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So, when do you shoot?

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I was wondering when the majority of SURVIVORS (not you bean bandits) shoot at other players, and how that will change when the un-bandit update is released.

Personally, I always shoot in self-defense or if someone spooks me. I also shoot bandits in cities. Outside of that, I try to avoid most people unless I really need supplies for some reason.

If someone notices me first and asks if I'm friendly, I reply with "yes" and try to get away from that person ASAP, usually because he has just announced my location in Side Chat.

Oh I forgot to mention: this will not change when the un-bandit update happens. I'll still follow gunshots in cities and shoot people if I think they're shooting at other players. I don't/won't do this because I want to be a "good guy;" I do it because it's an easy way to get loot without being a d-bag.

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i allways keep it to self defense... if someone is pointing there gun at me for far to long or they dont answer my "friendly" call to them when they get to close!!

i shoot bandits as soon as i see / spot them.. they deserve it!

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I never see anybody, so I only shoot when indoors and someone runs into me. If I see them outdoors, then I just leave the area, or wait for them to go + a few minutes if I need to go there. I never tell anyone I can see them, though.

I completely disagree with the "They didn't say they were friendly as I scoped them from 600m while prone in the trees, so I felt threatened" approach. People spend so much time saying "are you friendly" that people work out their position, and they could just move on instead, as the person is no threat to them.

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I've not yet shot a survivor, but i've shot several bandits. Sometimes I will find a good vantage point in a city and shoot bandits down with my CZ. I actually saved a survivor about to be ambushed by a bandit yesterday by plugging the later with rounds as he was going to shoot the head off the poor noob scavenging Cherno's hospital roof.

So yeah, save survivors, hunt bandits pretty much.

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Some poor chap wondered into me and my bro in the woods...random encounter. He didn't see me but I watched him scope up on my bro so I had to kill him. I tend to leave others alone but I've been burned too many times so and direct contact will result in someone being killed.

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The second I put my crosshairs on your head is when I shoot. I trust no one but those who join my group or already part of it. http://walgaming.net

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When someone aims their weapon at me.. I don't care that "aim" is "look" for most people, if you don't want to present yourself as a threat there are other ways to look.

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I shoot if someone is between me and my destination. If they are coming out of a barn and are nowhere near me, chances are I'll bypass them and keep heading towards my goal. I'll shoot if I have no food, water, and about to die and have no other way to survive. There is no telling if the person you approach is a bandit or survivor, trust NOONE. Kill only when absolutely necessary. The only people I trust are those on my VoiP.

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I was wondering when the majority of SURVIVORS (not you bean bandits) shoot at other players' date=' and how that will change when the un-bandit update is released.

Personally, I always shoot in self-defense or if someone spooks me. I also shoot bandits in cities. Outside of that, I try to avoid most people unless I really need supplies for some reason.

If someone notices me first and asks if I'm friendly, I reply with "yes" and try to get away from that person ASAP, usually because he has just announced my location in Side Chat.

Oh I forgot to mention: this will not change when the un-bandit update happens. I'll still follow gunshots in cities and shoot people if I think they're shooting at other players. I don't/won't do this because I want to be a "good guy;" I do it because it's an easy way to get loot without being a d-bag.


Shoot on sight on high traffic areas. I will shoot if aiming at me or any of my friends, or if I think you are a threat. Sometimes we anounce where we are at to allow them to leave if they want to avoid trouble, but this depends on the situation. Many bandits have a death wish.

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I don't shoot unless fired upon. That's always been my thing. If I hear gunshots or flares, I ask the chat. If I don't get a response, I stay away. If I spot someone, even if they say they are friendly, I go prone and try to crawl out of there. I don't need them following me or anything. I've grown more wary of people on the servers.

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Played the game for a long while, didn´t shoot at another survivor once. I keep muzzle discipline, communicate, and if I don´t trust someone, I don´t even show myself.

If someone surprises me, though, I´m not gonna take any chances, no matter who you are.

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Here's how I operate:

1. Always keep an eye on the chat for FoF inqueries, especially when in towns.

2. If suprised (suddenly spot a player within around 50 meters), immediately assume hostile and open fire.

3. If you spot another player first, acquire FoF. If no response is given and you remain unseen, attempt to sneak away. If you are seen, take hard cover and assume hostile.

4. If player who has spotted you starts advancing on you, give final warning. If there is no response and the player keeps advancing, assume hostile and/or foreign. Take hard cover and open fire.

4. If FoF is acquired, let the other player approach you. Do not approach the other player as he might be trying to lure you into an ambush. Be especially wary of players with clantags, mostly bandits form clans.

The important thing is not to take unneccessary risks, but still give other player a chance. And in case it wasn't obvious, if someone opens fire on you, hit the deck and return fire.

And if for some reason you don't know what terms "FoF" or "hard cover" mean, shame on you.

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It depends. If I'm feeling nice I probably won't shoot you. However, if I want to be an arse or get some juicy loot [food/ammo] then I'll slowly maneuver towards you and end your miserable life.

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