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=ANz= Zentile

Looking for offers for my L85

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I'll kick it off with a can of beans

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An m4a1 cco sd for a few seconds, and then a nice AS50 round to the skull

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yeah ive had mine for awhile now but yeah ive seen alot of people with them lately and tbh it is shitty if your solo'ing but awsome in a group

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i left my one and only l85 i ever found in someones tent. Took their dmr and steak so it only semed fair.

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as i said in a group it can be amazing (or if you have a good secondary) but if its your main and your solo'ing your gona have to kill shit in 3rd person but its awsome gun all round

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I don't see why people hate It lol. I love it and I use it as my primary. (Obtained from a helicrash so it is legit XD)

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3-4? i'll give you as many mags as you give me. teamspeak or ventrilo are way better than skype hey..

Edited by Haplo

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The thermal spotting is great. But that thing can't hit for shit, it's ridiculous.

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