wait for someone else with nice gear to run through a field?

More importantly, if people with nice gear aren't allowed near the coastal towns? what are you doing there?

If you just want to murder people, then say so... don't come at us with this holier than thou crap like you are some kind of paladin for newbs.

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Last time I was in Cherno it was on fire and at night, and people were shooting everywhere... I was a fairly recent spawn so I had nothing to lose and I ran around quite a bit before I heard gunshots and fell. There were lots of zombies around so I could have died to friendly fire just as easily as someone doing it on purpose.

It was really quite beautiful at night all lit up by fire. Drat my SnagIt program not working for me with this game... I would have loved to have gotten some screenshots!

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I've never been killed by a player in Cherno. One of the first times I went there it was on a fairly well populated server. All the loot was gone and I saw a few people running around like crazy (I was as well). Since then I've played on lower pop servers and everytime I respawn I hit up Cherno and I come out with almost all the equipment I'd need and don't see a soul. Only this most recent life I stuck around longer and witnessed some PvP action. Saw a guy 200 something meters away with some gear (wasn't unarmed) so I tried killing him, we traded shots but neither of us could kill each other. He ran away and was killed by a sniper near by shortly after. During my time there I heard a lot of shots so maybe it was a lot of player killing but I couldn't be sure. I did see a guy in a Ghillie and I wanted to kill him for his gear but he disappeared.

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I can't go into Cherno, the massive amount of artifacting literally takes up my screen. Makes anything but running near impossible lol.

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