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Clothing sets as rewards for past feats

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How about if the actions you take in a given life allow you to select a related skin type when you respawn? Just off the top of my head, I'd say that meeting the conditions for the skin would allow you to pick that skin the next three times you respawn, after which you'd have to meet the criteria again. Some examples:

Bandit Skin: Kill 10 players in one life or reach a low humanity threshold.

Hero Skin: Kill 2 bandits in one life or reach a high humanity threshold.

Zombie Hunter Skin: Kill 150 zombies in one life.

Medic Skin: Perform 10 medical procedures (bandage, transfusion, Epipen, etc.) on other players in one life.

Rugged Survivor Skin: Regain perfect health after surviving a serious ailment (hypothermia, fracture, <3000 blood, infection) 3 times in one life.

Hunter Skin: Gut 15 animals and cook 30 pieces of meat in one life.

Driver Skin: Drive more than 50km in one life.

Mechanic Skin: Perform 10 or more maintenance operations (repair/refuel) on vehicles in one life.

Helicopter Pilot Skin: Fly a helicopter for 30 minutes or more in one life.

The list could go on and on, of course, and the numbers are straight off the top of my head, but the idea is that a player's appearance would offer a hint as to their style of play. Totally optional, of course. When you respawn, you'll get the usual Male/Female choices, but if you meet any of the skins' requirements, you'll also see "Bandit" or "Medic" or "Hunter" on the list. You still spawn at the coast with normal starting gear.

The key element here is that there can be no bluffing, since you can't wear a skin without earning it (Camo/Ghillie excepted, obviously). A guy who looks like a survivor could be anything, but a guy who looks like a bandit has to have had a blood-soaked run in the recent past.

Edited by Beez
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I'd rather have different clothing types as spawns in the game instead of them magically appearing because I did X.

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sounds cool, especially since its limited to the next three spawns..

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Oh so mean clothing like... Hats? :trollface:

Lol,but this idea seems like a good one,maybe more bandit kills before the hero skin is received,or vice versa.

But still,looks can be deceiving :P

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I really like this idea.

Additionally a player could unlock small token items that persist indefinitley (though are still optional) such as aviators after piloting a helicopter, a scout hat after gaining a headshot at x range. Maybe after a while a player may be able to build an entire outfit unique to themselves composed of many of these small items of clothing.

A mankini for swimming the length of the coast, naturally

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i think i remember rocket saying he wants the skin's to be collectable around the map?

or some kid said that. not sure.

but yeah i like the idea.

Edited by CaptainBingo

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Or, we can just edit what we already have:

Hero skin = angels with wings and halos

Regular survivor = same

"Bandit" skin = huge dong that squirts every few minutes

(haha joke)

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This is a very good idea for the mod. But in the stand alone i would much rather everyone start with the same thing and aquire differnt cloths as they get geared.

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I don't like this idea at all. This game is about survival and not 'what do I need to do to get this cool outfit'. If anything your clothes should be fully customizable and 'special' looks only found ingame as 'loot'.

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this game is nit about unlocking cool outfits for doing different things in real life you find the cloths you want and you wear them not unlock them

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